Cool, Reives. Now I know I can expect at least one good review for the game.
Lorddarkfrog, thanks for the report, I'll check the boulder part again. Hopefully the player doesn't stay Direction Fixed the rest of the game, right?
As for the bridge-building part, you need to pick up the pieces and place them toward the left side to make a path to the chest. I probably should have made it a little more clear. Good luck with the rest of the dungeon.
Just a side note, I forgot to mention not everything is complete. A few graphics are missing or have placeholders; we're still working on a map and the HUD. Also, the CMS is far from done. Right now the only option available is switching party leaders. Since equipping tools and skills are a major part of the system, I've placed your good friend Aluxes around in a few areas, so talk to him and he will equip them for you.