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Seph's Test Bed V.4

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Well for your treasure chest script this is what I used
t = {}
t['g'] = 5..30
t['i'] = { 1 => 3..5  , 2 => 1..3}
t['a'] = { 1 => 1..3  , 2 => 1..3 , 3 => 1..3 , 4 => 1..3}
t['w'] = { 1 => [75,1..3]  , 2 => [50,1..3] , 3 => 1..3 , 4 => 1..3}

the call script above is what i used and it only shows me some items... I only did it this way to test it when I noticed it quit showing after the

items gained line
gold gained line
item 1
item 2

and that would be all I would see even if there was more items T_T

the potion error happens in the test bed... just go to your testbed demo and use the potion item from the quick treasure chest...

I think it happens cause it thinks all useable items are stat increase items??? not sure...
I will look into it. I threw the probability together at the very last minute, so it's probably an error on my part. And I need to have it draw the gold first. Silly me.
I don't know if this error has been adressed but it crashes when you save :/

Then, after saving, it crashes before the menu when you try to go into the game.

...Hang on. What the hell? Then I deleted the save file, went back into it, and it worked fine. Saving and loading. Weird. Sorry if someone else has already mentioned this, but just trying to help ^^
@Anglachel: No idea bro. Sorry. :/

@cainchild: Sweet. More basesa!

Sorry for not having the update last night. I am working on hard on it, and trying to get 6 new scripts in it and quite a few updates and fixes. I will be pushing for tonight. I just can't accept a super small update. ^_^
Hey Sephy, you say all your scripts right? What about your Triple Triad Script? o.o Just wondering what you've done with that =P

Graet Test Bed btw, could use a bit more demos though. Otherwise, AWESOME!
@Razmazter: Eventually, yep. I have plans to update triple triad and make it even better. I have many new ideas for it the next time around.

@loserkid520: Just try again. There is no problem with the demo.

Update : I am all finished, but that materia system is taking me a little while. I am making a sorta update on this, somewhere between the complete update I am working on and the old version. Improving it a lot, but it won't have as near as many features as the 3.0 version will have. Once I finish it, test be v.41 will be out. 7 New scripts and 7 updates. It will be update friday night (probably really late) at the latest.
Trying to comprehend all of this makes it seem that much harder to try and make an RPG. Even with reading the headings, this seems quite hard to do. O_o Maybe I should just stick to using the normal version of RMXP without all the additional scripts.~_~ So is there any way I can learn a little more about how to work these things? Or is it all just messing around with it until I find the answer?
Check the Useful Topics and Links in SephirothSpawns Post's theres a link to tutorials I am starting to look at em so I can try to learn XD
SephirothSpawn;256974 said:
@Razmazter: Eventually, yep. I have plans to update triple triad and make it even better. I have many new ideas for it the next time around.

Oh okay, kewl. I loved Triple Triad, and the script that that one person uploaded, I'm not sure how to get the NPC's to battle you. So just wondering, good job Seph! Thanks.



I tried this to create a new party:

({'actors' => [5, 6, 7})

But error showed:
Argument error occured.
Wrong number of arguments (0 for 1).
Trying to comprehend all of this makes it seem that much harder to try and make an RPG. Even with reading the headings, this seems quite hard to do. Maybe I should just stick to using the normal version of RMXP without all the additional scripts. So is there any way I can learn a little more about how to work these things? Or is it all just messing around with it until I find the answer?

Yeah, give up now and don't use scripts. That's easier. ^_^ It takes time. Just think of all the time I put into not only making the scripts, but documenting not only nearly every line so people could read my scripts and learn, but documenting headings so people can use the system. If you have a certain question to doing something, then ask. I will do my best to support it.

the EIS REQUIREMENTS at v.3 was interesting...
but only in develop.
can you make it so that i can use this?

It's on that custom page I made, just not in the demo. Once I get to to V1.0 (I have to add windows and such to it), then it will be out. Hopefully by the V.42 or V.43 version in a few weeks.

I tried this to create a new party:

({'actors' => [5, 6, 7})

But error showed:
Argument error occured.
Wrong number of arguments (0 for 1).

To be honest, the extra parties feature was more or less a test for me. It honestly takes a great deal of scripting and being careful about how you create and manipulate the teams. By best guess, is that you are using a call script, but it isn't working because of the box input. Two ways to fix this:

A) Create your method in the interpreter class and just call your method. Like this (just past above Main anywhere).
class Interpreter
  def your_method_name_here
    $game_party.create_extra_party({'actors' => [5, 6, 7]})

Now use:
Script : your_method_name_here

Not next way is to multi-line your call script. Like this:
n = $game_party.
a = {'actors' => [5, 6, 7]}

That should work.


Sorry about my absence. Life has just been busy again. Still working on that materia update, but I am between updating the 3.0 version, and doing a 2.5 version which is about done. I contemplating just doing the 3.0 version, but I just don't have time for that, so I am just going to finish the 2.5 version (2.0 version with fixes and improved to my level now, just not all the features that will be in the 3.0 version). I will probably release the .41 tomorrow night without either just to get the new version out. I have someone working on a new dome for it, and it looks amazing. Not just one map anymore. ^_^
Wow, too many good scripts. My only issue is very small, I encountered a minor bug with the Game Difficulty (Alt) script, on line 141 it said


which caused an error to pop up, i replaced it with


and it worked, so it was not a problem. I cant wait to see the updated materia system, if its anything like the other scripts here it will amaze me anyway lol.
I dont understand the "Skills Use Items" script. I read all the headings and comments and i cant seem to get the syntax right.

The way i interpret it is to replace "skill_id" with the ID of the skills (IE: 3), to replace "item_type" with 0, 1 or 2, to replace "id" with the ID of the item (IE: 40) and replace "n" with the number of the item i want deducting (IE: 3)

This gives me:

Item_Cost = { 3 => { 0 => { 40 => 3, ... }, ... }, ... }

and it returns a syntax error on this line when i run the game. What am i doing wrong?
umm... you dont keep the ...

so for skill 3 I guess is what you are useing...

you have
Item_Cost = { 3 => { 0 => { 40 => 3, ... }, ... }, ... }

it probably should be

Item_Cost = { 3 => { 0 => { 40 => 3}}}

that would be skill 3 using 3 of ITEM 40

Item_Cost = { 3 => { 0 => { 40 => 3 , 32 => 2 }}}

this I think would be skill 3 using 3 of item 40 and 2 of item 32

and here is
Item_Cost = { 3 => { 0 => { 40 => 3}, 1 => {1 => 1} }}

that would be skill 3 using 3 of ITEM 40 and 1 of WEAPON 1

how its set up is the { } depend on what is used and what its for... I guess you could make 1 skill use 1 of 20 different items you would use , "commas" to seperate different items...

I think thats how it should look...
@chrislongden3: The Skills use items has a crutial, yet extremely minor error in it (damn spelling mistakes :p) that I have fixed for the V.41.

If you guys want to make this simpler modifications, you don't have to make a super complex hash. Instead, do something like this:
Item_Cost = {}
# Skill 3
Item_Cost[3] = {}
# Skill 3 - Use Item Type 0
Item_Cost[3][0] = {}
# Skill 3 - Use Item Type 0 - 3 of Item 40
Item_Cost[3][0][40] = 3

# I Suggest This However
Item_Cost = {}
# Skill 3
Item_Cost[3] = {}
# Skill 3 - Use Item Type 0 : 3 of item 40
Item_Cost[3][0] = { 40 => 3 }

I am uploading a getting the demo a little more organized. It's a decent size release, but I didn't have time to update either version of the materia system. Maybe next version. I am trying to get the simpler scripts before the complex scripts, as they take a little more time. ^_^
Sorry, I'm a newb at this.

I've installed the SDK and it is working fine(though I haven't actually USED any of the scripts yet).

I'm trying to use your Encounter Control script but I have no idea where to start. I've been reading some of your comments trying to get the jist of it, but like I said, I have no idea where to start.

Where do I write comment lines and all that? And where do I get my group_id, troop_id and map_id and all those variables from?

Could you try explaining it how you would to a complete idiot? That might help me. :p


EDIT: I'm also getting an error after installing the Encounter Script.

????? 'Encounter Control' ? 388 ??? NameError ????????

undefined local variable or method 'seph_enccontrol_gmsys_init' for #<Game_System:0x480c818>

If it helps to know, this is what my script Editor looks like at the moment:

RSC Require


SDK Require
SDK Part I
SDK Patch
Encounter Control


Again, thanks for any help you can offer me.
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