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The Paradigm Template

I actually have a couple different black palettes, but yeah, I noticed that I overused it as well. I'll play with it later. On another note, my computer works again! Yay!

Also, your sprite looks great. :3 The darkness and roundness of the shadow bother me, but aside from that, it's excellent. I like the purple in the shadows.
These are fantastic. They match the templates I've made perfectly - they look like resized versions of my favorites, except without being screwed up in the process. In particular, these would serve beautifully on a world map tileset. At the very least I'll carve them up to work out how to make smaller ones of my own to match. Thanks for all the tips in that first post, too!
Glad you found it helpful. :3 As I draw more sprites on this, I might add more detailed tips, but since you mentioned it, I elaborated a little on what I meant by exaggeration.
This looks much like an 'updated' and more graphically sound version of the Final Fantasy 6 character template. Sexcellent.
I'm so loving this template! Do you mind if I convert to VX for the project I'm working on? Also what do you mean by 200%? I'm a little confuzzled hehe
I mean resizing the sprites and tiles before importing them into RPG Maker. If you look at my sig, you'll see the sprites are twice their normal size, which is the size they should be in a normal game.

Also, sure, convert away.
Hey there Perihelion. I love the template, I've downloaded a copy and been messing with the base to see if it will fit my needs. I don't intend blowing it up to 200 magificiation though, it seems to pretty much fit in the space I need it.

I didn't read if you were allowing full use with credits? If you'd prefer me not to use it, I'm fully okay with that. Thanks in advance.
Malachi: Use the Nearest Neighbor resizing algorithm. I tend to take screenshots at 200% magnification if I don't have PS open, though.

Alicix: Sure, just nothing commercial.
I have used it in a WIP im developing (the once dead mecha in my sig), once I become clear on if I'm allowed to necro my own thread... I'll update it with what I'm doing and how it'll be used.



You're very much allowed to necro your own thread. Half the reason you're usually not allowed to necro a thread is that the OP might not be interested/offering support anymore, and if you're the OP, well, obviously you're still interested!

And the template is cool. I've been fiddling around but haven't found decent pallettes so I'm holding off on posting anything just yet.
Alicix yours is very nice. The Paradigm template definitely lends itself to making soldier type characters.

http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr16 ... oyed-1.png[/IMGZOOM]

My first attempt with this sprite style. I prefer it because it takes less time, and even if you can't "pack" as much detail into it, as some other sprites, it does its job fine. Probably a very good style to pump out sprites for NPCs.

fyi this guy is supposed to look fatter then the typical P10 (paradigm) template allows.
Wow, these look great, and pretty easy to use too!

I plan on fiddling around with these pretty soon, I'll post what I come up with!

good job! :thumb:
@Alicix: Yeah, it does look pretty flat. Make the light shades lighter and maybe increase the saturation. Also, the shading's kind of weird around the waist; I'm not sure what's going on there. And I'd also make the shading less uniform around the head; having a well-defined light source will make it look more 3D, especially since the template's so small. Not a bad start, though.

@Prexus: Yes, he does look fat; very nice job for an NPC sprite. And I agree, one of the nicer things about this template is not driving yourself insane doing NPCs. The only thing is that I'd add more contrast. The darks need to be darker, I think.

@Miek: I already commented in chat. He is shiny and very cool, but yes, the four-pixel blocks of aqua look kinda weird without a bit of shading or something.
So is there any type of uniform tileset?

If not, which game(s) would this template go nicely with? If I get some free-time, I could format some rips.
@Xaixis: I'll be drawing tilesets, but not for public use. I imagine they'd work well with Chrono Trigger rips since the sprites are about the same size, but I wouldn't really recommend it since the game is so well-known. Got any ideas? Oh, maybe SoM3 if you want to put lots of detail into the sprites, but I have no idea if the civilization stuff matches up at all size-wise. These sprites are pretty big for a SNES game. Outdoors might work, but you'd need matching cities and interiors, and again, the style is really distinctive.

Edit: Actually, I looked up some SoM3 tilesets, and the towns and such look to be on the small side for this template.

Oh yeah, I forgot I made some new things.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/ ... mples2.png[/imgzoom]
Couple new sprites have been added. I notice that they grow more sophisticated as I draw more; the new ones have defined light sources, which makes them pop a lot more, so it's a good thing to keep in mind for yours. And it really doesn't take long to do--mainly darkening stuff a bit on the right side and lightening the hair outline next to highlights.

Also, I decided I'd find out if I could draw portraits. Not happy with the hair, but I'm tired of messing with it for now! It's the albino chick sprite, by the way.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/ ... raitv2.png[/imgzoom]

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