Kuidon, glad you enjoyed it. The ABS really is perfect for the puzzle-adventure genre in the game. I'm sorry about healing items not working now, I promise it'll be fixed for the next release. That should ease up the difficulty a bit.
And that shortcut glitch is new, I'll try and figure out the problem. Thanks.
Sorry to say, I have some bad news. Almost a month ago, my computer crashed (RIP) and the hard drive files were lost, including the SC project data. Luckily, I had uploaded a backup file awhile earlier, but it's rather old and I'd prefer not to have to redo part of the chapter. Right now, I'm waiting for my brother, who might be able to recover the files. But whether or not he succeeds, I'll be able to resume work on the game soon.
I'll put a few progress screenies up once I get the files back, but it may be awhile until I finish the entire next pack (I'm releasing another 3 chapters at once, so it might be a few months into '09 before I finish). Hope you guys can wait awhile longer!