Google astral projection. Once you understand it, you'll be amazed. It's similar to a out of body experience or a lucid dream. Some drugs can trigger it, but only dumbasses will do it that way. LSD can trigger it, but brain damage is permanent. Meditation is safer.
With practice you could control your dreams, or sidestep out of your physical body...
I've mastered lucid dreaming a the point where could have a wet dream every night if I wanted too. AKA having sex with almost anyone I want during a dream. You just need to have some type of emotional connection to that person. (I absolutely love Taylor Swift , but nothing good ever happens when I meet her in dreams.)
Leaving your body. Very scary to do, but very fun once you do it. This part is astral traveling. Once your spirit leaves your body you can explore your own subconscious, Earth, space, or other dimensions. It's complicated. You'll see strange people, demons, and shit I can't begin to explain. When you exit your body, you'll be able to spawn anything with a single thought. So never watch scary movies before astral traveling. You're also omnipotent. Imagination is your limit when doing an astral projection...
See something scary? Just 'Final Flash' the motherfucker and move on. Astral projection is real. Many videos on how to do it. Just take your time and learn it...