(You're both amazing retards and neither of you are cool enough to be above the rules. I'm deleting your spam because it's uglying up the topic.)
I take it you're youngish, right? Twelve to fifteen? Right, well, that's just outta curiosity, anyway.
First off, your sprites. I think that you're taking steps in the right direction by making practice sprites, but at the moment your graphical skills aren't potent enough that you can use custom graphics in a game and have them look very aesthetically pleasing. If you want to make your own sprites from scratch, work on your skills. Taking a look at color schemes would be a massive benefit. You can't use the basic colours in MSPaint on a sprite. It's not kosher unless you're going for a cartoony style, and a cartoony style won't fly if you're using the RTP. Use color palettes for skin tone, clothing, and hair, and shade appropriately taking into consideration light and shadow. You can find some good palette sites under Helpful Links or whatever in Resource Analysis. It's stickied.
Until you get your skills up there, you should either stick with ready-made graphics or get someone else to sprite for you.
Now, for the plot. For me, this seems like you couldn't think of a plot, so you plugged yourself as the main hero, someone you don't like as the villain (you obviously don't like him at all,) and for the plot itself you just went with every young kid's favorite pipe dream -- man, what if video games were real!?
Yeah, put more thought into your plot. Right now I can't tell if you're joking us or if you're really doing the quintessential little-kid-making-an-rpg dance. As a rule, it's an awful idea to include yourself or people you know as main characters -- the temptation to make them into mary-sues is unbearable.