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Short Story Writing -- The Results Are Here!!!

Vote for the author of the best story.

  • Banette

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Love

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Guardian

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters



AbyssalLord":1ys16jk5 said:
@Guardian - Thanks Guardian.  At least someone isn't being critical about my motives.

@Moogle - I left out the specifics simply because I don't want to limit the originality of a story.  I personally do not like contests as much when it has to have a specific theme.  I've read many good books with profanity and such; if it adds to the story, there is not problem. 

Did you like, totally miss the other half of my post?

Also, while im on the note of the prize, I dont know why people are already posting stories to you without any knowledge of your prerequisites. You should edit your first post with some kind of proof of your games. Im not doubting you, it just looks highly suspicious that you would make this topic without any proof of your skill.
Eh, it really depends on if it's done well. Who knows haha. I'm still working on mine. It's about 5k words now and I'm not even close to being finished.
Moogle Sprite":1g9epbaa said:
Did you like, totally miss the other half of my post?

Also, while im on the note of the prize, I dont know why people are already posting stories to you without any knowledge of your prerequisites. You should edit your first post with some kind of proof of your games. Im not doubting you, it just looks highly suspicious that you would make this topic without any proof of your skill
If you doubt my skill in game making, look at my Banking System in the tutorials section.  If I have time I will try to post something else as a better example, but right now I'm very busy with school and such. 

@Speedpaws - Yeah...it could be a cliffhanger, but it has to sound like it should stop there.  It cannot be something that seems like it got cut off mid story (if you know what I mean).
Moogle Sprite":3a2nckou said:
Farah":3a2nckou said:
moogle stop feeding the otaku

Moogle Sprite":3a2nckou said:
I believe that you have good intentions, but at the same time why not just make an Ad looking for interesting storylines? Because as of right now the prize is not that appealing.

Also, while im on the note of the prize, I dont know why people are already posting stories to you without any knowledge of your prerequisites. You should edit your first post with some kind of proof of your games. Im not doubting you, it just looks highly suspicious that you would make this topic without any proof of your skill.

Finally, the requirements seem a tad vague. Is strong profanity allowed? A certain genre? Doujonushi (sp)? Brush up a little more on that.

Im all for trying to broaden the community so I hope this contest isnt self-centered!
Anyway, the prize is a decent incentive for this kind of community, I personally if I won wouldn't care, but sure.
Anyway 500 words is really limiting, I would prefer like a 2000 word limit given that the deadline is 1st June.



If you doubt my skill in game making, look at my Banking System in the tutorials section.  If I have time I will try to post something else as a better example, but right now I'm very busy with school and such.

I wasnt doubting your skill if you read my post. I was just saying that because people are like "omg I will write this!!" jumping head into it and they have no proof that said game will be good or bad. And as I think Miek said there used to be alot of contests made ending up with looking for resources. Either way, It doesnt take that long to upload a file to the site, but w/e. Good luck with this contest!
@all - Well, if anyone still believes that I made this contest to obtain a storyline, here's some proof that I did not.  This is a work of my personal writing that I do for fun.  It's obviously unfinished, and I plan on continuing it.  I only started a couple of days ago.

My Story

Hope you like it!
Oh no . . . now you've made me want to work on my Signius Chronicles . . .

Ugh, I'll read this after I finish writing!

Edit: Moved to story thread.
Ok...I'll rework the first paragraph (I started part 1 at about 11:00 at night).

As for comments...

Maybe at some point, I will post it here somewhere, but for now, it will remain on my forum.

It would be preferable if any critiques were posted in the story's thread (on my forum), but seeing as you may not want to create an account, you can PM me here.

Thanks for the critique.
I will participate!

I write things just for fun anyway!

I will have to make something that can become a game though, that's going to be tricky, I tend to write in the second person! :thumb:
Only a couple days to go guys!  If you haven't submitted a story and you are planning to, make sure to send it to me before June 1st.  Any stories submitted after then will not be accepted.
Sorry, but I'll have to drop out, a lot has been going on, I had to get surgery, and its taken longer to heal so I've been on very powerful medication. And I'm moving, and just haven't had time to work on my story. Sorry =(

There have only been four votes so far.  C'mon people, how can you tell who won with only four votes?

Let voting continue (or commence rather)!



With only 3 entries, I doubt youll get much support man. Although I think Guardian's was written well, so ill be a cool cat and vote for him.
I didn't vote because I feel strange voting in a contest I'm entered in.  I guess I think I'll have a biased opinion, so I usually don't vote when I'm a part of it.

Moogle Von Diesel":ufi57o8n said:
Although I think Guardian's was written well, so ill be a cool cat and vote for him.
Thanks. ^-^
Genocide":iztzfoey said:
Banette had by far the best ending.  It was textbook out of my writing courses, yet intriguing.
Thank you! I'm not the best writer in the world, but... heh, I had to try something at least once. ^_^;

Also, to Abyss, I would vote if I weren't in the contest. XD; I'd feel a tiny bit awkward...
I apologize for my poor planning, but I will be away on July first.  As such I will be unable to end the voting and/or post the judges ratings on that date.  Therefore, I will formally end the contest on July tenth.  If any further changes are made, I will make sure to post anither notification.  Thanks!

@Banette and Guardian - I know what you mean.  I would feel a bit awkward voting for myself as well.

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