@thios: I like the font too. Too bad you didn't make those graphics yourself. I was going to praise you to the heavens for that lol. Still, I'm wondering, where on zany's website did you get the material for the first and second screenshot? Like, I've checked out zany's tileset stuff before and have never seen those curved pillar things from shot 1, and the big.. THING.. floor from shot 2.
@Kicks: Finish your game already!! (And awesome moving bg.) Last time I played your demo it was glitchy as fuck and no fun at all. :3 Do your graphics worthy! (And you don't want to check out my project topic, if that was @ me.)
@Samot: Thanks. : ) Regarding the rocks, when I was designing the Marionette Factory, I had a very strong image in my mind of rocky piles here and there. No clue why. But I felt I had to add them. There's no logical explanation needed in a dream world anyways. ^^ I forgot to add a carousel though, and a devil statue. Gotta do that later for the entrance hall. Hmm.