@American Hero My biggest problems with your maps is that they are far too open. The trees in some of them look unnatural, and that the village is also too open, with hardly anything in them. I swear I remembered that Zelda game had stone walls, with green stuff on top.... I don't think the grass goes too well, with the Zelda trees, to be honest. You might have to either change the tree color, so it don't look too odd or change the grass. Not sure which would be easier, though.
@Amber Dragon Your mapping is good, but I only have a single issue. What's up with all the crazy plant life in the city? You have WAY too much in my opinion, and it is standing out. Plus, it would be really hot and I'm not sure how plants would do in that environment. I think you've filled it up nicely, otherwise. Actually, it's your game, but I don't see people living like this, because it would be a pain the butt to do.