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Vampyr SBABS 12

Anychance to make the actual lettering white colored with a black border and move the skill numbers up a bit to match the rest? looks good though. Could ammo be replaced with Action?

Got this script to work with Khai's Item Find script. Also fixed the problem with the skill displaying. I just removed a portion of the scene reward code that displays them. Since in my game skills are bought from a store that part doesn't need to be included.
Hahaha. You know I don't only do art assests. You should look at the 2 script edits I posted. I think the sheild with decaying damage might intrest you. BTW if you want anything in the ABS just post and I'll add it in becuase i think Crissaegrim abandoned this so i'll offer any help you need.  :lol:

As for the new HUD I got on the forums late to day. (Doing Netplay work) so I'll try working on your HUD tomorrow. I'll just make a brand new style for you if you want. See ya later.

Hey man. I got someone to modify the HUD graphic so you don't need to worry about it. There is one thing I would like to add somehow to the game is to modify the gameover portion so that there could be times of programmed actor death. Basically I was thinking of adding a comment such as "PLAY DEATH 1", which on actor death would trigger switch 1, and not trigger the gameover screen. I think to do so I would need to add an if statement to the area of the code that triggers the "gameover" portion. Is that how I would do it? Also I would love to have a method where the second actor acts as a back up to buff and heal the main character.



Selacius":5kvppw54 said:
Seems we can't have Die Erase and a Die Switch in the same event.

Umm.. that would be stupid thingy o0"

Hey, Can someone fix somethin'?
Monsters can't use distance skills, and this is annoying, that monsters only can hit you.
oh, and something to use "On All" skills. This will be very helpfull.
(Geez. MOG Animated Titlescreen not works with this ABS. Error apears when i select New game. Other Custom Title screens works.)
Ehh... Long weekend man. Anyway I got to tell ya, I realy do love this script and It has to be one of my personal favorits. Now then as for the enemies being able to use long range skills, this is already programed into the game. Make sure your seting your skills TO long range in the ABS protion of the the script so that the game reads it right. Other wise the skill won't be read by the ABS and will on be considerd a melee skill if any thing at all.

As for the "On all" skill, I'll look into it. I'm quite new to ruby (Although this is something I want to do) And I'v just started my 2ed High school class on Video game Design so were not quite learning ruby yet =/. Becuse of this and becuse I'm not to familier with the XP extensions and code I'll have to look around to find out how the "All Enemies" is regesterd. I'll look into it a bit but I'm finishing up my own game = (.

As for adding states, you can add them to your caracter BUT you can't add them to enemies. This has been bugging a lot of people but ofcorse no one fells like looking into it... I'll look into this to, but as I said I have to do my own game along with homework.

RIGHT ON! I like the new style for the HUD! BTW have you ever considerd making a script to make a 3rd bar that maybe displays something like EXP? if you don't fell like doing it I will =D! It won't be that hard and I think it would be a cool addon!
Hey NEcro, any chance u got to look at the things I want to add into the script. For the programmed player death portion, I know wat i want to do and how to go about doing it. I am just unsure how I can transfer variable information from one class definition to another. AKA I have a new switch called die_switch which gets checked with the other scripts. But we don't actually look at it to see if it the variable is >0 until the character class with the "gameover" line of script. Any ideas?
Hmmmm I'll look into it. Sorry I didn't work on it sooner =D!

Hmmm a death thingy... Like a minimovie? I can make a script that when you die teleports you to a map so you can display like a death sceen or something. But that would be to easy wouldn't it lol. Specify what you want and I can do it for ya. But if you want what I just stated I could get that for you tonight =D!

As for the script of the now I just made my EXP bar script!

This script IS NOT JUST PLUG AND PLAY but isn't that hard to make it work =D! Heres the script...

Necro_100000's HUD edit version 1.2
# Necro_100000 HUD Version 1.2
# All I did was edit
#This code edit simply edits the bars and adds a new one that alowes you to
#Display EXP in real time on the HUD display. IS NOT PLUG AND PLAY and dose
#Take some player edits!
#Read the green code to find out what you have to edit.
module Crissaegrim_Hud
Background = "HUD-Background" # Imagem de fundo da hud

HP_Bar = "HP-Bar" # Imagem da barra de HP

MP_Bar = "MP-Bar" # Imagem da barra de MP

EXTRA_Bar = "Extra-Bar" #(Necro_100000) Set this to the bar you wish to use for
                        #the EXP display! This bar has to be moved...

Base = "Bars-Base" # Imagm do fundo das barras

OnOff_Hud_Switch = 1 # Switch que ativa / desativa a HUD

Show_Hide_Button = Input::Tab # Tecla que mostra / esconde a HUD

class Window_CrissaegrimHud < Window_Base
  def initialize
    self.opacity = 0
  def update
    @actor = $game_party.members[0]
    self.contents.font.size = 16
    skill_count = 0
    if Crissaegrim_ABS::Skill_Button[@actor.id] != nil
      for button in Crissaegrim_ABS::Skill_Button[@actor.id].keys
        next if button == nil
        x = 432
        skill = $data_skills[Crissaegrim_ABS::Skill_Button[@actor.id][button]]
        next if skill == nil
        show_icon(skill, (29 * skill_count) + x, 0)
        skill_count += 1
    item_count = 0
    for btn in Crissaegrim_ABS::Item_Button.keys
      next if btn == nil
      item = $data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Item_Button[btn]]
      next if item == nil
      x = 432
      show_icon(item, (29 * item_count) + x, 356)
      item_count += 1
      self.contents.font.size = 18
      self.contents.font.color = text_color(15)
      self.contents.draw_text((29 * item_count) + x-32, 364, 32, 28, $game_party.item_number(item),1)
      self.contents.font.size = 16
      self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)
      self.contents.draw_text((29 * item_count) + x-32, 365, 32, 28, $game_party.item_number(item),1)
  def refresh
     actor = $game_party.members[0]
    draw_hp(actor, 0, 0)
    draw_mp(actor, 0, 24)
    show_state(actor, 130, 0)
    #EDIT )Necro_100000)
    #Set this to the EXP inflation of your caracter!
    inflation = 50
    basis = 25
    meter = Cache.system(Crissaegrim_Hud::EXTRA_Bar)   
    cw = meter.width * (actor.exp_s - actor.current_lvl_exp) / actor.next_lvl_exp
    ch = meter.height
    src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
    #Edit this to move around the bar into the place that you wish to have it
    #To make the backing for the bar simply add the grafic to your hud.
    #If your using the bars that come with the game then open the HUD in paint or
    #Whatever and simply add the backing onto the HUD.
    self.contents.blt(x+19, y-ch+11, meter, src_rect)
    draw_hp(@actor, 0, 0)
    draw_mp(@actor, 0, 24)
    show_state(@actor, 130, 0)
    if Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons.has_key?(@actor.weapon_id)
      if Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][5] > 0
        show_icon($data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][5]], 0, 356)
        self.contents.font.size = 18
        self.contents.font.color = text_color(15)
        self.contents.draw_text(-3, 364, 24, 28, $game_party.item_number($data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][5]]),1)
        self.contents.font.size = 16
        self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)
        self.contents.draw_text(-2, 365, 24, 28, $game_party.item_number($data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][5]]),1)
      if Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][6] > 0
        show_icon($data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][6]], 44, 356)
        self.contents.font.size = 18
        self.contents.font.color = text_color(15)
        self.contents.draw_text(43, 364, 24, 28, $game_party.item_number($data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][6]]),1)
        self.contents.font.size = 16
        self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)
        self.contents.draw_text(44, 365, 24, 28, $game_party.item_number($data_items[Crissaegrim_ABS::Distance_Weapons[@actor.weapon_id][6]]),1)
  def show_state(actor, x, y)
    count = 0
    for state in actor.states
      draw_icon(state.icon_index, x, y + 24 * count)
      count += 1
      break if (24 * count > 76)
  def show_icon(item, x, y)
    if item != nil
      draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y)
  def draw_hp(actor, x, y)
    back = Cache.system(Crissaegrim_Hud::Base)
    cw = back.width
    ch = back.height
    src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt(x, y-ch+24, back, src_rect)
    meter = Cache.system(Crissaegrim_Hud::HP_Bar)
    cw = meter.width  * actor.hp / actor.maxhp
    ch = meter.height
    src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt(x+5, y-ch+17, meter, src_rect)
  def draw_mp(actor, x, y)
    back = Cache.system(Crissaegrim_Hud::Base)   
    cw = back.width
    ch = back.height
    src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)   
    self.contents.blt(x, y-ch+24, back, src_rect)
    meter = Cache.system(Crissaegrim_Hud::MP_Bar)   
    cw = meter.width  * actor.mp / actor.maxmp
    ch = meter.height
    src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt(x+5, y-ch+17, meter, src_rect)

class Scene_Map
  alias crissaegrim_abs_hud_start start
  alias crissaegrim_abs_hud_update update
  alias crissaegrim_abs_hud_terminate terminate
  def start
    if Crissaegrim_Hud::Background != ""
      @bg = Sprite.new
      @bg.bitmap = Cache.system(Crissaegrim_Hud::Background)
    @hud = Window_CrissaegrimHud.new
    @show = true
  def update
    @bg.update if Crissaegrim_Hud::Background != ""
  def terminate
    @bg.dispose if Crissaegrim_Hud::Background != ""
  def showing_hud
    if Input.trigger?(Crissaegrim_Hud::Show_Hide_Button)
      if @show == true
        @show = false
        @show = true
    if Crissaegrim_Hud::OnOff_Hud_Switch == 0 or $game_switches[Crissaegrim_Hud::OnOff_Hud_Switch] == true
      if @show == true
        @hud.visible = true
        @bg.visible = true if Crissaegrim_Hud::Background != ""
      elsif @show == false
        @hud.visible = false
        @bg.visible = false if Crissaegrim_Hud::Background != ""
       @hud.visible = false
       @bg.visible = false if Crissaegrim_Hud::Background != ""

Simply replace the old HUD script with this one!
Don't forget to add me to the poeple you need to cridet! =D
Hey, so Basically this is wat I have, it is summarized up some.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
@die_switch = check_comment("Play Die")

class Game_Player < Game_Character
    if @die_switch == 0
      $game_temp.next_scene = "gameover" if $game_party.members[0].dead?
      if $game_switches[@die_switch] == false
        $game_switches[@die_switch] = true
      elsif $game_switches[@die_switch] == true
        $game_switches[@die_switch] = false

And in the enemy event I have comment: Play Die x which denotes a switch to trigger. The error I get when I run the game is: "no implicit conversion from nil to integer" on line 20 of the game_switches page. This error directly refers to my attempt to switch the die_switch on/off. So it seems that it is not getting the actual value of the die_switch variable.

What I am trying to do is when the player attacks a boss and dies (player not supposed to win against the boss yet), instead of going to the gameover screen a switch is triggered which then performs a certain action. To determine whether the battle is winnable or not is the presence of the Play Die x comment in the event page.
OHHHH so your trying to make it so that if you die you don't go to the gameover screen. Like the Unwinable battle in a normal game. Hmmm well in an ABS your right It would have to be turned on/off to toggle this. But why don't we do this in the gameover section. Simply say in the gameover section...

module Unbeatable_Game

OnOffDeathSwitch = X (Edit it here inside the script)

(Put this RIGHT above the gameover code...)
if $game_switches[Unbeatable_Game::OnOffDeathSwitch] == false



This will make it so if the switch is TRUE or ON it will skip all of the game over code. Then make a common even that makes it so when your main caracters HP is equal to zero it runs the event you want. SO you declare the switch BEFORE the battle. Don't make an event Commnet.

Hope this helps!
So my Scene_Gameover would be:
# ** Scene_Gameover
#  This class performs game over screen processing.

class Scene_Gameover < Scene_Base
  if $game_switches[Unbeatable_Game::OnOffDeathSwitch] == false
And the rest of it. Then I would have a separate script page with defining what the onoffdeathswitch is?
no like this...

Necro_100000":1n74m2v7 said:
OHHHH so your trying to make it so that if you die you don't go to the gameover screen. Like the Unwinable battle in a normal game. Hmmm well in an ABS your right It would have to be turned on/off to toggle this. But why don't we do this in the gameover section. Simply say in the gameover section...

module Unbeatable_Game

OnOffDeathSwitch = X (Edit it here inside the script)

(Put this RIGHT above the gameover code...)
if $game_switches[Unbeatable_Game::OnOffDeathSwitch] == false



You got the red part down. Now make a moudule and add the green part to it... Basicly copy the part in green and past it above the class screen_gameover

Hope this both helps AND works lol. It should though.
Geting this error:
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass in reference to this line:   
if $game_switches[Unbeatable_Game::OnOffDeathSwitch] == false

I have everything setup properly as you said.

Oh hey, I just looked at your post when you mentioned the different add-ons you put into the game. Could I perchance see the redemption one with the chance ot return to life?
Sure it's a simple common event prosses. It needs a bit more work... But its almost done. I'm just scripting it so that it calls a quick script to display an effect on you. If you give me like 20 minutes I was just working on that one and almost have it 100% done!

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