@anticomotional - You maps are kinda bland. Your plants are in rows you have used almost no variation in the ground and everything is in lines. Try making things less symetrical and play around with the tilesets a bit more.
Other than that your characters sprites look really cool, Did you make them yourself?
@Adonight - Your first screen looks kinda weird to me. The auto tile you have used around the edges stands out and doesnt appear to do anything. The stone path under the grass is over used too. The way it looks is that the grass has grown over the stone ground, only its done is alot in same places and not at all in others... And where it hasnt overgrown, doesnt even form a path like it would from being walked over too much.
And with the other two, are you trying to map a swamp are a forest like area?
The whole maps is green accept for the long grass which doesnt look right, and if it is a swamp the water looks pretty clean.
@xSionx - Those are awesome, and look very well made. Very pokemon looking.
What are you making this game in, is it RPGmaker or something else?
Good luck all.