geox-2.0;214176 said:slightly edited the tileset
http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m118 ... setyf3.png[/IMG]
Credit to Gunga
The Urchin;214451 said:Green Raven: I think you should have used the time to make a diffrent monster than the mushroom seeing as I already made one. I guess it could be a baby version of the mushroom monster? And also when you make something of the like the spots are not perfectlly symetrical and identical.
Gunga: The walls are way to big you should really make them less tall.
Blitzlance;214419 said:I made DEVIL BOT
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x182 ... vilbot.png[/IMG]
don't be scared we won't bite:fire02: