Spoo":1rxooygk said:
Juan, buddy. I'm not gonna try to tell you to feel better about this, because it sucks. It really, really does, and you have a right to feel like shit.
However, given what you've said in the past regarding your girlfriend, I think you dodged a bullet. The partying, drinking, and school flunking certainly made this chick look like she didn't deserve you, and to me personally, seem like she didn't appreciate the concern you had for her. You just busted your ass to pass all three parts of your USMLE, and you succeeded. You deserve someone better than her, and I believe 100% that you'll find someone.
I agree with this 100% from what I've heard about her.
It's difficult to give conflicting advice at the time because when you're with someone, you'll always see someone else's opinion as wrong because you're blinded by the situation you're in. If a friend stresses this point, it would only serve to annoy you about 'how little they know', and gets no one anywhere. It's really unfortunate that it becomes difficult to warn others.
You are a really smart guy Juan, and I don't doubt a fantastic boyfriend. I have a feeling your style would have been similar to mine, and she definitely would not have mixed well with that, always feeling like you're on the edge of losing her, but trying to keep her close makes it feel like you push her further away.
it's hard to explain properly and im spaghetti so but i think you get the idea
Is there anywhere else you can go?