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The Screenshot Thread

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craybest":km9el926 said:
nice Erichermit, how does it play? do you have to battle them in order to keep them away?
just finished working on my battlesystem looks, I'm finnaly happy with the result.
Looks good, although the map is a little bare sorry.
mmm well it's a battlemap, I guessed it wouldn't look to good with more stuff, maybe I could add some random objects near the top or bottom (I can't add stuff in the middle because that's where they fight)
@shifter, Yeah, the reason the water is sparkling is because it is holy. I plan on making it stop turn to a smaller sparkle or no sparkle at all if enough of The Putrefaction get inside it (and then after that, you are forced to leave and fail the minigame.)

@craybest, I supposed to map does look a bit bare, but I'm inclined to be bit lax on it due to it being a battle scene and all. I think more small plants in the southwest area would be good to go with the grass

You battle The Putrefaction by casting a Holy Spell. The spell makes your character sluggish for a small amount of time after casting, and when used it will kill any of them within a 1 square radius of the Hero
Well I always thought it was good to begin with =P

Do you have any desert flowers for just west of the kobolds, thought just a *LITTLE* bit south?

I love the way that path looks by the way.
  I think the command window shouldn't overlap the characters :S It would be nice if it has the same height as the battle status window.  Also, I think there are far too much space, probably due to the size of battle characters and enemies. Or maybe I'm just used to the Final Fantasy 6 style enemies. :S  Other than that I think it's good. Really want to know more about battle system ^ ^.
the menu overlapping the lowest character will be fixed, because the lancer characterset is temporary, and I'll just make the new one to be a few pixels above.
about making the command window the same height that the battlestatus window, I'm not sure, It doesn't really bother me, and I would have to edit the default command window (or make a new one just for the battle, I could do that, but then there would be even more empty space...
about the battlesystem:
it works somewhat like chrono cross, you start every battle with 0 AP, when you select attack, you can select fast attack, strong attack and fierce attack (fast attack doesn't need any AP to be executed, and recovers 1 ap, strong attack needs 1 ap to be executed and recovers 3 ap, and fierce attack needs 2 ap to be executed, and recovers 6 ap)
so you have to start with weak attacks, and then you can start to use stronger attacks.
when you have enough ap, you can start using skills, those need ap to be done too, but don't recover any ap unlike the attacks. this way you  can't just spam powerful skills (at least at the beggining of the game.
Yeah I know it looks strange in screenshot, but in game it doesn't look like a ripple, but a splash. The "ripple" is 1 frame of the charset that rotates to do the animation. The first two are a splash, and the fourth is blank to leave some time between the water hitting it.
Heheh, I know what ya mean, I'm not particularly fond of it neither. o: But in time it grew on me, and was quite an effective tool to diverse terrain styles; which is probably its biggest purpose for me. Without it, that map looks similar to that of a normal mountain-ish setting, for example, rather than a forest with some elevation. 

And jbart, that one's an edit by Venetia though, looks better than the default squarely RTP one; if you are still using the RTP one, changing to that might help. :)
Reives":qtbaqs1b said:
Heheh, I know what ya mean, I'm not particularly fond of it neither. o: But in time it grew on me, and was quite an effective tool to diverse terrain styles; which is probably its biggest purpose for me. Without it, that map looks similar to that of a normal mountain-ish setting, for example, rather than a forest with some elevation. 

And jbart, that one's an edit by Venetia though, looks better than the default squarely RTP one; if you are still using the RTP one, changing to that might help. :)

I understand, definately.  I would go with a different approach likemaybe putting some pictures of larger (closer) tree tops around the edge (this has been done in the past by some) and/or clumping trees together..I just think it will serve the same purpose..while still looking good.  Hey that's just me though :)

Maybe I can throw something together to show you what I mean..but you probably understood :P
Really? o: I thought that's how nature supposedly is. Just my personal preference I guess; the flower/grass layers are walkable, so at least that doesn't cluster in a bump kind of way for those who have a more simple and tidy taste.
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