Nathaniel3W":v8t6auuk said:
I'm just still annoyed at Reddit from that time I responded to a negative post about my Kickstarter. They said "It looks crappy." I said, "It looks crappy because..." and then everyone started telling me that I can't take criticism, that I'm acting really condescending, that my game must have nothing to offer, and on and on. It was brutal. Seriously, they criticized everything. The name of the game, my choice of words in the video updates (Someone actually said that when I said "I had to make these changes," it's as though I'm annoyed that I have to improve the game).
I don't think there's anything that anyone can do to change the culture of the videogame-related subreddits. Those people are who they are, and there are a lot of them. Please just keep HBGames running and I'll keep coming back.
Dude you really need to be able to take that kind of criticism (need a thicker skin), my personal policy is all criticism - even unconstructive shit - is valid criticism and has information to mine out of it.
If you were replying to the criticism
justifying your choices (keyword is justifying), then you're not taking criticism well - you don't need to justify your choices to anyone, you need to understand your choices for yourself and that's what criticism should be doing for you (if you understand everything, then you'll be able to see why something won't work).
For the case of Kickstarter campaigns, I've been involved with two (maybe three?), one successful, one not, and I 100% will say that the words you use in those videos, the title of your game, the way it looks, it is all 100% important. Kickstarter is not about the raw facts and information about your game, it is marketing and every second of that video and every word you say is part of that marketing and needs to be written (literally, written on a script) to make sure that it leaves no room for questions, is very clear and doesn't give-off "vibes" or "feelings" such as "being annoyed".
I'm not going to say these people on Reddit are correct or right or that they weren't jerks because I haven't seen the thread and I'm not going to go looking for it, but feedback on the game's title, choice of words in video updates, the layout to your Kickstarter, the graphics and art-style, your choice of hair colour for your protagonist, the lighting you used with your webcam and your microphone's quality is very much real feedback and is very important that you listen to it and understand where it's coming from.
You're free to ignore the un-constructive shit like "crappy title" or "this game is SJW aids", but personally I will even take that as feedback and I will analyse that and figure out what meaning is actually derived here and I will critique my choices from this new angle.
I spend days writing and editing scripts and dialogue to make sure the words are perfect. Even the change-logs on app updates I spend a good 30 minutes writing to make sure it can only be read in the way I want the reader to read it. If you want some examples with game titles, my current project has a very bad name as it is two Japanese words that you'd only understand how it related to the actual game if you know a little bit about Japanese culture or can read Japanese (as such, it is a place-holder title). When I first found this name everything felt perfect (alliteration, domain name, the meaning behind the words), but I spent days criticising it myself, finding all the flaws and figuring out why it would fail to market - and represent - my game's branding. Even down to the height of the letters when written in lower-case and the length of the second word versus the first (even the number of vowels in each word!) - all this is far more important than even I know it is.
I know for certain that others on the internet would criticise that game title, so I beat them to it and said it was shit before I even showed it to them.
A lot of this post is based around my personal principles and everything I've personally learned, it could be wrong, but I'm yet to be failed by this and I'm yet to find an example or situation that disproves any of my thinking here.