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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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Hi Atoa,

Well I've been playing around in the script, and have found the area where you can change the settings to allow unique battlers. The only problem is that it doesn't plug in with the Minkoff standard, because I don't see a rule for status changes like "Critical".

These are the animated poses used by Minkoff -

#0, Ready/Waiting - When battler has a normal condition and is doing nothing.
#1, Struck/Damaged - When battler is damaged.
#2, Critical HP - When battler is in critical condition (less than 25% HP).
#3, Defend - When battler uses the Guard command
#4, Charge - When battler approaches the enemy/target.
#5, Retreat - When battler moves away from the enemy/target.
#6, Attack - When battler attacks.
#7, Item - When battler uses an item.
#8, Skill - When battler uses a skill.
#9, Victory - When battler wins a battler
#10, Defeat - When battler is incapacitated (0 HP).

And these are the ones used in the script -


So clearly some of these will work, but not the entire sheet. My skill level with the game is about intermediate. While I feel confident reading script, i've not yet made any modifications to already functioning scripts. I don't want to ask you to make the change for me, but if you could offer some input or suggestions on how I could go about it, that would be greatly appreciated.

Also, when using a Minkoff battler sheet at the moment XP doesn't read it according the correct measurements. I need to find a way to allow it to read 10 rows instead of 4. I think I know where I can change that in the script, but I'm not positive thats all it would take, especially considering a note I saw on Mr Bubbles tutorial - "Please note that this is the 11-row format of Minkoff which is the proper format utilized by the IAB configuration. There is a 10-row Minkoff format that exists, but 10 rows will not work with IAB.".

Thanks again Atoa



@ Bluxxon
Isn't this obviuos? .-. the skill is set to cause some of the slip damage effects. The slip damage are set on the script, so you must change it there, not only on the database .-.

If you're using minkoff based battlers, i suggest using the ACBS.
You *can* set the script to use minkoff battlers, but it's really a pain... With the ACBS out there, it's not worth to work on this for minkoff battlers.
How do i make my own animations?

i want a slime to do he's own attack
basicaly i want my own animation... normally i could do it with HIDE TARGET in the animation tab...(i have a script that only sets the battlers on the side and with that it works...)

but it doesn' t work witch this script .... how do i make my own animations with this script?

edit: i also want this: every charecters ATB bar has it's own
EDIT2: i want would like my animations... for battlers AND monsters.....


yeeey 3 blizzard scripts that i always use work:easy party switcher,the stat distrebution system,the easy level up notifeir.
Bluxxon":24zucgkd said:
Actually it turns out it wasn't the skill, no matter what when a battle starts eventually my characters get slip damage.

off topic:

.. i saw the exact same avatar on The MFGG.net forums... is that you?


i still want my own animations ...........

but there's another problem( i don't really care but:)
if i put the summon script above main i get an error.



I wont teach how to make animations because it's really hard to deal, and the script has enough comments to people figure out how to do it.
Also, if you're not good with programming you should just give up on it, because even if i put here an super tutorial, you wouldn't understand a thing.
Progamming knowledge is necessary to edit the animations, and if you don't have it, there's nothing i can do.
Atoa":lloes0ed said:
I wont teach how to make animations because it's really hard to deal, and the script has enough comments to people figure out how to do it.
Also, if you're not good with programming you should just give up on it, because even if i put here an super tutorial, you wouldn't understand a thing.
Progamming knowledge is necessary to edit the animations, and if you don't have it, there's nothing i can do.

is there a way to use the minkoff animated battlers in this script then?

and is it possible to make the other scripts compatible with minkoff too(the add-ons i really like the overdrive one and your ATB.)?



Yes there is, but it would be a foolish decision to use them with tankentai, since there are a lot of Minkoff based battles that do it far better, like my ACBS and Charlie Fleed TB.



Selkie":2i1qld6q said:
XaineC":2i1qld6q said:
ok. ive been progressing in my game, but when i playtest it, the enemies dont attack after they have been attacked.

I had a similar problem, and it finally was incompatibility.
Tell us what scripts are you using, and maybe we can help you.
Ok, after a bit of looking, i noticed that even in the demo, this problem occurs, ithink its a bug in the battle system. Ideas?
Hello, I've used this script a lot and tweaked it a bit for my use. But there's one thing I'd like to know if it's possible: To add a sound effect when a hero takes damage.

I tried to check around this forum to find if someone else has perviously asked it, but didn't notice.

Great script, keep up the good work! :)



Hey, I've fixed my previous problems, but now I have one more. When I try and use the cat transform actions, i get an error on line 227 of 'Sideview 1'. It says "Type error: cannot dup Nil class". Help please?
I don't want ot sound rude... and it might not even be the scripts fault... but...

In my game, the battle system works GREAT with one or two characters... however, when all 4 are in the team, it suddenly stops working.
The battle loads and everything, but then it's almost like I hit escape and it just goes back to the place I was in before the battle.

Does anyone know what could be causing this?



I'm having a problem with the script. First, I'd like to say, this script kicks ass. Great stuff! Everything works perfectly for me, except an odd issue where the enemies that are supposed to be on the left side of the screen are on the bottom, just above the status window.


Is this a common problem?
I am using many scripts, but I don't see how any of them could mess with the battle system. Just in case though, I'll list the scripts I'm using.

Besides SBS, the scripts I am currently using are:
Blizzard's Custom Menus
Better Tilemap Update
Custom Controls
Heal at LvlUp
Skill Seperation
Advanced Message Script
Advanced Time Environment System



YOU must set it on the database. So it's NOTHING related to the script.

It's time for you learn to use better the RMXP ¬¬



Uh... no need to be condescending. I'm not an amateur with RMXP. I know what I'm doing, but seeing as this script is for a SIDEVIEW battle system, I had assumed the script automatically moved the enemies to the side. Now that I know it doesn't though, I can fix that. Thanks for the quick response at least.
Atoa":3dteha6k said:
YOU must set it on the database. So it's NOTHING related to the script.

It's time for you learn to use better the RMXP ¬¬

I guess this is a general battle system question, but is there anyplace where these values taken from the database could be offeset? Like lower/raise all enemies by Y amount in the script?
I am using version 2.2 I believe, along with GUILLAUME777's Multi-Slot Script.

This is my current Scripts Configuration:
(Thought it easier to do this instead of list all the scripts I'm using)


Everything in my project works perfectly fine, at least it seems to, after about two months of tinkering.
I really only have one problem, that isn't really a problem, more of a request.

I would really like to be able to configure if, when my actors are dual wielding different kinds of weapons, the weapon animation used for each weapon's attack (not each attack specifically because some of my weapons, light weapons, such as daggers, katars, and tantos, attack twice) would show the weapon used in that hand.

Currently, say I equip an actor with a scimitar in the main hand and a battle axe in the off hand. It will perform an attack for each weapon, but uses the first weapon graphic for both weapons. So when the character is supposed to be attacking with the battle axe, it displays the attack animation with the scimitar icon instead
I am hoping someone could configure the script so that it could refresh and switch to the icon for the weapon in the off hand when performing an attack with the off hand.

Thanks and I hope someone can figure out if this is a possibility or not, or AT LEAST tell me what I would have to do to make it work that way.

This is an awesome script collection, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of people using it in their projects!
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication! My project could have never existed without it because, frankly, the default battle system was just too much of an eyesore and I never would have bothered. But the way I've configured this one, it looks and runs better than I had ever dreamed possible for a game being made by a single newb developer with a rather amateur tool like RMXP.

Thank you, thank you so much!
Credit times a trillion for anyone who helped bring this to life!!!



I don't work with compatibilty with other battle scritps.

I have no idea how Guilaume scripts deal with dual slot so i can't even point you what to do.
I have installed and scripted everything correctly i assume, but when i make character physical skills, it does not use the animation i set, it will for some reason hit them 6 times when all im using is. "user animation- (none)" and "target animation- darkness1"

any idea whats going on?
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