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Poetry Contest (RESULTS)

*EDITED* Who wins the smilie, once & for all???

  • Theory (Won according to one of the judges)

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Sechs (Won according to the other judge)

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Wyatt (Won according to popular vote)

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters



hmmm I never voted for my self o.0

I never do... who accused me of doing so? T.T

I could do it now if you want to ... I never voted .... I was amazed I ecen got 1 vote o.0
I've lost. But I'm not leaving as humilated as I am.

A place where I wish to live...
Is a place, one step too far for me to walk to.
A combination of procrastination, long dead dreams and lies.
A place, within which I can entwine myself in the foundations.
Nobody wants to live in a world of truth,
Else everyone would tell it.

Unfortunate beliefs won’t let me find a place I wish to live...
I could live over the top of infinity

Only to never be able to find the courage to look out of the window.
Never question the shell that you live in, lest it should crack, and you will find yourself in the real world...

A world that tells no truth.

I could set these walls ablaze, only to see what lay beyond them.
You ask where I would like to live?
Where would you like to live?
I would like to live right here...
On a page of my work
Where I tell lies.

Because a place that tells no lie is a place that has never existed.
And I’d much rather live somewhere that exists
Than in a tragic, make-believe world.

Ask these walls something:
Do they tell the truth?
Or a lie?

And what of their answer?
Is it the truth?
Or a sad lie?

I will live here on my words...

To read the old lies again and again...
... until they become the truth I’ve been searching for...

Only then can I live as happily as I wished for once...
... Knowing that I stepped into that of the ephemeral...
... and moulded it into a resemblance of infinity...

... hanging onto each word like dust on a shelf...
Mourn for my soul...
Those tears are all that will remain of me...

I can only die happily...

... Having created...
... that which cannot ever exist.
Pity the man who dreams for the impossible...
but can't wake up.
For it is beyond his understanding and power...
... To shape the world he loves...
... He is only ever able...
...To let it shape him.

~Zackwell Dorian Aesther

And I am no longer embarrased. That isn't an entry... Just something so you don't all think I'm only capable of nursery rhymes.
I wonder when we can expect results. Not pressurizing, just wondering.

Your mother. Wait, that doesn't really apply here...

And so we improvise: I accidentally your whole mother.

But no, seriously, was there a timespan on the judging thing?
Life hasnt given me much freetime lately. Expect he result by late Saturday, Pacific Time. That my be super early Sunday for some of you. :3

Sorry for making you wait so long. Again, life is really busy. 0:
Sorry for seeming impatient, you see
It was not my intention to fill you with haste
I merely like writing these poetic shorts
A winner's a thing I would sure like to be
But taking part gives you a very good taste
Of what it is like to be a bad sport
There was a man from China
Who wasn't a very good climber
He slipped on a rock
And split his cock
And how he's got a very good reason to go back home
Well, you guys are probably wondering where the hell are your results. :/ Our lives have been pretty hectic lately and well, we really havent had that much free time of late. We are doing the best we can to finish the results. Hopefully, we finish by the end of the week. We are so sorry we have failed you, and we feel bad bumping the results to next week. Again, we apologize. D:>
(So sorry)
(super oober sorry again) D:
I promise we will have the results by this week.
Again, we feel like we have failed this competition, and we probably have. So sorry again. ):
it is in exusable that we dont have the results, I understand. Please bear with us. ):

(sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry)
**grabs the fifteen sorries and puts them in a bag**
they're mine! i got here first!
if you ask really really nice i might let you have one.

apologies accepted, thank you.
Well, I have been waiting for Demonfire for the last two day. I really dont want to send biased results in, but it might have to be that way. I dont know where he went.

Also, we have failed. I am so sorry. I have had a lot of things going on, summerwork, last week was rush week where there are club meetings at schools, tons of homework and papers to write about the summerwork, sending applications for jobs, practicing driving, ect. Sometimes, I havent gotten home till 6ish and I still have to do HW. Again, I am sorry. I shall post my results soon. I dont know what happened to Demonfire. Sorry for the failure, as this was the best contest and most supported contest I think I have tried to run. Sorry for failing you guys. D:

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