The one possible positive scenario is that Trump made it all up to get into power, and once in, will go back to his old ideas on this kind of thing. He was one of the only people to socialise with post-AIDS Freddie Mercury. He was a donor of the Clintons and golf partner to Bill. He has often spoke of his belief in meritocracy. And he has already backed down on Obama Care.
Maybe, just maybe, he's a liberal in disguise. Maybe. Hopefully.
Otherwise there's a very good chance he'll be impeached.
If he wanted to really shake up the political system he should appoint Bernie Saunders as his vice president. Apparently he can do that? And apparently there's a god chance Nigel Farage will be in his cabinet?
Anyway, vital work:
Maybe, just maybe, he's a liberal in disguise. Maybe. Hopefully.
Otherwise there's a very good chance he'll be impeached.
If he wanted to really shake up the political system he should appoint Bernie Saunders as his vice president. Apparently he can do that? And apparently there's a god chance Nigel Farage will be in his cabinet?
Anyway, vital work: