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Awesome Bro

bacon":91e1xyxr said:
D..dont leave us jason ;-;
But there's nothing left for me here anymore, or any real reason to visit. I've moved on to other communities, the only reason I still check here every now and then is nostalgia, since it was one of the first forums I ever used back in the day.
I never play anything multiplayer so I'm never looking for people to play with.

I love this place because of the gamemaking feedback, with people who actually recommend stuff and know what they're talking about. I can't stand Reddit. Most of the feedback I've gotten from Reddit has been along the lines of "Your game sucks. You're a snobbish dick and your game sucks. The name is stupid and you're an asshole who can't take criticism because you tried explaining the story behind it. Oh, and did I mention the game sucks?" Honestly, the only reason why I post there every day is to drive up my non-promotion count so that when my game is done I can go tell everyone about it. I dread the thought of advertising my game on Reddit, but I know I have to because of the sheer volume of impressions that can be had there.
I've never gotten into Reddit. Venitia tried explaining it once. I don't understand how it works. Points? Subscribing? What's the point? The categories - or groups or whatever they're called - seem arbitrary, vestigial, with the more focused groups having redundant discord servers anyways.
I wouldn't know where to start posting, or why.
coyotecraft":3a39mnsm said:
I've never gotten into Reddit. Venitia tried explaining it once. I don't understand how it works. Points? Subscribing? What's the point? The categories - or groups or whatever they're called - seem arbitrary, vestigial, with the more focused groups having redundant discord servers anyways.
I wouldn't know where to start posting, or why.
What the hell? How can you not get reddit and not understand how it works? It's a very simple bulletin board system with single-level forum categories that cover a range of topics, each with their own moderation team.

If you understand the complexity of this place, surely you'd understand the bare-bones simplicity of reddit? Don't post if you don't need to post, post when you do need to post. Reply if you can add to the conversation, up-vote if you think information is good, down-vote if you think it is bad (most redditors use up/down votes as opinion mechanisms - don't do this, in the PCMR subreddit there's a massive problem of correct, good computer-science getting down-voted into oblivion because it doesn't match the marketing bullshit intern Jimmy from AMD wrote on a Tuesday afternoon of January 2013). Subscribe to forums (subreddits) if you want to see them on the homepage.

Reddit auto subscribes you to a bunch of subreddits, like worldnews, to get you started - so the homepage should show a load of content.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Modified my mono fire deck heavily. Went 4-2 on Sunday. Finished 2nd. Got a Lanm, Vincent and Laguna promo and 4 packs which one had a delita. So now i have all opus 3 cards
Oh I love Reddit. I only browse / subscribe to specific game subreddits though. It reminds me of playground discussion over games, which with school a good few years back, is perhaps one of the few things I miss. My subscriptions constantly change based on what I'm currently playing - so Pokémon and Fallout currently.

There are issues though; there's some circle-jerking and a few key topics often repeat to ad nauseam. For instance with the Fallout one, which I have been subscribed to only for a few weeks, I have seen so many topics on "Why Fallout NV is the best" or "Why don't people like Fallout 4" or slight variations on those two topics. But then there's some good stuff that pops up from time to time.

I guess everyone's mileage varies.

Though if we're talking about media we don't understand too well... Twitter? I get the appeal of concise announcements or updates / promotions from an online game or business or what have you... but then its the rest I don't get... following celebrities? Following friends? What? The rest just seems like a vehicle to spew tiny everyday occurrences to a crowd. Or get yourself in trouble due to something you've said.
Xhukari":1jxy921y said:
Though if we're talking about media we don't understand too well... Twitter? I get the appeal of concise announcements or updates / promotions from an online game or business or what have you... but then its the rest I don't get... following celebrities? Following friends? What? The rest just seems like a vehicle to spew tiny everyday occurrences to a crowd. Or get yourself in trouble due to something you've said.
Twitter to me is for short-burst fire of short information. People who spout shit and follow shit can do whatever they like, but if I want to know when the Khronos group updates its specs, or if John Carmack has done an interview or if a favourite blogger of mine has done some cool artwork or is at an event then Twitter is where I'm at. It's better than subscribing to RSS feeds or having to wait a few months to stumble on this information (if ever stumbling on it at all).
Yeah guys i love reddit. It has practically every board. Its especially great when looking for gaming related people. Especially for things like pokemon trading, trading furniture in AC, finding a good Minecraft server, finding MK8 friends, etc. I manly stick to Nintendo stuff. I also think its a pretty decent news source, but its definitely liberal skewed.
Xilef":15ka93qd said:
What the hell? How can you not get reddit and not understand how it works?
My impression is that it's some kind of internet popularity contest.
Reddit as in I "Read it"?
So you'd click the reddit button under a post here and it reposts it to reddit /comics/ (because that's how it's set up I guess), so strangers and outsiders will see it and up/down vote it's entertainment value.
Like it's for rebloggers, minus the blog, plus youtube comments trash.
Or you know, Pinterest, where everything is coming from another source anyways?

Didn't Venetia work for marketing or something? It seemed like she was always into Search Engine Optimization. Reaching out to people and organizing events was her cup of tea.
I don't have a mind for it.
You're thinking of digg.com I think, where you'd "dig" a blog post or something.

I believe Reddit was originally intended to do this, so instead of diggit, you'd reddit. But this isn't what Reddit is at all, it's just a mainstream middle-ground between 4chan and a BBS.



I mean I still like this community, even if I don't post a whole lot either. I kind of wish we could pivot to a platform more suited to the casual conversation that makes up most of the activity here. The Discord is only really frequented by Monkey and AceofAces though. Admittedly, I've been no help in that regard either. These days I just can't bring myself to make anything beyond some conceptual phase.
coyotecraft":nin1i2lf said:
Xilef":nin1i2lf said:
What the hell? How can you not get reddit and not understand how it works?
My impression is that it's some kind of internet popularity contest.

Yes, that is exactly what it is. And the users there are perhaps even less polite than at 4chan. Maybe in a smaller subreddit where there are few enough users that you can start to recognize each other, people might be polite to each other. But in /r/pixelart, there are 75,000 subscribers and 100 online browsing. /r/gamedev has 219,000 and 600 respectively. /r/gaming has 16.9 million and 16,000.

Maybe the communities dedicated to people who actually make stuff are better, where everyone is trying to improve and help each other. But some of the larger general-interest communities I've had to deal with (/r/jrpg, for one) are a lot less friendly.
Improve Reddit? Probably not. Improve HBGames? It's perfect the way it is.

Amy, you and HBGames are awesome. I love you and everyone here (even Hybrida). I'm just still annoyed at Reddit from that time I responded to a negative post about my Kickstarter. They said "It looks crappy." I said, "It looks crappy because..." and then everyone started telling me that I can't take criticism, that I'm acting really condescending, that my game must have nothing to offer, and on and on. It was brutal. Seriously, they criticized everything. The name of the game, my choice of words in the video updates (Someone actually said that when I said "I had to make these changes," it's as though I'm annoyed that I have to improve the game).

I don't think there's anything that anyone can do to change the culture of the videogame-related subreddits. Those people are who they are, and there are a lot of them. Please just keep HBGames running and I'll keep coming back.
Nathaniel3W":v8t6auuk said:
I'm just still annoyed at Reddit from that time I responded to a negative post about my Kickstarter. They said "It looks crappy." I said, "It looks crappy because..." and then everyone started telling me that I can't take criticism, that I'm acting really condescending, that my game must have nothing to offer, and on and on. It was brutal. Seriously, they criticized everything. The name of the game, my choice of words in the video updates (Someone actually said that when I said "I had to make these changes," it's as though I'm annoyed that I have to improve the game).

I don't think there's anything that anyone can do to change the culture of the videogame-related subreddits. Those people are who they are, and there are a lot of them. Please just keep HBGames running and I'll keep coming back.
Dude you really need to be able to take that kind of criticism (need a thicker skin), my personal policy is all criticism - even unconstructive shit - is valid criticism and has information to mine out of it.

If you were replying to the criticism justifying your choices (keyword is justifying), then you're not taking criticism well - you don't need to justify your choices to anyone, you need to understand your choices for yourself and that's what criticism should be doing for you (if you understand everything, then you'll be able to see why something won't work).

For the case of Kickstarter campaigns, I've been involved with two (maybe three?), one successful, one not, and I 100% will say that the words you use in those videos, the title of your game, the way it looks, it is all 100% important. Kickstarter is not about the raw facts and information about your game, it is marketing and every second of that video and every word you say is part of that marketing and needs to be written (literally, written on a script) to make sure that it leaves no room for questions, is very clear and doesn't give-off "vibes" or "feelings" such as "being annoyed".

I'm not going to say these people on Reddit are correct or right or that they weren't jerks because I haven't seen the thread and I'm not going to go looking for it, but feedback on the game's title, choice of words in video updates, the layout to your Kickstarter, the graphics and art-style, your choice of hair colour for your protagonist, the lighting you used with your webcam and your microphone's quality is very much real feedback and is very important that you listen to it and understand where it's coming from.

You're free to ignore the un-constructive shit like "crappy title" or "this game is SJW aids", but personally I will even take that as feedback and I will analyse that and figure out what meaning is actually derived here and I will critique my choices from this new angle.

I spend days writing and editing scripts and dialogue to make sure the words are perfect. Even the change-logs on app updates I spend a good 30 minutes writing to make sure it can only be read in the way I want the reader to read it. If you want some examples with game titles, my current project has a very bad name as it is two Japanese words that you'd only understand how it related to the actual game if you know a little bit about Japanese culture or can read Japanese (as such, it is a place-holder title). When I first found this name everything felt perfect (alliteration, domain name, the meaning behind the words), but I spent days criticising it myself, finding all the flaws and figuring out why it would fail to market - and represent - my game's branding. Even down to the height of the letters when written in lower-case and the length of the second word versus the first (even the number of vowels in each word!) - all this is far more important than even I know it is.

I know for certain that others on the internet would criticise that game title, so I beat them to it and said it was shit before I even showed it to them.

A lot of this post is based around my personal principles and everything I've personally learned, it could be wrong, but I'm yet to be failed by this and I'm yet to find an example or situation that disproves any of my thinking here.
Amy":1ahpotqb said:
Anything I can do to improve things?
ZenVirZan":1ahpotqb said:
amy can we pls have a cheer / like / upvote option pls

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