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Post What's on Your Mind

Dr. Funk":nqwsevhy said:
Absolutely livid with Microsoft. LIVID.

For the past three weeks when I boot my PC, Windows 10 has been attempting to update only to fail at the last moment of installation, revert all changes and restore the previous build before finally starting Windows. All that combined it takes me about 30-45 minutes to boot up.

Reasons like this is why I don't like the zero choice in updates, and why I never plan to go to Windows 10.
You know, doing "full time" work is great and all, but it does make it hard when the other one day I have college.
I'm really not sure if I mentioned this at all before but I feel like I essentially get no time to myself. Saturday to Wednesday I deal with work. Thursday I'm at college and friday I have to deal with other obligations that I can't do in the week, like going to the store to get myself food, or cleaning my house, or going to the doctors, or going to the vets. The last two I haven't done yet cause I haven't even had enough time on my days off.
The rest of the time that I'm not in work or education I'm studying or with friends.
I'm happy where I am, but I've got too many obligations man.
I'd love to write a gameboy emulator with the idea of it being incredibly portable. Basically it would have no input/output, but it would emulate everything the gameboy does as a server and IO is handled via connecting as a client.

Would be great to make a gameboy emulator Minecraft server mod where regular Minecraft clients can control a giant gameboy that's running a real gameboy game, so the IO clients would be input from Minecraft buttons (or chat commands, whatever) and output via copying chunks in the Minecraft world for display and playing note-block beats for music.

EDIT: Potion eventually college will come to an end. I remember being in the same situation and feeling the same.


Awesome Bro

HiPoyion":1bfmrapz said:
You know, doing "full time" work is great and all, but it does make it hard when the other one day I have college.
I'm really not sure if I mentioned this at all before but I feel like I essentially get no time to myself. Saturday to Wednesday I deal with work. Thursday I'm at college and friday I have to deal with other obligations that I can't do in the week, like going to the store to get myself food, or cleaning my house, or going to the doctors, or going to the vets. The last two I haven't done yet cause I haven't even had enough time on my days off.
The rest of the time that I'm not in work or education I'm studying or with friends.
I'm happy where I am, but I've got too many obligations man.

Welcome to adulthood... or at least, shitty adulthood... I'm in the same predicament, always feeling like I don't have enough time to myself despite having days off, since I have other things to do.
I'm really losing track of time. It's already October. I've got a few things written on sticky notes that I need to do soon. But other than that I don't have any prospects.

Normally I'd want to do a project for Halloween but I haven't done that successfully since....2010. I did a short comic that year. It was really bad. I actually regret doing it.
It's practically tradition now for me to spend Halloween watching a movie I'm half interested in, eating chocolate cupcakes.
Buying toys for my niece and nephew has dug up some deep resentment I've always had about toy isles. There'll be 4 to a set "sold separately". They'll be 4 hooks on the wall for that set. Do they stock all 4 set pieces? No. The hooks will be full of just 1 set piece; the one you already have.

My nephew wants transformers that combine. But the store was apparently overstocked with 1 character - which is dumb because what are they going to combine it with?

My niece wants My little Pony - there should be dozens of those. But once again, they're overstocked with just Apple Jack and Fluttershy.

So this is why I shop online.
Further down the line I'd like to implement VR support to my game so players can meet their character "in person" and have an awkward social experience with them.
tfw getting ready to set up a dual boot
format my os drive
plug in windows8.1 usb
windows installation fails, cant read source



☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Solar generators are fully charged. A systems nominal. Bracing for a category 4 hurricane...

Reinforced glass and titanium alloy structural integrity are at 100 percent...

Mother nature bring it on. I'm ready. Florida is a target after 10 years.

Tripped going up the stairs. Stubbed my toe. Ripped my toe nail back about halfway leaving it at a 90 degree angle. had to limp to the bathroom trying not to drip blood everywhere. Pushed the nail back down rather than cut it. It might fall off after a week.

I've ripped a toe nail off before. It'll grow back. This didn't sting as bad.

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