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Short Story Writing -- The Results Are Here!!!

Vote for the author of the best story.

  • Banette

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Love

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Guardian

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
I'll contact you via PM once I have time to read the story.  As a general rule (although not necessary), I'd prefer it if you sent the story in some sort of file that could be dowloaded.  It is much easier if you send it in a link.  =)
Guardian1239":18cy9e0w said:
Of course.  Early is better, actually.

Thank you Guardian. 

Yes, as Guardian said, you can send it to me any time before June first (and I'll tell you what to improve on).  I hope to see some more stories entered soon, seeing as only two people have submitted anything so far. 
Oooh, I'll enter as well. I'm guessing that since it will be made into an rpg maker game the story should have something to do with like... magic, evil people wanting to take over the world, and monsters, correct?

So I guess the category should be limmeted to Action/Adventure/Fantasy?

Well, whatever! *goes off to go brainstorm*



I really see no point to this.  I just seems to me that you have writers' block, and are looking for free stories for your next game.
The prize strikes me as wierd, why get credit for the game you didn't create. I think the prize should be "the game was inspired by and dedicated to "Contest Winner"". Otherwise I think it would be unfair to the people who ended up creating the game.
Whoever wins can feel free to choose how it is credited.  I plan on making this game on my own, but if I do need the help of other people, I cannot really deny them credit.  In a situation as such, I would most likely do what you suggested (this has been inspired by...).  I'll try to be as open as possible to the writer's wishes, though.
Many people have signed up or said they would, but I've received only one story... I know there is a lot more time, but it would be best not to send them in last minute.

In the case that there are not more stories entered by June 1, this contest will be cancelled.  T_T
What do you mean by 'already been started?'  If you have an idea and a couple lines fine, but if you already have a lot of a story, then that would be rather unfair to the other contestants who have to start from scratch, no?  No one will know if you already started it, of course, which means that you are on your honor. 

Aside from that, I wish you luck in the competition.
Oh don't worry, I'll start a story from scratch. I was just curious as to if we were allowed. No big deal. I'll come up with something new =)



June 1st, eh? *glances sullenly at Microsoft Word as it collects dust, as well as one certain file sitting on it rather patiently* Alright. I like deadlines. They do fantastic things for writing. I might lose by default though, because this one might be hard to translate into a game. XD

EDIT: Nah, nevermind. I've got too much of that story done. If I think of another story between now and then, I'll hop to it! I assume you don't want anything much larger than...say...15k words, right?
In all honesty, I did not put a real limit on this because I do not want to hurt anyone's chance of winning by forcing them to omit details or ideas.  So, technically, you can make it as long as needed.  But yeah...15k words is a lot.  The longest one I have so far is 3862 words (word count--I obviously did not count it myself), and it's pretty long.  So, if you go over 15k words, it's probably too long.

On a side note to everyone, please send future stories in some sort of word document format (like MS word); really, anything but being typed in a PM.

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