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Short Story Writing -- The Results Are Here!!!

Vote for the author of the best story.

  • Banette

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Love

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Guardian

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
o_o Holy mother of ties. This is going to be exciting!

I do second Guardian's question, though.... what do we do while we wait? XD The anticipation is enough to drive me mad!

((Although, it would be somewhat of an irony if the results came out somewhere within the next couple of days. >.>; ))
((And look at the irony   XD))

THE RESULTS ARE HERE!!!  Congratulations to our winner, Banette, whom I'll be contacting within the next few days about making her magnificent story into a game!

Of course, let us have a virtual round of applause for the other two contestants, Guardian and Love, who both worked incredibly hard on their own great stories!

You may refer to the main post (1st page) to see the full results.

Thankyou to all who participated, and thankyou to all of the judges who helped decide the winner!

Heh, there were some conflicts on how grammatically correct I was.  What's strange is that I checked it over for errors, and I think I even used a spell checker, but it had a lot of errors.  It's strange that I wouldn't notice so many obvious problems.  I didn't notice the he/him problem until it was pointed out.  That's a huge help.  Thanks to the judges for helping me!  Also, congratulations to Banette!

Actually, that story helped me more than anything.  I wrote it to work on my experience, and it's definitely achieved its purpose.  I have so many ideas for new short stories.  It's a shame we don't have more of these.
I would love to see variations of this - maybe supported by an artist here on .org - where the winner gets a portrait/picture of their main character or something similar to that. More so, a smaller prize than in this one.

It seems like a competition like that could be done more often, and might pick up more attention by people who don't frequent the writers forum. Regular cycle competitions usually pick up a larger base of entries as they go, and if the piece's you wanted specifically were smaller - then of course more people would be motivated to enter.
Really just lighthearted, easy stuff can often blast off. 
Well, isn't this a surprise. o_o I check this today (my birthday, nonetheless) and see that I win. Ha.... I had so little faith in myself. XD;

(Irony, indeed. XD)

Thanks for the congrats, although, to be honest, I was expecting you to win, Guardian. ^_^;

This helped out my skill with short stories... Hee, I thought I was too caught up in my chapter stories to think I could pump out a shorter story. ^_^;;;
Honestly, the judging was pretty tough between the two of you.  Since you both had 5 votes, it was all up to the judges.  It was even a bit suspenseful for me, waiting on the final rating (from my mom) which would decide it all.

Anyway, I had fun, and all of the judges (and probably the rmxp community) enjoyed reading everyone's writing.  I'll probably hold this contest again in '09 because everyone seemed to like the idea. (now to start thinking of a good prize...i'm open to suggestions)

Well...congrats again everyone and happy B-day Banette!
Banette":b3m1mpnr said:
Thanks for the congrats, although, to be honest, I was expecting you to win, Guardian. ^_^;
Me, too, actually.  I'm a little too sure of myself, apparently.  I enjoyed writing the story, so it wasn't a huge deal.  I mostly wanted to win for bragging rights since I'm trying to become a good writer.  But, this will only make me more determined to win next time!  I was thinking about holding another contest with a sponsorship as the prize, but I would want to enter, so that would be...awkward.
I'll definitely hold another...just not soon.  I need time to work on the game, and having this contest again too shortly after this would drive away writers.

I look forward to the next one though!
Me, too, actually.  I'm a little too sure of myself, apparently.  I enjoyed writing the story, so it wasn't a huge deal.  I mostly wanted to win for bragging rights since I'm trying to become a good writer.  But, this will only make me more determined to win next time!  I was thinking about holding another contest with a sponsorship as the prize, but I would want to enter, so that would be...awkward.

Ha ha.  I know what you mean.  As long as you didn't win, no one would care if you entered... but we all know that you'd have a few people bitter and accusing you of cheating if you did win.  It's like playing a character when you're the DM in a DnD game... it's more fun... but frowned upon.

Also, AbyssalLord, if you hold another, will it be fantasy style stories only?  Because I don't have many that are worth actually being judged... lol

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