Funny. And now I realize that someone somewhere has a party of characters named Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan.
In other news, my wife recently got her graduate certificate in translation and she had mentioned wanting a website. She had one of those free hosted simple website dealies. I figured I could do a lot better than that. I already have a server running for my own website, and it wouldn't cost me anything extra (besides domain name registration) to run two websites on the same server. It ended up being a little more complicated than I was expecting, as I took one step and realized it was still broken, then took another step, and realized it was still broken... I registered the domain name and pointed its A record at an html file in an Amazon bucket (which basically just lets people access files online, and you can host a simple website in it), then I had to move my own website into a different directory before setting up her website (and making a new database for it), and then I edited my Apache configuration file to handle both the virtual host and the https rewrites for both sites, and then I added her site to my Certbot certificate, and eventually I made her a snazzy email @ her new domain and made a basic landing page. (GoDaddy's custom email is highway robbery, by the way. Anyone hosting a website can install SMTP on the same server. And anyone who values time can just pay Amazon $3 for the email address and a web interface.)
No single step was very difficult, but it just took a while to get everything set up. And now that I know what I'm doing, I'm sure I could do it a lot faster. And it's not like being a webmaster has ever been an ambition of mine, but I wonder how many people out there would pay me to set this stuff up for them.