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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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The problem is incompatibility withi thecustom menu.

So it's up to you to fix that.

The only tip i can give to you is to try to put the menu above SBS tankentai, if that don't solve the issue you will need to find an way to fix that by yourself, or ask someone else.



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I love this battle system, but I have some problems with it.

I used to have in my game Rye's CBS, but it has several bugs so I decided to change it (my game is and advanced project right now), and I found this Atoa's CBS.

My problems are:
-It doesn't show characters' weapons!
-Damage is hardly ever displayed
-Hit animations show where they want!
-The most important... After the enemies end their turn, it freezes! I mean, allies' turn doesn't begin.

As I said, I love this Battle System, I've been testing it with the demo, and it works properly. But I have moved some scripts to my game and those problems appear.

Maybe some kind of incompatibility? I use 5 characters script by Raice (I've already adjusted that in SBS Config) FF Battle Result by David Schooley, and some scripts made by the project team, as a face window (yeah, already configurated too).

It would be nice to get some help! :thumb:

Ok, that's it, I moved 5-Actor Party by Raice below Main, and it works as in the demo. The four problems are solved this way, but I need 5-Actor Party. I will look for another script and try it.
2nd edit: Blizzard Large Party works perfectly with this script :lol:

Who wants to make a compatibility script list for this CBS? I would help =D




An compatibility list would help, this script has too many compatibilities.

If I were the original author of this script, i would do many things in an different way.



Like i said before to you, my prority is the ACBS, so until i'm done with the ACBS, there's no use asking for that.



I'm sorry. I can't find any kind of hint to it. Some of the script script lines, I have no idea as to their meaning.

Another question

i think it has a relation with the battle back, because when i remove it, the battleback goes blank and when i use it, it's error..



XaineC":1snqvmok said:
ok. ive been progressing in my game, but when i playtest it, the enemies dont attack after they have been attacked.

I had a similar problem, and it finally was incompatibility.
Tell us what scripts are you using, and maybe we can help you.



im using the Sideview battle package, in particular: Summons, Skill Steal, Damage Limit, and the optional add-ons. I also use AMS - Advanced Message Script - R4, Momo's Bestiary, and albertfish's CMS.



The shadow settings for enemies are in the *same* script of the enemies animated battlers.

Also you can find it on the Config. It's just a matter of making an deep search. Are you sure you readed *all* instructions?
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