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The Screenshot Thread

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*cough* it's really not the best out there if you loof at the graphics *cough*
You can check my other web site (not the one with the project) I feature french games on it :)
I was thinking of making a trickster game, called Trickster Evolution, with two versions. Moon and Sun. The main char of moon is a lycan and sun is a dragon or red lycan can't decide.
rikuken":ruml6iko said:
I was thinking of making a trickster game, called Trickster Evolution, with two versions. Moon and Sun. The main char of moon is a lycan and sun is a dragon or red lycan can't decide.

Wrong thread?
BrunoTR":dfak6za2 said:
Black Shadow":dfak6za2 said:
THx. I will either remove the flowers, or put them somewhere else.

Mini-Game with healthbar =0
http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l104/ ... rwer-9.png[/img]
There's a mapping error with the flowers on the right.

I think that map could also benefit from a screen tone change and/or a fog, to enhace the mood of that map.
It would help if you said what the error was...
Atemu":3q8b2dx4 said:
...if you have iso template of VX RTP you better be sharing. XD
Sorryp those characters are not made from the VX Rtp

Carybest":3q8b2dx4 said:
I hope those iso games actually have iso movement
Yes they do!

Reives":3q8b2dx4 said:
The fences' designs are a little odd, though. Just seems quite deadly, heheh
That because its going be a horror game XP

Weeeeee new upcoming project!
Luv to work with Iso tiles... the angle is so much softer than the regular rtp
Actingman00":1lwktyrp said:
BrunoTR":1lwktyrp said:
There's a mapping error with the flowers on the right.

I think that map could also benefit from a screen tone change and/or a fog, to enhace the mood of that map.
It would help if you said what the error was...
Well... if you looks it's the grass. See, it's chopped off where the flower is...
BrunoTR":16cfp825 said:
Actingman00":16cfp825 said:
BrunoTR":16cfp825 said:
There's a mapping error with the flowers on the right.

I think that map could also benefit from a screen tone change and/or a fog, to enhace the mood of that map.
It would help if you said what the error was...
Well... if you looks it's the grass. See, it's chopped off where the flower is...
Now I notice it.  I didn't see that the first time I looked at it.
A couple things, first please don't save your image as a jpeg as it distorts the image quality. Second those grey tiles you placed alone on the ground actually belong on top of the pillars to create an alternate look.

Not too bad though.

I want an opinion on my colours. Originally I was just going to use the NES palette, then I went for black and white and finally began tinting certain tiles slightly before colouring them in: However, considering I'm still in the NES style, I was wondering if the more diverse palette looks okay - with particular reference to the shade of the grass:

<img src="http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/1904/screenieby7.png" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/><br/>Shot at 2008-04-17
Just looking for some CC for a Private Project:
http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3483/screencopyfy1.png[/img] I'm using Despain's Recolored RTP, the sprite is a custom Franken sprite/recolor using Gamerage's template.
RomanMelnik- Yeah i suppose they look decent, however to my well trained mapping eyes they scream "Error".

Incognitus- Everything seems to fit pretty well, I'm just not a fan of the colour choices.

Powerdude- Everything looks good, the mapping, the tiles. But I especially like the character, good work!

http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p117 ... review.png[/img]

I've finally made some head way on my cliffs, tell me what you think!
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