First, it's worded a bit wrong: I'm trying to prove that all religion is wrong, which is a bit better, although it's still missing something. God doesn't exist, Shiva doesn't exist, karma doesn't exist, so an and so forth. Religion exists,
obviously, but they're all wrong. That's what I'm trying to prove. Obviously futile, but humanity doesn't really trying to stop reaching futile dreams.
Also, in slaughter houses they're stunned so they wouldn't scream, and those that aren't stunned are bolted in the back of the head so they still wouldn't scream.
This basically says right here that we don't care if they scream or not. Of course, scream is a bit too literal: we don't care for the suffering of animals. Besides, the point of what I wrote about the screaming was that there is no good or bad, not literally dealing with being able to hear an animal screaming or not. We don't really hear or listen to an animal's suffering, humanity as a whole.
I don't care how much I waste. Sorry, simple as that: I'm lazy, and I don't care. I can know all about the bad things in the world, but I won't really try to fix it unless it's easy. Selfishness: that's nature.
I'm a fifteen year old brat that thinks he knows everything. Can't even drive yet. Not a legal adult, can't even drink. What do you actually expect my to do as to not waste my existence on frivilous things like religion and debating whether religion exists? Enough people in the world waste their time, living just to live, screwing around just to screw, why should I do anything different? Too lazy.
The reason I said that there is evidence of killing random people is that I'm explaining why I'm not trying to prove that "killing random people" doens't exist- there is evidence that it exists, so I'm not going to try and prove that it doesn't. Evidence of a god existeing or religion being right doens't really exist: sure, there may be stories about floods and stuff all over the world, but that just means that something happened to the entire world, like an ice age or whatever, that can be scientifically proven or whatever. I'm not saying that it has been scientifically proven, I'm saying that the potential for it to be proven scientifically is there, unlike religion or whatever.
There's loads of proof of religion - for example the existence of life itself and material goods.
Umm... why does our existence prove that religion exists? A christian religion seems to say that god was already there... why can't life just be like that, that it appears, already there or something...?
Okay, bad argument. It's hard to phrase what I want to say/mean without it getting shot down...
Why can't life just appear? Why does it have to have a higher meaning behind it, have to be made for some kind of purpose? Nature has only a single purpose: to exist and keep existing, to live and keep existing, no matter what happens. Why do we have to be made and all that?
Still can't phrase what I mean exactly.
Material goods? I'm not too sure what you mean by that and how it can prove that a religion is "correct" or exists or whatever.