Luminier":3ccyxppk said:
Keinaru, I would suggest that you not outright ignore someone's comments and criticism. He's not trolling, but he IS trying to start a discussion, which is absolutely something that you should WANT to happen in your thread. Right now you're just making yourself look unreceptive to criticism that is coated in sugar and "^_^"s which isn't a good thing.
also what did you expect reporting a moderator's post to do????
Not to get another topic of mines locked & getting Banned for answering a criticim that ended really badly.
I wasn't good at discussions either ways, so I'm sorry to bother you Luminier, thou I had more trouble with the one who's spamming my topic.
Chimmy Ray":3ccyxppk said:
Chimmy Ray":3ccyxppk said:
Also, what in the world is a SOUL RAVE (bave?) And why is it followed by two musical genre names? I doubt very much that the title SOUL RAVES (baves

NOCTURNE GOSPEL can possibly be significant to the game's events... And the Japanese subtitle could be BANANA CREPE FESTIVAL, for all I know.
You know me -- I hate horrible nonsensical game titles. To me it just seems like you're phoning it in with a title that sounds cool but doesn't actually mean anything. It seems to me like you're striving to be "JUST LIKE PROFESSIONAL GAMES!" but losing sight of actual creativity and sincere effort. You have a horribly typical nonsense jRPG title with horribly typical jRPG characters portrayed through horribly typical jRPG art, and what seems like it might be a horribly typical jRPG storyline.
The Main title is what the Main Character carries inside that keeps him alive. Using souls of the passed & he hears it as a song. The Nocturne Gospel refers to the religion fanatics of the game, been under a belief full of lies, cotrol by the nocturnes or devils.
I like the word Soul-Rave for a Soul-Song or Requiem of death. If you have a better name for it, then I will like to hear them.
Chimmy Ray":3ccyxppk said:
I wasn't referring to the time you're putting into the game itself. I was saying that a lot of these things seem like libido-ideas rather than brain-ideas -- most notably all the innuendo and the fact that you're going to be able to bang one of your female teammates if the mood strikes you. If you're getting off on your own game, you should probably reconsider your creative process.
(God, why are RPG girls always such sluts!? It's so annoying. :\)
(Personally I hate having cardboard-standup archetypes in RPGs, regardless of how few clothes they wear.)
Graphic & Gameplay isn't important to me here . . . It's the story that backs it up.
Then that story had better be damn spectacular if you want this game to tread water. Right now you've got cutscenes with someone else's generic anime work, mediocre gameplay, and a story. The story is the only thing holding the game up right now, so you had better make it spectacular.
However, since it seems that you're designing the storyline to fit CG scenes from a porn game, I'm not holding my breath for anything spectacular.
Well, then I have nothing to say if you hate visual novel or card game like RPGs. True that I am trying to fit the story to the CGs . . . so, I don't have anything to back me up there except try not to ruin it.
& the only way you'll bang your little partner is if the mood is the right one & the right time as in real life.
The choices one makes chages the aspect of the story, Re-playability for the player to see each ending. (Althou neither ending affects the Storyline & plot dramatically)
as for the logo, I don't see how an R is a B . . . I might then speak with Hanzo then.
then write a book. this is a forum for making GAMES.
It's based on a script I wrote & stop spamming my thread :|
Is that better Luminier?
I lost track on the comment & I have to go, but I won't change my mind about the Art is stolen, do what you think is right then Luminier, I won't bother much of the consequeces if it get me lock.
(I leave for I have some other errand with my family.)
~ Caro Ru Lushe