Just saw HUGO.
It was AWESOME!!!!
The imagery and cinematography was just fucking beautiful. It wrenched my heart out, was a literal tear-jerker, and then would turn it all around in a little laugh.
One thing I thought was weird: It was set in France, but all the actors spoke English (which isn't weird; people hate subtitles), and had British accents. Sometimes, poor ones.
Very weird.
But other than that, it was just so god damn pretty and wonderful. I'll keep that one in mind for whenever I have a kid b/c that is a fucking must-see for kids especially. It actually has heart, and artistic value, AND it actually teaches you shit about cinema.
(Well I had already seen the films they were lauding in the movie while in college, but they are ground-breaking films in cinematic history that everyone should see anyway)
Anyway go see it!!! That shit was actually money well spent.
We saw it in 3D--it was not headache-inducing, in fact it was done REALLY nicely, but it was all so subtle, that I can't say it was worth the extra dough.
It was AWESOME!!!!

The imagery and cinematography was just fucking beautiful. It wrenched my heart out, was a literal tear-jerker, and then would turn it all around in a little laugh.
One thing I thought was weird: It was set in France, but all the actors spoke English (which isn't weird; people hate subtitles), and had British accents. Sometimes, poor ones.
Very weird.
But other than that, it was just so god damn pretty and wonderful. I'll keep that one in mind for whenever I have a kid b/c that is a fucking must-see for kids especially. It actually has heart, and artistic value, AND it actually teaches you shit about cinema.
(Well I had already seen the films they were lauding in the movie while in college, but they are ground-breaking films in cinematic history that everyone should see anyway)
Anyway go see it!!! That shit was actually money well spent.
We saw it in 3D--it was not headache-inducing, in fact it was done REALLY nicely, but it was all so subtle, that I can't say it was worth the extra dough.