@Samot: The house clashes with the rtp graphics you are still using, the upper left houses clashes somehow with the lower right one, the character seems like he is from the Rm2k3... in an rmxp tileset.
And, if you are using Isometric buildings, also work with it in the terrain... nature should never be squar·er than man made buildings
... ... ... and yes, the green tree in front of the left upper house also clashes
@RezydentX: Nice graphics, some objects from the desk could use some more contrast... but thats just me :P
cough*You should have a project topiccough*
The only thing I could dislike about your graphics, is the size of your character. In the bizarre birdeye view all the rpg makers rtp have, tall characters tend to show out more the perspective clash betwen the tileset and the characterset (especially in the sideview graphic) plus you need more frames to make the walking animation(or any animation)look natural
Wait I just read
RezydentX":2oa56dw7 said:
Holly crap! you got to make a project topic!!!