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Are we allowed to skip to any gym? I mean, Could I skip the first and go directly to the second. If I wouldn't be able I'd be screwed against rock pokemon.
zenrdy":1rua00ax said:
Are we allowed to skip to any gym? I mean, Could I skip the first and go directly to the second. If I wouldn't be able I'd be screwed against rock pokemon.

If you skip a gym, you'll get your ass annihilated in the next one.

1. There are no ghastlys or haunters in Alett.

2. EDIT: It's been a twenty minute walk, says Wumpi, so it's still bright. Why camp out?
Zenrdy, calm down and pace yourself. Work on your grammar, structure, flow, and pay attention to other peoples' posts. This isn't just about you, despite whatever you're trying to do. Your posts are horrible and frankly are making this unpleasant for everybody else.

Put the time and effort into these that everyone else is doing. I don't want to have to kill you off.
zenrdy":1dk67ovc said:
Zack starred at charmander, "How...How..It seemed so strong" he thought "Charmander get up! get up". But it stayed there, Zack took the loss well and yelled "Congratulations! You deserve it". Reaching onto his belt he took out his pokeball and returned charmander to his domain. He journeyed forwards and glared back " I think I need some more pokemon,no?". With that said he jolted forward hoping that there was a poke center up ahead.

You starred it?
And it deserved to lose? Thats not very nice...
You "journeyed" forward? Like 2 feet?
I knew ygg beat me. Hell he's better then me. Journeyed could mean anything, Its just another synonym for walked.

edit: oh yeah stared, Starred is a crystal figure sorry.
#  The act of traveling from one place to another; a trip.
# A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip

Thats Journeyed.
And why did you say Charmander deserved its loss?
Read over your post before Despain gives you surprise buttsecks.
And again, the second word is misspelled.
Charmander it self is pretty weak. A Spearow that knows leer already is either lvl 5 or above. And I'm guessing that my charmander's pretty weak, So a spearow that is lvl 7 should beat me pretty well. Now, if we are using current move list then the sprearow would be a same level. Still,  Ygg beat me fair and square. And let me change journeyed, since its such a big deal.
Wumpi":u613e0p6 said:
Glen watched the battle come to a close with very little interest. It was much more interesting to watch her brothers having thier pokemon spar against each other.

The charmander wasn't very impressive. Her oldest brother had given charmanders a lot of praise for being so easy to raise bespite its strength. Obviously this one was a deviation from the norm, her brother being incorrect about something was impossible.

On the bright side, that was one less loser following her.

"Congratulations." She said, hardly sounding like she meant it as she walked around the two trainers. "Now if you don't mind I want to at least make some progress before it gets dark."

According to wumpi I lost, So unless you want my charmander to revive and go rambo then I say you won. I of course wanted to win still, every trainer starts somewhere. And yea according to d/p Spearow does learn that but, wumpi said we were in the past of r/b/g/y. So spearow would learn it at 9.

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