@ Hevendor - The first screenshot is terrible. The lights are too repetetive and symmetrical. If you actually ligned up that many lights together, It wouldn't look at all like it does.
What you need to do is thin out the gaps between the lights, what I mean by this is the following :
What I've done is really awful and shit but It's just so you have something to look at. The light you have originally is VERY poorly laid out, But at first glance, looks okay. To be honest, they don't even look like lights, They kind of look like random blotches of white apparitions. My only suggestion would be to set the light layer to "overlay" This helps adapt the layer with the background giving it a more realistic effect of light.
The second thing I've pointed out are a couple of the shadow mistakes. If you're going to have light, you're going to have to make the shadows correspond to the light. Otherwise it will look shit to someone like me who looks out for things like this.
The roof's shadow would correspond with the angle and the statues would both work their way in. These are just a couple of examples to set you on the right track. It's either change each shadow for every map (Which wont really take long) so it fits with the light. Or don't have objects near the light that would give a distinctive shadow.
I'm not bitching here, I'm only pointing out what is annoying me about it. I simply LOVE the ghosts on the second. Really unique idea and a great way to do it.