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The Knight of T, Universal Derivative (Rey_J)

Will you hold my inconsistency of RPG work against me?

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    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • Heck no

    Votes: 6 35.3%

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MukanshinBlack":2evt9x3s said:
You know Mr. Rey_J, I have this feeling that God. is being overly sarcastic on your sprites and mapping, because they suck (are not good, I mean).
Ah. :neutral: I'm not too good at detecting sarcasm in plain text for 2 reasons: 1, we can't hear their voice (where we could've picked it up a mile away), and 2, it's plain. If it were italicized (though not good grammar), I might've been able to tell there was curvature of the intended voice tone.

Who's telling the truth here?? :mad:
Rey_J":1o912zhx said:
MukanshinBlack":1o912zhx said:
You know Mr. Rey_J, I have this feeling that God. is being overly sarcastic on your sprites and mapping, because they suck (are not good, I mean).
Ah. :neutral: I'm not too good at detecting sarcasm in plain text for 2 reasons: 1, we can't hear their voice (where we could've picked it up a mile away), and 2, it's plain. If it were italicized (though not good grammar), I might've been able to tell there was curvature of the intended voice tone.

Who's telling the truth here?? :mad:
He is, I'm lying out my ass here.
Well you need to improve greatly on your sprites.  Lacks depth and uhh realism (can't remember the word to describe realistic-looking sprites).  The sprite really doesn't match the tileset at all, and the maps are too big and empty.  Does the room you're in contain an empty space of 20 square feet, or more?  I have like a maximum of 3 feet in my room which is empty, which is enough for me to walk through.  Details make the map.

Also the map on the beach...  WTF is the only thing that comes to mind.  It's hard to tell where and what time period your game is set in.

:O @ God. lies??!!!
MukanshinBlack":3am20mjq said:
I'm not being rude I think.  I'm being blunt and truthful.  Would you like me to not say what's really on my mind?
Don't! He might asplode into little pieces! And then we won't ever see this masterpiece of a game come out!



Why are people being such assholes for no good reason. Ever remember when you were first making sprites/maps? I'm sure you didn't start off as a freakin master at it. Just give the guy a break, he's obviously new at this whole thing...

Anyways, time for criticism.

First off, the maps seem too plain. Try adding segments or areas that aren't perfectly straight lines. The world isn't that linear. You have a good general idea of the way things should work, and I think you're on your way to greatness, just work at it a bit.

Character sprites. They seem a bit blocky and and animation is choppy. Work on making it more gradual, or even using an 8 animation sprite template.

Other than that, good luck, and it's your game. Don't let others get you down or discourage you from doing more. Just tell them to shove it, and keep working. I look forward to seeing you improve. Don't let me down.
h1tu":1paau2sj said:
Why are people being such assholes for no good reason. Ever remember when you were first making sprites/maps? I'm sure you didn't start off as a freakin master at it. Just give the guy a break, he's obviously new at this whole thing...

Anyways, time for criticism.

First off, the maps seem too plain. Try adding segments or areas that aren't perfectly straight lines. The world isn't that linear. You have a good general idea of the way things should work, and I think you're on your way to greatness, just work at it a bit.

Character sprites. They seem a bit blocky and and animation is choppy. Work on making it more gradual, or even using an 8 animation sprite template.

Other than that, good luck, and it's your game. Don't let others get you down or discourage you from doing more. Just tell them to shove it, and keep working. I look forward to seeing you improve. Don't let me down.
Thank you muchly, muchly, super-duper very many thanks you.
This 8-animation sprite thing... sounds like a good idea!

                                                    ...what is it?
I think the difference is that when we started, We knew that we sucked, and we waited until we didn't until we started using our graphics. Also, I've made like 2 sprites and I'm a zillion times better than him.

Yes, Rey, I was being sarcastic. That is, in my previous post. This one is not sarcastic. At all. [/not sarcasm]

That's crap. He's a bad mapper and spriter, and it's more useful to hear that you need to improve than have people bullshitting you saying that it's fine as it is. He won't improve unless he knows he needs to.

Gonna actually be helpful here:
Maps are too big. My houses are about 4-5x4-5 tiles per room, with 2-3 rooms. And the spaces are filled. I have a kitchen area, a bedroom area, and maybe a lounge area. No vast areas of empty space. My Exterior maps aren't so great, but they're smaller and more detailed than yours, so. Try filling up all the space with trees, cliffs (For nature) and buildings etc for towns. When you have a reasonably full map, then move on to details like flowers and barrels. Having a whole bunch of grass with loads of flowers/rocks etc does not look good.

The reason everyone is being sarcastic/mean is because this thread is crap (to put it bluntly). Tell us about your game, don't witter on about crap. We want:
- Background
- Storyline (Even overall ideas are fine)
- Characters
And that's it. Maybe some features/screens, too, but no screens until they look better. If I were you, Id ask a mod to lock this thread, then start a new one in a few days/weeks when you've worked out what your story is. And PUT SOME DETAIL INTO IT.
GODDANGIT!!! I can't do anything right, can I? Before I go on...
FOR GOD'S SAKES, ACTUALLY TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE BEING SARCASTIC!!! "Give false hope"? Look who's talking!!!

You want those 3 things? I didn't want to have to do this (not as much as not doing tilesets), but I guess I really got no choice...

Almost 100 years ago, in an incomplete (small, anyway) world called a Fragment, there was a boy who, with the influence (and alliance) of his friend, smoked pot set out to kill monsters to form a slightly more peaceful land. In his quest, he began to notice strange things happening around him, and that he was not the only one this was happening to. Tristen (the boy, HeroMale from RPGM2003) journeyed forth, and there was some really strange phenomena. Later on, he met Mario and Luigi (shortened version of actual events), and discovered he had the power to cross Dimensions (each fictitious world is a "dimension") and that there was one other, Zacho, who had these powers. (Zacho: Think really comedic yet clever villain with a thin mustache and one of those... you know... voices.) A series of totally random events ensued, and eventually (think: almost beat the game), Tristen had crossed around Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, Dreamland, Skyworld, & Onett more or less. As it were, being a Fragment person and using your powers starts to mix things up across dimensions. After defeating Zacho, Tristen constructed the Temple of T and created the Order of T, which is a legacy handed down to T-named boys generation after generation... Tristen's travelling gradually faded out his detail until he was like pencil-sketched Manga--his legacy of power and duty also carried along his graphics, which both strengthened and decayed over each generation... this Legacy of T (it's not actually called that) allows Tristen, in spiritual form ('cause he's long dead), choose boys from Fragments whose names begin with T (T is for Technicalities, meaning: Don't ask why they have to be T.) to continue the legacy. In a modern-day world, the latest T is chosen. This is the current Knight of T (ones from the order are called), my hero, character I've created. When he was taken in, it was a shock to him: he lost his name (shortened to T) and detail, becoming the cartoon he is now. He also gained some other skills, more or less prominent from the start. Smithing was one, and since the duty given to him was be a "Knight", he crafted an indestructible sword. He also wasn't alone... Zacho had a legacy too.
The Knight of T had defeated the preposterous Zephyr Z, a dumb (and appropiately dumb-looking) villain with dimensional powers like T's, just with some different variations. T and Z had battled it out in Fragments, or incomplete worlds floating in between dimensions, until they finally realized that T, using logic, could outsmart and thwart Z in any villainous attempt. T went off to live by the sea (for his love of wind and water) and disregarded Z as a threat; Z, on the other hand, made his biggest, smartest move of all (which was only possible because T sort of went into dutiful hibernation), impressive for his lack of smarts. He decided to use a humongous blast of dimensional energy to draw out villains of different dimensions to aid him in his conquest of Fragment-opolis. (Not a real game place.) However, anyone (else) can see this can't end well for him--or anyone. He shifts multiple dimensions towards his/T's Fragment and spills out multiple contents (so to speak) of each. This results in heroes and villains coming into different parts of the Fragments with no way to return to whence they came. The story follows the various characters as they navigate the incomplete world...
The Knight of T, Mario Bros., Link (more than 1), Kirby's cast, a couple Pokemon, Earthbound stars, Sonic the Hedgehog (no significant role yet), a couple Golden Sun characters, Bomberman, Cain Graywood (from the KNight Blade duology), a couple Love Hina characters (no significant roles yet), and 2 mixed-RTP axemen from Fragment worlds. Naw, who do ya think? (Last line was sarcastic)

Are you satisfied

EDIT: Reduced some texts' sizes.
I give up with you 3. MukanshinBlack, God., decemberfox.
If you don't like my game/ideas/whatever, than by all means...
(That is, stop frickin' postin' in this thread. Please, thank you, goodbye.)

EDIT: Reduced some texts' sizes, removed an oxymoron (crying smiley).
Okay, seriously, this is becoming a major spam-fest. And Rey_J, I think you need to calm down a little. :/

Well, the premise is...interesting. I only just quickly read over your posts, but from what I can see, your sprites need work. A LOT of work. I'm not a spriting expert, but anyone can see they need some work. They have absolute no shading (so they look completely flat) and are pretty uninteresting. They could work if your game was more cartoony-like, but you'd have to make a complete tileset to go with that, as well as auto-tiles, battlers, etc. It could work, for sure, but you'd need to be prepared to put more time and effort into it.

The mapping needs a lot of work as well, and your sprite completely clashes with the maps. Either change the sprite to look more similar to RTP, or change everything else. (I think the latter would be great, but like I mentioned, would be much more effort)

Anyway, that's my two cents. Good luck with the game.

EDIT: While I was typing this, you posted that huge reply above. Wow, you need to calm down. I can understand your anger if they spam, but if they're only trying to help, that is NOT the way to handle it. A lot of their suggestions were to help you out, and handling it like this is most certainly not gonna help.
MukanshinBlack":2dbm5v8i said:
Reiterated: No, I am not satisfied.

I tried reading your background and story, but something is horribly wrong with them.  I didn't understand anything you posted.  It may be the disorganization, gaps in the plot, and the unexplained phenomenom.  You should really plan your game out more before posting about it.

F.Y.I.-  Half if not more of the posts in your thread were sarcastic.
Dadevster":3vkrz4d4 said:
Okay, seriously, this is becoming a major spam-fest. And Rey_J, I think you need to calm down a little. :/

Well, the premise is...interesting. I only just quickly read over your posts, but from what I can see, your sprites need work. A LOT of work. I'm not a spriting expert, but anyone can see they need some work. They have absolute no shading (so they look completely flat) and are pretty uninteresting. They could work if your game was more cartoony-like, but you'd have to make a complete tileset to go with that, as well as auto-tiles, battlers, etc. It could work, for sure, but you'd need to be prepared to put more time and effort into it.

The mapping needs a lot of work as well, and your sprite completely clashes with the maps. Either change the sprite to look more similar to RTP, or change everything else. (I think the latter would be great, but like I mentioned, would be much more effort)

Anyway, that's my two cents. Good luck with the game.

EDIT: While I was typing this, you posted that huge reply above. Wow, you need to calm down. I can understand your anger if they spam, but if they're only trying to help, that is NOT the way to handle it. A lot of their suggestions were to help you out, and handling it like this is most certainly not gonna help.

Eheheheheh... yep, I think I may have anger issues. Can ya believe it, thoguh? 99 was the max font size. I meant it to be a 1000 pt. font. :grin:

I understand with what you're saying. I guess I like to try to make excuses for myself... oh, and battlers won't be necessary. I said very early on, "uses NeoSBABS"; no battlers. Yep, I suck at spritework. I'll have you know what really attracted me in XP (other than its features and limit-busting unlimitedness) was its tileset graphics? Alright, definitely puff up flat little T there. But to what degree--minorly 3D, pretty-good 3D, or RTP 3D? (Don't say beyond RTP 3D!) Man, some of those guys were right: maybe I should've waited to post about this.

But wait, no! Had I not started this thread, I would've been wallowing in my filth. Now, I get criticism and help! (I just wish I could get a different help crew!)

This is Rey_J, saying, thank you for posting without deliberately insulting me.

---da da da nada da daladana---

The plot--yeah, I guess I hurried along the explanation. Goes like this:
T=Good guy.
Z=Bad guy.
Fragment=Small or incomplete world/planet-type mass. In the universe, Fragments weave around dimensions.
Dimension=A fictional world, e.g. the Mushroom Kingdom (and connected locales), Hyrule, etc.

T and Z (and Keith) are from Fragments. They each took the legacy from Tristen/Zacho over generations. The current T and Z are either the 3rd or 4th generation. To get passed on, You are chosen depending on the first letter of your first name. T's are chosen by the spirit of Tristen for willpower and desire, Z's are chosen randomly by intelligence (low intelligence) and ambitions.

Z plots to mess up the universe by mixing up its dimensions resulting in a ruinous aftermath, which he himself cannot even predict. T's job is to thwart Z like any hero-villain relation.

Since Z is an idiot, T eventually waves him off as harmless. This proves to be a mistake as Z actually pulls of phase 1, the hardest phase of the overall plot.

Z uses too much power and messes himself up. Heroes, villains, and more fall out of their home dimensions into the Fragmented universe. They cannot return by themselves; they need the dimensional powers of T or Z.

Z is starting to think more, and his I.Q. is gradually increasing. T's adventure begins when he first witnesses Z's recent rise to power.

Now did it make sense?
The Great Terror":2235kau7 said:
Next time I see flaming on this thread the person is getting a warn.  Seriously guys chill out, that includes the OP.
"Flaming"? What does that mean? Sorry, don't know all the terminology here. :neutral:
(OP means Original Poster, right?)
The Great Terror":19e9wo9q said:

http://www.rmxp.org/forums/http://dev.r ... 93#p446093

We don't appreciate the ridiculously large fonts either.

Ah. I see now. So, since you're avatar is one of those (presidents? Colonists? My history ain't so good.) guys, do I imagine you speaking with a matching voice?

Anyway, yeah... I read the rules now. I... uh... yeah. Got a bit mad there with the 99 pt. font. (I was trying to get it to up to 1000 pt.)
Alright, I've said it, now would the others apologize too...?

EDIT: Reduced some texts' sizes in earlier posts, to be less "ridiculously large".

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