The idea is a "Digimon Ver. Mobile" or - more specifically right now - "Digimon Ver. Android".
Some of the ideas;
- List of previous monsters with their stats
- Tree of monsters achieved
- Online battle tournaments <- With Android Gaming integration so you actually see your profile climbing the rankings
- Digital currency "bits" which you spend to unlock new monster eggs (basically skins) and device shells
- Device shell can "pop out" of app and hang around on the screen whilst you do other things (like YouTube Gaming's pop-out player)
- GPS based game - advertise your Digimon to battle local people in your area and gain extra bonuses for doing this (also creates a heat map of where other players are? Wouldn't want to spread personal information on this, so would keep it anonymous)
- Pedometer based single player - rolls a random value to determine how far you need to travel in the physical world to encounter an AI battle in the game
- Ability to feed monster via Android notification (so when it desperately needs feeding you get a notification and you can hit feed - or ignore) <- These notifications would appear on smart watch
And then if you get premium (via paying for bits) you unlock these features;
- Cloud storage of monsters (send them into your storage, download them onto other devices)
- Set up automatic care plan (X number of points to spend each day on automatic care, so you can dedicate points to keeping it well fed, keeping the weight down, turning off the lights or cleaning up poop)
- Ability to save monsters and revert back to previous monsters
Another pipe-dream idea (which would add significant complexity) is the ability to watch the tournament as a Digimon World style battle in full 3D, camera spinning around, and people could live react or something (I would say and be able to place bets, however Google have an anti-gambling policy and Bandai Namco likely wouldn't want gambling in a Digimon game anyway). Would be very awesome if this could be streamed onto Android TV or Chrome Cast so you see the battle arena on the big screen.
Would be cool to have regional tournaments as well as a global tournament.
So the game would be split between fighting AI (pedometer), fighting your friends (bluetooth, wifi P2P, whatever), fighting local strangers (GPS), fighting to be the best in your country (regional) and fighting to be the best on the planet (global). The regional tournament could be once a week, global tournament could be once a month.
I think I'd want it to be one monster per device, so you would have a more personal connection to it.
I've got loads of other ideas for it too, but the above is basically the major ones. The one thing I'm missing is the longevity factor. How would I keep players interested and how would I expand the game over time? I can imagine someone downloading it for nostalgia and then forgetting about their monster entirely after playing around with it for an hour. Maybe have a collectable card game so the app rewards you for just having it installed over time - and the cards could augment a factor for your Digimon? Kind of a throw-back to Tamers.