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I have brief moments where I realise my surroundings. Like how weird it is that I see what I see, and how strange the existence of everything around me is, but it generally only lasts like under half a second. That's the most out-of-body experience I've ever had.

If I was in a permanent state of that, I feel like I'd probably turn into Hybrida. So while I don't agree with anything they say, I do understand how someone could have views like that.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Compared to Chinese monks, I'm a novice.

All humans have access to these 'abilities' below.

Aura awareness : You know when someone's nearby. That feeling of being watched. You can see auras!

Slight future prediction: Knowing dialog to a movie you never seen, or knowing what someone is gonna say before they speak. It just comes to you like magic. Knowing what comes next.

Time awareness: Somehow you guess exactly what time it is without looking at a clock. It's not luck. Time perception is a thing.

Déjà vu:
1) A dream sequence, or a thought becomes true.
2) You observed a part of your life before it happens. A tiny future sighting.
3) Multiverse fracture. Alternate versions of you did the same thing at the same time.
4) The matrix changed a path in your life, and did a small backstep. (Joking)
6) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Déjà_vu

Personally a call out my Déjà vu as it happens. "I look up... Mother in law calls me... Pencil drops on the floor." The scary part is I can't alter the sequence even tho I know it's coming.
Hybrida you seem like the kind of person who thinks "Spirit Science" is a load of trash and garbage because you've figured things out on your own. That YouTube channel is a load of trash and garbage, by the way, in case anyone is considering enjoying its content (which I'm sure is loved by the original content authors of r/im14andthisisdeep).

Not everyone gets the feeling of being watched, I think it's more of paranoia mixing with natural instinct for defences when you're feeling vulnerable. In blind tests (lol, blind tests), humans have no idea if they're being watched or not.
We are very sensitive to eyes watching us, probably also survival instinct. Even reflections of people staring at you can trigger the feeling of being watch, I'm not going to suggest that this is where the feeling of being watched comes from, but I will say that it shows how paranoid we are of being watched.

Interestingly, there is slight magnetism around animals like humans so we can feel presence and in humid conditions I think you can even feel it if you're about a centimetre away from contact of another person's skin. I expect that we have something in our brains that lets us feel when other humans are around us, just that it's underdeveloped and not in tune. I'm pretty sure birds have a specialised organ in the brain for navigation by the Earth's polarity?

Slight future prediction is almost certainly due to us all being predictable bastards. Movies recycle lines frequently and they use familiar music cues, so it's getting ridiculously easy to guess generic dialogue immediately after a dramatic pause in a film. It's very much harder to predict anything beyond an opening sentence. Hollywood is a machine of generating cookie-cutter films to make money from the Asian markets. We love the same music that's been reshuffled a hundred times, we love familiarity 100% - but the idea of change excites us, even though we don't want it to happen in our lifetimes as that would be disruptive.

I think knowing what someone's going to say depends on circumstance and familiarity. I'm a very unpredictable person, I'm yet to meet anyone who can guess my opinions or what I'm going to say or think, probably due to me being an introvert and rather autistic. I find it sad because I have the sense that I'm never going to be understood by anyone, but I don't think that's a problem anymore as it's something I've accepted (the desire to be understood seems like an aspect for someone who desires attention). My ex-girlfriend is incredibly predictable and every time I think she's proved me wrong about something a month later it turns out I was right and she didn't want me to find out from other friends. So on the flip side you get very predictable people; but that's also not a problem and can help one be empathetic towards a person's emotional needs - on a personal note I've found that predictable people tend to be more self-centred and trend towards lacking empathy for any experiences they have not personally had and are closed to ideas introduced from external sources.

On a political tangent; the current mayor of London is a real fucking predictable son of a bitch and he's demonstrated an extreme lack of empathy towards the Brexit voters of London. He's one of the most tunnel-visioned politicians I've seen in my short life.

Time awareness can be thrown out the moment you remove a point of reference. Time flies when you're having fun, or rather when you're absorbed in a task so you discard your last point of reference from your mind (inversely, people believe time goes slower if someone is watching the clock as they are keeping the point of reference in mind at all times). Stick anyone in a windowless room with a light for a few hours and they'll have no idea how much time has passed. Most people can probably estimate their local time of day based on the position of the sun after living in an area for a few years.

There's also the fact that people who settle into routines and lifestyles start feeling their years are going past faster and faster, so retrospective time awareness is pretty terrible for the majority of people.

Déjà vu experiences freak me the fuck out because I can see an event unfolding in front of me that I can swear I've experienced before, so what I end up doing is "breaking" the chain of events that I expect to happen by introducing weird situations. I figured out that if I say weird things aloud then it just encourages the chain of events that my memory tells me will occur, so I stopped attempting that. Now I do things like fold paper quickly or turn on music or just start rearranging items on a surface so they can't interact. Probably some futile attempt to 'control my own destiny' as having control over my life is something I really treasure.

Rationally, I think the experiences are triggering memories, including dreams (which I believe are made up from memories being rearranged from short term into long term, and because they're moving through your brain your mind is like "wtf is this, uh, better make sense of this shit"). I think this is from survival instinct, so we see a pattern of events, we know what's going to happen, it happens and that confirms our theory - even if it's coincidence. We never think about all the times déjà vu doesn't happen <- Although that is a pretty stupid thing to say.

The strongest déjà vu I've ever had was in boarding school when we were climbing a hill and then I saw bread crumbs all over the hillside suddenly; the night before I had dreamt the same scenario, the difference being that in the dream I was alone with a young lady there - who did not appear in the real experience (where I was with an entire class of students). I've climbed that hill a number of times prior and I presume it was a coincidence that we climbed it the next day (it's not a normal event). I just remember reaching the top of the hill and seeing all the bread crumbs - that I guess some old person threw around for the birds - and I felt absolute dread; probably why I believe it's a survival instinct because it freaks us out more than anything.

The other strange one is predicting music on the radio before it comes on. I don't listen to the radio often so I avoid this these days, but it used to happen even with songs I feel I started thinking about spontaneously. Doesn't help that radio repeats music over and over, so if I heard even a brief few seconds of a familiar song I'd be thinking about it for some time, and then the act of entering a car and turning on the radio may trigger that memory of the song - and then the radios starts playing it.

This also happened with my ex girlfriend who'd start singing songs every now and then; I'd be thinking of a song and she'd start singing it. I completely blame the fact that radio repeats music and we don't actually consider that. Music that's popular gets repeatedly played. She also listened to the same music over and over again because that's what people like to do, so I ended up hearing her music a lot. I also probably tuned into what sets off her emotions before she sang particular songs, so if I saw a chain of events occurring I probably thought it appropriate to think about a piece of music because the same events triggered her singing.

Sorry for shitting all over any spirituality you have. It is my belief that matters of "spirit" - which is a concept I think we should have, even if it isn't real - these matters are far more subtle than what people believe, even going down to the lifestyle choices of Buddhism.
We do a lot of active stuff to worship or make our minds more in-touch with the planet or our soul or whatever: I doubt a metaphysical concept warrants active physical change to help you become aware of it, but if that's your jam then go ahead.

If you're the type of person who believes the words "spirit" and "science" can exist next to each other then you should go back to school; science is a methodology, not a faith-based belief.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Xilef":2itnvm0z said:
>>That wonderful novel goes here<<

The spiritual science thing is entertaining. I don't dismiss it entirely. I'm open minded. Some of the data is questionable, but I actually love thier videos! They make you wonder. The spirit grid thing I kinda agree on.

You have some good points. I'm very scientific and science is my thing, but I've seen some things I can't explain. I don't care how scientific a person is, once you have a massive out of body experience, or see a ghost it just screws up everything... I did both.

"Maybe it was a brain condition, or a hallucination." Only excuse science can say. Yeah, no... The first time I've used deep meditation with a binural beats from youtube, my entire vision went all white, and my eyes were open. After it subsided I see people in the comment section asking:

"Why do I see all yellow?"
"What does all white mean?"
"Is seeing all blue good?"

At that moment I put all my scientific blocks aside and just explored the spiritual phenomenon. From that moment I decided to learn how to Lucid dream. Results: Huge success after 4 weeks. ( Don't laugh, but Android 18 keeps friend zoning me in the dreams. She very faithful. A loyal, well designed character... Incredibly nice to me, but politely rejects my advances.)

However I tried to learn astral projection. Results: moderate success after 5 months. ( If I'm standing right here, who the hell is in the bed?! OMG it's me! I can't be 2 places at once, only quantum mechanics would allow it. So this must be the Astral plain. Astral projection complete.)

I didn't learn spirituality by myself. I just watched some videos and tried some shit. Discovered I'm a indigo star child. Got results and got hooked. *Shrugs* It's not about belief, it's about results. If someone says in a video "scratch your ass and cough to get $20", and you find $20 that day, I all for it. Results is all I care about...

It's a logical scientific explanation for everything? Yes, but that only after we discover how everything works.
Pretty much everything I addressed hasn't been proven or disproven by science, I offered other explanations. Memory and dreams aren't scientifically proven or tested phenomenon. The feeling of being watched may be proven to be 100% false, but the reason why we have that feeling is an unknown.

I didn't give you a logical, scientific explanation for any of that because we haven't discovered how any of that works. I think you've got preconceptions.

I watched the spirit science stuff as entertainment but then it very quickly turned into bullshit citing personal theories and discussing things like chakra as if it was real, rather than discussing it as a belief. I think that's retarded and watching videos like that isn't educational it's just a video pacifier for like minded people who are easily impressed.
If you ever want to scream get Amazon prime and search for documentaries.

There are some great ones (I recently have been watching PBS Nova, Hybrida) but the majority are... Well...

Crop circles. Aliens. Why the moon mission was fake. NASA doesn't exist. Conspiracy theories etc.

Fucking bullshit.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Princess Amy":129crrr7 said:
If you ever want to scream get Amazon prime and search for documentaries.

There are some great ones (I recently have been watching PBS Nova, Hybrida) but the majority are... Well...

Crop circles. Aliens. Why the moon mission was fake. NASA doesn't exist. Conspiracy theories etc.

Fucking bullshit.

No No No No! Ahahahaha. What hell happened to NOVA?!

Topics like black holes, sinkholes, earthquakes, volcanoes, green house effect, and plant life are the good ones.

Stay away from them shitty NOVA's. LOL.

I like when they talk about viruses and antibiotics. I've learn a lot how viruses mutate to adapt and counter antibiotics. My favorite NOVA was called the ghost particle. They talk about the neutrino. Extremely interesting...

I learned more from NOVA than anything in public school. (Science related).



I'm late to the party but hi ya'll I had a dream my mother died the night she died

also I've had deja vu so strong I was able to mouth along with the person speaking but everyone said it was the first time we'd talked about whatever it was
I had a dream I was still in school during exam day and I had tests to do but at the same time I had to save the world from a lava spewing super monster

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