Frizzlefratz":ialce7kx said:
Some screens from my upcoming game.
No the biggest fan of the RTP but it works. May do some edits to give the tilesets a little more stylization.
Lacking personality. I'm personally quite experienced with utilizing RTP, and your stuff is really lacking. RTP's issue is the genericism and conformity of the style, so the way to break it is honestly really simple: go batshit crazy with randomness. (kay not too crazy, but w/e).
In terms of roads for your graveyard, consider this: people don't visit graveyards much. Somple dirt trails right next to grass tends to be a bit disfigured. So, trails like those are uncommon, excpet for fresh graveyards. If this is just a common graveyard, have one or two rooses/flowers on top of a random grave - someone waas new.
You've got more of the idea there in the desert map, but geez, cliffs as straightforward and angled as that are really hard on the eyes, particularly in the excess of space they show to the viewer. Add a random extrusion here or there,particulalry in terms of a different high extruding from on eo fthe sies. Vary it, make it longer at places. Additionally, this might not work depending on yoiur storr/scene, but add some peopel behind that king guy. It's like, that's alot of free space behind him that's being wasted. HAve soldiers marching, particularly iff they have one animation frame different every other soldier so that it looks more different yet still ordered. Not sure if that was worded well. w/e.
And in general add more scrub, flowers, DIFFERENT colored grass (there's like two or tree in the rtp last I checked), which tends to allow for eyes to focus/not focus on certain areas. Vary it up.
Admittedly this is only one style, but whenever I see good maps (quintessence blighted venom comes to mind) they have a LOT of ranodm and variance. He also gives a LOT more recolors, but w/e. This is just my personal preference on how to make rtp outside maps really good.