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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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This battle system is great, it is same as the old battle system that I've been using and this is what I've been looking for. This is way better thanks to its addons and flexibility, though I have troubles with its compatability with the other scripts, though I came here just to ask you to do a minor fix wherein it causes an error with the mouse scripts. Okay so I've tried two mouse scripts and I get the same error. Here is how the error goes.

As I've noticed there is a multiple enemy select customization wherein you will see arrows all over the selected enemies, well I think the mass skills are now incompatible with the mouse scripts, probably because the mouse script doesn't know what happens when this mass skill is triggered due to the fact that the mass selection is customized.

BOTTOMLINE: Well, I just need a solution so that when using mouse scripts it won't cause an error anymore. Though I would prefer the default mass scope skills wherein the selection does not need to appear anymore.

By the way, since I can reproduce the error for an infinite times here is a screenshot for the error message.


Patiently waiting for your reply ^^



Like you noticed the script has many features, but also many incopatibilities. And i'm not working on fixing incopatibility issues.
Oh is that it. So is there any mouse system that would do?

Anyway, solved the problem, the mouse system won't work because of the custom mass selection, solved it anyway with a script that modifies skill scope.
erm... i need help. I'm using the optional ATB system and when i set the wait mode on 'active' or 'semi-active' (wait mode 1 or 2), if I tell a character to perform a command while another command is being performed either by another character or by an enemy, nothing happens, the character's turn is simply skipped altogether.
How can I fix this so I can give a command and the character performs it as soon as possible, even if another attack/skill is being performed when I give the order?

also... this part isn't as important, but it's a bit annoying...
how can I set it so the ATB meter stops AS SOON as the last enemy reaches 0 HP? It's annoying because the command window always shows up on screen EVEN AFTER ALL ENEMIES ARE DEFEATED... I don't care if it takes a second or two for the battle to be over, I just hate that the ATB meter doesn't stop right away.
I think it could probably be solved by adding some sort of action que... every time a command is given, the corresponding action is added to the action que. Each time an action is performed it is removed from the que and the next action is performed...
does anybody know how I can do this?

also, can I set it so that when all enemies are dead, the ATB instantly stops?


there's one more concern...
when I try to escape using escape type 0 (selecting Escape in the battle menu) sometimes an error pops up... I dunno what it's about but I'd sure like to get it fixed...



Just got this script and have to say, Really good job. One thing I can't figure out. When the overdrive bar is fully charged and after you use the overdrive skill, the bar doesn't reset which I want it to. It stays full allowing me to keep using the skill.
hello guys.
Atoa, duly noted you re not working on fixing incopatibilities. However, would you be kind enought to offer a separate version of your script "2Hands weapons" that is normally include
is AAS, so that i can have the 2 hands features without this AAS script ?
I understand this is a bit of work but this would be a lot of help for me.

thank you for your support !
Really great script i'm trying it in my game and don't found lot problems all is working good.
I just have a question.
When i use the Actor Advanced Status the shuriken/kunai animation become normal,all
normal melee attack instead of throw animation.
I know actually you not fixing incopatibilities,i just want to know if this problem has
already noticed before and if maybe got already fixed,otherwise is no problem:)
Thx for the great script.
Quetzal > I've had this problem for a while, and no one seems to bother with correcting it :sad:
I think i said it earlier on this topic : the main problem is that the weapon animation (melee, throw, range...) selected on the database for the hero's first weapon will be applied to every weapon your hero will use.
I can't figure out how to do it myself without making my game crash...
(sorry for my crappy english i hope you can understand me :cute: )
Thanks for the answer i wanted to use advanced status just for the 2h weapon function
but it seems also damage with skills is different,it changes a lot of things,i think i remove it
,and at least i can use again Shuriken and Kunai,lol
hey atoa i have a quick question about the atb, ive been trying to get it to use my own phase_5(because your script and sephs dynamic enemy drops dont work together)how would i go about removing your phase_5 and replacing it with mine? ive tried everything i know.
I'm trying to correct the bug i was talking about a little while earlier (instead of using Add-on like Kylock's gun or Bub's bow add-on which don't work with Adv status)

 # ● Weapon Animation Sequence Settings


 # Assigns a specific animation sequence when using a weapon.


 # when 1 <- Weapon ID number

 # return "NORMAL_ATTACK" <- Action sequence for assigned Weapon ID.

  def base_action

    case @id

    when 1

      return "NORMAL_ATTACK"


    # Default action sequence for unassigned Weapon IDs.

    return "GUN_ATTACK" if self.element_set.include?(N01::GUN_ELEMENT)

    return "NORMAL ATTACK"

(This is from SBS Config)
This should work fine, doesn't it? It gives me "can't dup nilclass" and redirect me to Sideview script...
Using "when x return "GUN_ATTACK" with every gun weapon of the game didn't solve the problem either, it keeps using the animation sequence of the weapon type the character has in the database :sad:
What am i doing wrong? I really need this script to work T.T
hello Atoa
I love this script and i have changed quite a bit of it and made something very cool with it,
but the only problem that i have with it is the gun and bow scripts.
they are great, but you cant use any of the dual attack, double or triple attack, or multi attacks.
they just attack all enemies.
how can i fix this,
im making a western type game and when you use a shotgun i would like to shoot a range of enemies.
the multi attack and random multi attacks would be amazing with guns.

please help me out.



You must make specific multi-hit animations for the guns and bows multi hit skills and set them manually on the basic configuration.

Also, if you're using the gun/bow add-on, remember to NOT set the "gun/bow element" for the these skills.

Using the add-on, automatically applies the default gun animation for the action.



Hi, I have a problem, i copied the scripts from the demo, imported the files i needed and everything works fine, except for a thing: skills doesn't work anymore, i'm talking about the "normal" skills i had in my project, even the monsters can't use them, they just stand still and nothing happens...
here's a list of the add-on i'm using:
-Atoa ATB
-Bub's Bow add-on
-HP and MP meters
-Individual commands
-enemy animated battlers
-enemy stationary battlers
-enemy equipped weapons
-advanced collapse system
-Skill steal
-Battle window

Everyone loves the script, I do too. I've had an issue with it that has become more apparent as I'm getting my game polished & presentable. It is a problem with the state animations.

When a state is added and the animation should begin looping, it first shows one loop of the animation for the last applied state. For example, let's say one of my characters is put to sleep in one battle, and in the next battle they are put in a state of confusion. The sleep animation plays for one loop before the confusion animation begins - even though the character hasn't been sleeping since the previous battles.

For a while, I thought it might be my own script modifications (of which I have maybe a hundred lines in the SBS 1 & 2 scripts) or incompatability with other scripts. Then, I downloaded the SBS scripts again, watched the demo closely and noticed the same thing. The last applied state animation will play for one loop before any new state animation. I just hadn't noticed it before because the RTP style animations use fewer frames.

I've tried a few fixes, but nothing seems to help. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, and I appreciate your giving your time to support what is generally regarded to be an awesome script.
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