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Victory Road - Info and Sign-Up

<img src="http://bb.xieke.com/files/_oak1.png" align="left" />
Hello there! Welcome to the world of pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the pokémon Professor!
This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some people, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights.
Myself...I study pokémon as a profession...

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The Victory Road
Pokémon Trainer Adventure

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To the east lies the open sea...to the west, a lake shrouded by mountains. A grassy land, with forests, rivers, and caves lies in between. Towering high, stoicly watching over the region, are the twin peaks, Brother and Sister Mountain. The Digitree Swamp brings life and death together with nature. The Blue Moon cave is fabled to be connection to the heavens. The icy Coral Caverns remain largely an unexplored mystery. Amidst all of this, Pokémon trainers travel and compete to challenge the grand Magnegenta Pokémon League. This... this is Alett.


You are a new pokémon trainer. You set out on your journey from Shell Village with your first pokémon. Your eyes are bright, and you look to the future full of optimism and confidence. Other trainers and gym leaders line the path before you, with the Pokémon League at the end of the long road. And along the way are all sorts of pokémon! There will be many trials ahead, but you are determined to become a pokémon master. But first... let me know a little details about yourself.

<blockquote><img src="http://bb.xieke.com/files/_red.png" align="left" />
Age: (young, early teens)
Starter: (keep it reasonable)
Hometown: (if not Shell Village)
Appearance: (pick one or make one)
Short biography:

Three or four main participants, five max. If more people are interested, you can sign up as additional trainers that the main group will encounter along the way and partake in cameo roles for trainer battles.

I will not be participating as a trainer. Instead, I will play the role of "dungeon master", so to speak. I will be writing the parts for all NPC trainers, Gym Leaders, the elite four, etc. When you guys enter a new route or city, I'll give you a brief description of the area and what wild pokémon are native to the area. For the most part, the writing and general story will be created by you guys and your characters- I'm here to push it in the right direction and keep it on track. I have much of the region planned out already, I was going to make a fangame using this region, and felt that I might as well re-use it. There are no fakemon, though Alett has a regional dex of 150 specific pokémon that are native to the region. This page was made as a reference for my own use, and the regional dex might be useful- the green box to the right can be ignored as it was designed for the single-player RPG and won't factor into this.

Happy training! Sign-ups are open. As usual, Wumpi and myself will be accepting/declining, although I doubt there will be much of a problem this time around, as your teams will be shaped by the narrative and you will not be defining them beforehand.

This is not Season Two of the Pro circuit, although it will serve as a spiritual sequel in many ways. It is possible that I will run Season Two on my Hive forum, but I'd let you guys know when and if that happens.

If you have any questions, just go ahead and as in this topic.
*I didn't make that frankensprite tutorial- I googled it.                                                     



Name: Glen Moore
Age: 12, still immature enough to add 'and eight months' when asked.
Gender: Female, regardless of what the name might suggest.
Starter: Cyndaquil
Hometown: Shell Village
Appearance: http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p251 ... nerf-1.gif[/img]
Short biography: The youngest of four children, Glen was raised in a family of serious competitive trainers and feels she has a lot to live up to. All three of her older brothers have already proven themselves excellent trainers and she feels, since her oldest brother set off on his tenth birthday and she's twelve, that she's already behind. She is impatient and desperate to become stronger, determined to prove herself the equal of her older brothers. She is already very close to her cyndaquil, the child of her oldest brother's typhlosion and a gift from him, but refuses to let this closeness make her give it any breaks when training it.
Name: Lucian Pike
Age: 13, almost 14
Gender: Male, of course.
Starter: Spearow
Hometown: I guess I'll keep it simple with Shell Village
Appearance: http://pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frl ... mtr055.png[/img]

Short Biography: Lucian Pike is the oldest of three children, but his younger sister (12) and brother (11) had already begun their Pokemon journey. He had always wanted to set off himself, but his mother always considered him special and "too soft" to adventure by himself until he was much older. Finally, when he was about to turn fourteen, he convinced his parent to allow him to leave at last.

He began his quest fairly cluelessly - he walked straight out of town with no plan whatsoever - and ran straight into a Spearow. He tried to escape from the small Pokemon's attacks, but it was relentless in its pursuit. When he thought he wouldn't be able to take anymore a blue-white sphere flew through the air into his attacker, sealing it inside. His savior, a trainer who refused to reveal his name, granted him the captured Spearow and taught him a small bit about adventuring with Pokemon, such as how to battle, capture, and use items on them. Now more knowledgeable, Lucian was ready to truly begin his adventure.

Becuase of his short height, Lucian is often mistaken for younger than he actually is.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/ ... Rupert.gif[/img]
Name: Rupert Federhorn
Gender: (very) Male
Age: 17
Hometown: Star Coast
Starter: Teddiursa
Bio: Born into a family of wealthy sailors, Rupert had his life set. Operating off the coast of Star, Rupert was given an easy job as a captain on a late-night cargo ferry transporting Apricorns between the island and port cities. He readily took the job, only to realise that it was awfully boring after only a few days. He spent months waiting for a new position to appear higher in the ranks, but whenever they did, they were filled by less experienced men. Instead of considering the possibility that he wasn't a particularly good sailor, he thought long and hard about what these other sailors had that he didn't. Was it charisma? No. Was it muscle? No. Was it a rugged beard? Definetly not. Through a (probably flawed) process of elimination, he concluded that all the other men had pokemon. "I should get a pokemon. A manly, burly pokemon to out-muscle those pansies!"
    One morning, Rupert set out to the Kanto region to get himself a pokemon. On his arrival at Saffron train station, he met a strange girl in a Wooper hat fumbling with more pokeballs than she could manage. Rupert offered her an apparently substantial, yet undisclosed price for "the manliest pokemon she had". Teddiursa, nicknamed "Teddy" was not exactly what he expected, but Rupert assured himself that Bears had an inherent air of burliness and that it would be more than enough to get by. Except he was wrong. Rupert and Teddy lost battle after battle in quick succession.
    Rupert refused to call it quits, and sought the help of the nearest pokemon professor he could find. [The Professor] advised Rupert that he should take on a real league challenge and train Teddy properly on the way. Rupert packed in his job, gathered his assets and set off from Shell. Later than most others, but just as determined.

((btw, what's the prof's name?))
    Name: Zack Han
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Starter: Charmander
    Hometown: Quartz City
    Short biography: Born in quartz city, Zack was born into a family of pokemon breeders. Although they encouraged Zack towards the direction of also breaking into the business of breeding, That is not what Zack wanted. He was determined to head to the pokemon league and battle their champion.On Zack's fourteenth birthday he gained a Charmander and the next day he headed out to take over Alett one gym at a time. Zack's charmander is not very responsive to him, Abandoned at a pokemon center, His charmander has trust issues. Though Zack's unsuccessful attempts at getting closer to his charmander, He knows that without friendship he will never gain the title of league champion.
Name: Hilberd Robinson
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Starter: Mawile
Hometown:Shell Village
Appearance: http://pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dptr/dptr186.png[/img] Might make a sprite myself later, but meh it works.

Short Biography: Hilberd, like his mother and siblings, traveled with his father to the Alett region. Henrick Robinson, Hilberd's father, is a herdsman, in Johto however, Mareep's wool is not uncommon and Henrick couldn't cope with the competition on the market. After eventually admitting his defeat, he sold the house and land he once owned, and bought a piece of ground in Alett. Convinced that in this region he would be able to become rich.
Hilberd had always been fascinated by his father's pokémon, the Mareep, Hector, the sheepdog (Growlithe) and Elysa, the Rapidash that his sister owned. This fascination grew when he moved to Alett, and met Proffesor -name- that handed out pokémon to young trainers that were to beging their journey. Hilberd wanted it, he wanted to travel the land with a pokémon by his side.
Though only eleven years old, Hilberd has a large sense of responsibility, don't let it fool you though, he's definately still a child. He is rather impatient, enthousiastic and is a bit shy to strangers.



Mareep and Shinx are not in the Alett regionaldex. I'm not sure what Evvie's policy on out of region starters is going to be but ya'll may want to change them in case :)

Check the regiondex here: http://ca.rhinocap.net/alett.html

Zenzen could you put your bulby in the starter section? I skimmed and the blank starter section threw me off totally.
Name: Samuel "Sketch" Jones
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Starter: Bulbasaur
Hometown: Originally Goldenrod City, Recently moved to Felice Town
http://pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frl ... mtr020.png[/img]
Samuel, or "Sketch" as he likes to be called is the little brother of unpredictable trainer, Skye Jones. His brother having won fame in the Johto and Sinnoh regions had traveled to the Kanto region to tackle the original Indigo League. Meanwhile, Sketch and the rest of the family had recently moved to the Alett region. Unlike his older brother, Sketch had no particular interest in Pokemon Training, instead opting to favor Bug catching. When his older brother Skye dropped out of the Pokemon Pro Circuit, Sketch took it upon himself to restore honor to the family name (even though, ironically, nobody looked down upon Skye for dropping out) At the age of fourteen, he's a bit on the older side to begin a journey, but with full confidence in his family name decides to do so. Like his older brother, Sketch is a bit unpredictable, but unlike his brother, he lacks the composure and luck that he possesses. Having recieved his Bulbasaur from Skye himself, Sketch decides to prove himself an equal if not better trainer than his older brother. Will Sketch become the great trainer he dreams to be? Or will he always remain in his older brother's shadow?

http://img31.picoodle.com/img/img31/4/3 ... 665ce7.png[/img]



Name: Sebastian Tomohide

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Starter: Snorunt

Hometown: Rosard Town 


Short biography: Born into a family of Kendo practitioners, Sebastian grew up with the idea of taking care of the Dojo once his father thought he was ready. Sebastian's mind changed the moment he met his trusted partner Snorunt at the age of 15. For one year Snorunt and Sebastian had been training together until they were ready, or at least until Sebastian had stopped being nervous about setting out. Now 16, Sebastian is determined to head out, win gym badges on his way to the pokemon league in Magnegenta island and nothing will stop him from getting there. 

(Hopefully I'm not too late to sign up for this.)



Seisei, cupcake, drop the sword. I'd say something about carrying a weapon around in public attracting undue police attention but I really shouldn't need to go into detail. You can say you've trained at japfencing if you like, sure, but don't go carrying a sword around in public.

And if you were planning to use it as a weapon then...




The final decision's up to evvie, of course, but I'd guess if you even hinted that you were going to use a weapon on your opponent or thier pokemon you'd be in a lot of trouble.

(Nevermind that most pokemon don't take long evolve into things that can snap anyone threatening thier trainer like a twig, meaning that using it to intimidate is needlessly risky)



Uhm, well that was the only one I could find that had a sword, I meant to display it as a fake kendo sword, but well if you want me to change the sprite then I will. Simple as that.
Well, without the sword, your guy would look kinda gay...
Like he was going to the beach or something.

I seriously doubt he has anything menacing planned with the sword.



I changed the sprite. I'll use the psychic trainer appearance then. I'll keep the kendo as part of the bio though, if that is fine.
Wait, I have a question
Despain":xy0m6q7q said:
As usual, Wumpi and myself will be accepting/declining, although I doubt there will be much of a problem this time around, as your teams will be shaped by the narrative and you will not be defining them beforehand.
So we will be paired into teams? If so then great.

Thank you for viewing

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