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Victory Road - Info and Sign-Up

zenrdy":2blkpiut said:
Oh Ok wumpi, And will there be double team battling? You know like in Ruby and Sapphire.

Possibly. There might even be some bigger battles where everyone is involved. This is story-based, not battle-based, so there might be all sorts of crazy things that happen.

Wumpi's right, but note that Pokémon that aren't native to Alett still exist- if you for some reason have a starter that isn't native to Alett, there'd have to be a reason why.

Onto the important stuff, we have seven sign-ups:

  • Glen Moore - Cyndaquil (Wumpi)
  • Lucian Pike - Spearow (Yggdrasil)
  • Rupert Federhorn - Teddiursa (Holly)
  • Zack Han - Bulbasaur (Zenrdy)
  • Hilberd Robinson - Mawile (tCoFA)
  • Sketch Jones - Bulbasaur (J.D. Slasha)
  • Sebastian Tomohide - Snorunt (Seijin)

I don't want to cut people, but I think that a core group of 3 or 4 trainers, 5 max, would be a lot more suitable to this sort of thing. Anyone unsure of their reliability/activity and might want to opt to be a recurring character rather than a member of the main quest?

Additionally, J.D. and Zenrdy both have bulbasaurs. There's really nothing wrong with that, but it's just something to be aware of before we start and take it into consideration, especially if both of you are going to be in the main party.
The Cry of Fallen Angels":3qvvp7yb said:
Hm, little question I assume the moves are going to be based on what they learn by level up and such, but how about leveling (I'd hate a numerical system myself) and TM's? Breeding moves?

They would have to learn the right moves in order. A sandshrew shouldn't be using Slash (level 31) before he's had the chance to learn Fury Swipes (19). For the atual how they learn moves and level up, there's no reason for specific numbers, in the real world it doesn't make much sense. If anything, there may be a device that measures a pokémon approximate "level" based on its physical condition, although really I don't think anything like that would come into question.

For the most part, approach it however you think this sort of thing would happen in reality.
So, we would have to know how a charmander lvl's up? Well, Let me break out the ole' Pokemon Book. And will they lvl up like in the game? For example everyone's pokemon starts at lvl 5. So if I beat 4 Hoot Hoot's then I would lvl up, Right?



Try reading the post above yours, cupcake.

there's no reason for specific numbers, in the real world it doesn't make much sense. If anything, there may be a device that measures a pokémon approximate "level" based on its physical condition, although really I don't think anything like that would come into question.

You ain't levelling up.



This is something Evvie'll have to confirm but I'm pretty sure 'random' isn't the word, cupcake. You're not going to go HAY COOL MY POKEMON DID EVOLVE HURR HURR.


I'm pretty sure evolution'll have to be run past evvie first at the very least, that's if he doesn't decide on when pokemon evolve himself. The obvious exception would be tradevolutions, which you'd need to trade away a pokemon to have happen, and stonevolutions (though you'd probably have to run actually having the stone by evvie).
I will be controlling all NPCs, wild pokémon encounters, etc. In some cases, I will determine "gameplay" elements, such as when a battle is over, who has won, if a pokémon is caught, if it evolves, etc. However, most of this should be able to grow logically from your own prose, as collaborative writers of a work of fiction. If it isn't clear in the beginning, just ask in this topic as time goes on, and things will begin to feel more natural.

I will likely be making short posts here and there to keep things going. For example, I might make a post as simple as "Wild Shroomish appears", which implies that it has appeared and can/should be caught. I might also make posts as long and detailed as a full turn or two of a battle with a gym leader.

Catching pokémon shouldn't be something that seems forced or awkward. Because of that, you'll likely be able to determine amongst yourselves who catches what, and when. Use the guide that is posted in the above links to know what pokémon show up and where. Don't abuse this freedom of catching, keep your teams believable and varied. If I have to interfere, I will. Additionally, non-regional pokémon, stray pokémon, trading, etc, I will occasionally throw at you, so you won't be as limited, and it would keep things rolling faster.

Professor Willow - Professor of the Alett Region, he lives in Shell Village. His area of specialty is in pokémon lore and history. Unlike Oak, Elm, Birch and Rowan, Willow is less of a biologist and more of a historian/archaeologist.
Cliff - First Gym Leader of Felice Town, he specializes in rock-type pokémon and rewards the granitebadge.
Mackenzie - Second Gym Leader of Quartz City, she specializes in grass-type pokémon and rewards the seedbadge.
Rufus - Third Gym Leader of Sterling City, he specializes in fighting-type pokémon and rewards the brickbadge.
Daphne - Fourth Gym Leader of Kneeton, she specializes in bug-type pokémon and rewards the colonybadge.
Roy - Fifth Gym Leader of Star Coast City, he specializes in normal-type pokémon and rewards the vanillabadge.
Alejandro - Sixth Gym Leader of Grove Ridge, he specializes in ghost-type pokémon and rewards the shadebadge.
Vegas - Seventh Gym Leader of Rastpeak, he specializes in steel-type pokémon and rewards the forgebadge.
Avery - Eight Gym Leader of Personnet, he specializes in flying-type pokémon and rewards the cloudbadge.
Volkner - Elite Four member specializing in the electric-type. He would later resign and move to become a gym leader in Sinnoh.
Archibald - Elite Four member specializing in the water-type. He would later move to Hoenn...
Maxwell - Elite Four member specializing in the fire-type. He would later move to Hoenn...
Jade - Elite Four member specializing in the dark-type.
Despain - League Champion, favors the poison-type.

-looks at Volkner and others- Does this mean that this takes place before the events of the official games?
Despain - League Champion, favors the poison-type.

Love it. Will there be a seperate thread for this (from the above I assumed so) and when will it officially start?
I don't know if I can still join, but if I can...

Age:: 17
Gender: Male
Starter: Natu
Appearance: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mtr037.png[/img]
Short Biography:(Note: No one knows this.)
He was born into a family that was under the employment of Team Rocket. He realized that he extremely disliked the way that the pokemon were being treated, and ran away when he was seven. He went to work for a Pokecenter and realized that he was really good at healing pokemon, and became kind of a travelling nurse, not really under the employment of any particular pokecenter, just going to the one's that needed his help. Eventually though, he quit, wanting to find out more about pokemon. He isn't really that concerned with becoming a pokemon master, but he does realize that the only way he could find out everything about pokemon would be to challenge the gym leaders and face the Elite Four.

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