Okay, seriously, this is becoming a major spam-fest. And Rey_J, I think you need to calm down a little. :/
Well, the premise is...interesting. I only just quickly read over your posts, but from what I can see, your sprites need work. A LOT of work. I'm not a spriting expert, but anyone can see they need some work. They have absolute no shading (so they look completely flat) and are pretty uninteresting. They could work if your game was more cartoony-like, but you'd have to make a complete tileset to go with that, as well as auto-tiles, battlers, etc. It could work, for sure, but you'd need to be prepared to put more time and effort into it.
The mapping needs a lot of work as well, and your sprite completely clashes with the maps. Either change the sprite to look more similar to RTP, or change everything else. (I think the latter would be great, but like I mentioned, would be much more effort)
Anyway, that's my two cents. Good luck with the game.
EDIT: While I was typing this, you posted that huge reply above. Wow, you need to calm down. I can understand your anger if they spam, but if they're only trying to help, that is NOT the way to handle it. A lot of their suggestions were to help you out, and handling it like this is most certainly not gonna help.