Juan J. Sánchez":3rw374cr said:@Hybrida Please make it stop! My eyes hurt.
Was it too much? Read it again just to be sure...
I Apologize, there's a reason I normally keep to myself. Not so curious anymore I reckon. I could be the only black dude on Earth who can out WTF the Japanese people. They can't make WTF content better than me. What I posted was lightweight... Too bad my scanner is broke.
On my fun mind:
The ability to change your biology at will is called Bio-kinesis. This may even exist in real life. Imagine changing your eye color at will. Or your hair color. You could change just about anything on your body. No solid video proof. China hide everything that's good. No recording in the temple they say.
In real life I have Aerokinesis. I can control wind and erase small clouds from the sky. Learned it from YouTube. Didn't expect it to work. O.O (erasing clouds with your mind work!! It's easy too.)
I do practice Hydrokinesis a lot. Controlling water and making bubbles in water. This stuff exists, but people are too closed minded to discover their own abilities. May cause headaches. Just a warning.