bacon":5ttwn3tw said:
Hybrida youve been a troll and have not contributed anything to this forum
I tried to present stuff when I first got here, but I was intensely trolled, insulted, and demoralize by members and administrators. So yeah "fuck you guys permanently" is my mindset. That hasn't changed unfortunately since 2009. Just waiting on the inevitable permanent 404. I won't do anything to prevent that. Why should I?
Sure I'll communicate, sure I'll just hang around, and sure I'll LOL with you, but I never forget anything... When I do present anything, there isn't a reasonable response to continue doing so.
Yet in real life I'm the most interesting/exciting motherfucka where every I go.
IRL: "OMG that's amazing." "You came up with that all by yourself? That's cool?" "We want more information." "Wow you're very creative." "You have your own game?!" "The animations are great!" "You should teach science." "I love the story. Please share more!" "I like how you think."
HBG: "......." "Meh" "it's just okay." "It looks like a 12 year old made that..." "Yawn." "(No response)" "Disgusting." "Just stop dude". "The boobs ruins it." "Typical man vs alien story." "I've seen worse." "Nothing special." "It's not satisfactory, get better." "Ima fuck with his account for LOL's." "How old are you?"
No real reason to lift one finger to preserve this place. If I could save this place by just looking to the left, I'll look to the right... That's my honest feelings. I hold grudges and don't totally forgive, but enough about me I guess.
Save your forums.