I'm gonna' be having a good old fashioned rant and rave (Anyone fancy being a DJ?) at my manager the next time I see him, which is Wednesday... because I've just found out that for the last six months, the person I work with on a Sunday, who hasn't even been here half as long as me, and has been caught on camera stealing scratchcards, cigs, booze, not paying for any food or drinks he's had on shift, snooping around in other people's possessions (He was caught looking in a coworker's purse... and the manager did NOTHING), and even stealing money FROM ME THE ABSOLUTE CUNT (I recorded the footage from the camera on my phone, since it only lasts three days before being deleted, turns out what I did is illegal, but so fucking what, and I even told my manager and he was like "Oh, maybe he was just playing a joke on you?" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I WAS COUNTING A SAFE DROP AND HE STOLE £20 FROM MY PILE AND PUT IT IN HIS POCKET, THEN WHEN I ASKED WHERE IT WAS, HE LOOKED AT ME, PULLED IT OUT OF HIS POCKET DISCREETLY, AND SAID "Oh, you mean this? Yeah, it fell in the bin" ARE YOU A FUCKING DUMB CHODE MOTHERFUCKING DICK COCKBALLS PINEAPPLE UP YOUR ARSE RAM A BANANA DOWN YOUR THROAT AND HAVE A LION CUM IN YOUR NOSTRILS CUNT OR WHAT LIKE?! WE WERE NOWHERE NEAR THE FUCKING BIN!), has been getting paid supervisor rate on the same shift as me... he's been classed as a "Sunday Supervisor" yet he knows absolutely fuck all, and he is ALWAYS asking me for help with things... what the actual fuck why is this?! I'm way more experienced (Bitch please, I WAS a supervisor for half a year!) and even though I think the place is a shit hole, and everything about it is dodgy as fuck, I still get shit done and everything... why was I not picked to be the supervisor for the shift? I didn't even know until another coworker told me today, she thought I already knew about all this... did I fuck!
... Think I may have to give blackmail a try, show the worker the footage and threaten him, if he doesn't resign I'll take it to management and the police, or even better, so it's harder for him to get a job anywhere else, blackmail my manager into sacking him for stealing or I'll also take it above his head and the police too... either way I'm not taking this sort of shit now, it's fucking ridiculous... he's got to go, how the fuck is he still here after all the stuff he's BEEN FUCKING CAUGHT DOING and how the actual fuck is he classed as my supervisor?! I'm working with him tomorrow too, gonna' mess shit up so bad and tell him to get it fixed, might just "accidentally" turn the pumps off on the forecourt, mess with the computer screens, have a few of my mates come in and make complaints and stuff, because he can't handle any of that shit, he's an absolute doorknob, can't do fuck all, he's an absolute mong, he'll come to me for help as usual, and I'll just be like "Hey, don't ask me, you're the supervisor here..." and give him a proper derp face look or something... seriously, I just... I don't fucking get it why the actual fuck on planet earth is he still with us? ...then again, why the fuck am I still here?! ...oh yeah, because my area is an absolute shit hole and there are literally no jobs going anywhere else unless I want to make an hour journey (Each way) into Sheffield everyday and I can't be arsed with that until I start driving (Driving there is about 20-25 minutes, the quickest public transport would be train, about 45-50 minutes, plus walking time), hopefully next year... or I could just fuck off and relocate somewhere in the country, which is what I've wanted to do for so long now, but not a clue where to start!