Hybrida":15kes2cv said:
Imagine DBZ killing Goku and Vegeta permanently. Like no halo spirit world crap, just completely dead. Can't you imagine the backlash?
Honestly? i wouldn't mind that too much (this coming from someone who's 2nd favorite fandom is DBZ right behind Star Wars) However, I recognize that I'm in the minority here.
BUt I'd love to see some other characters in the dragonball universe get some shine. Before now the formula has basically been "everybody try to survive while we wait for Goku to show up"
That trope was especially present in GT, which I've seen a number of people refer to as "Dragonball Goku Time" (DB + Goku Time)
I totally understand if you dislike or even
HATE The Last Jedi, though. It's definitely a flawed film. Probably one of the most flawed in the franchise. However for me, the highs in The Last Jedi outweigh the lows.
For instance, the end of the film with hologram Luke holding back Kylo Ren was one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars History. I absolutely loved it. The fact that Luke was able to hold Kylo back with what turned out to be a completely pacifistic tactic TO ME, was one of the most Jedi things I have seen in a Star Wars film.
Is it a perfect movie? No, far from it. Is it the best Star Wars movie? Again, no. Far from it. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, I consider it my fourth best in-theater experience. My top 3 being Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. IN THAT ORDER.
Civil War was actually the first MCU movie that I saw in theater, and also the first movie that I saw in theater that I really, REALLY cared about.
The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie that I saw in theater, at least that I remember clearly. The prequel films came out when I was very young, and I know I saw them all in theater with my father, I don' remember much about the actual experience since I was probably about, I don't know, 8 years old? When the Phantom Menace came out. Regardless, when I saw The Force Awakens in theater was the first time I saw a Star Wars movie as a full grown human and I nearly SHIT MY PANTS when that opening crawl started with the classic Star Wars theme. Easily top 10 boners of my life.
And then there's Avengers: Infinity War. OH MY FUCK. This movie had me so fucking hyped I can't even begin to explain the rollercoaster of emotions I went through during the promotion for the film. When I saw the actual finished product? I don't think I have ever had such an incredible hype boner in my life. You now how people say they came out of a movie "grinning from ear to ear?? I came out of this movie grinning so hard every muscle in my head was hurting for days after. I literally cannot understate how much I LOVED this movie and the experiences ( that's right, I saw it 3 times in theater) that I had watching it.
Anyway, like I said, if you dislike or even
HATE The Last Jedi I totally understand. Like all forms of art, films are subjective. Did you know some people actually LIKE the DOOM movie with The Rock? Holy shit that movie was terrible.
This had been Drunken Thoughts at 2AM featuring Dr. Funk. Join us next week where our topic will be... Why Voltron is better than any of the Megazords? That sounds like a terrible topic. I'm going to have to have a talk with my editor...
Also if there's a record for longest post made in PWOYM in the last year I would like that award as well as a medal. Plus, if you could make the medal green, white, and orange like the Irish flag that would be great. Please, hold your applause until the show is over. Thank you.