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Poetry Contest (RESULTS)

*EDITED* Who wins the smilie, once & for all???

  • Theory (Won according to one of the judges)

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Sechs (Won according to the other judge)

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Wyatt (Won according to popular vote)

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
Here's what I propose.
A final round between the three of us.

My idea would be that previous contestants get to vote on it (not the remaining members, but everyone else.)

However, I think that when posted, they should be posted without a name attached, so-as not to allow a person's reputation or known personality to influence the perspective of their poem.

"Judges" would simply state that they like poem 1, poem 2, or poem 3.

On a technical level, I would be the winner if we leave it as is. However, I'm simply in this for the sportsmanship, so I don't mind going to sudden death.
there added a poll. look @ top of the thread. we'll let it run for, oh, a week or so. after that, the person with the highest vote will win the smile. if theres a tie i'll flip a damned coin.
if you want people to vote i recommend advertising it in your sig.

im not getting into deep "judge 1 2 3 etc etc" stuff here because it's just for a smile >.>
no offense theory but this shit needs to get wrapped up already :eek:

Vision blurred, my blue eyes swell
The world's burning, bask in hell
From flame to flicker, burn it down
Raze my throne and break my crown
For all I had, I have no more
No more four walls, and no more door
As she lies broken, dark sanguine
The smoke, it will not let her breathe
A whisper, shattered by a scream,
The ruins blaze, but I don't bleed
My love is dead, my eyes turn black
No ritual can bring her back
My house is dead, my skin like ash
Around the ruins now I thrash
The darkest shimmer, white as snow
A bloodred sun, a sky so cold

Here in the winter's warm embrace
The house is getting cold
The power's out, the heat is gone
The midnight bell has tolled
My sweetest other, fast asleep
Enjoying dreams of warmer things
I cannot let her get too cold
before the next bell rings.
I go downstairs, unlock the latch
Pull out a candle, strike a match
Go back upstairs, lay down to sleep
The candle's warmth, it comforts me.

The house, this house, my house,
My home, you cannot burn it down.
Yet ash and rubble all around,
And in the memories I drown.
Whatever comes, whatever goes,
these walls can be rebuilt.
Without her here, as now I know,
this House is not a Home.

An optimistic move
Full of hope but rushed maybe
A sturdy truck? We wish

Five smashed plates, in several crates
We peer over

The kettle's dented
The TV smashed
The dog? In Spain, one can assume; not here by any means

The bed is small,
Floorboards creak with every step we take,
And in the night the moans
Of old pipes
Of dogs in the street
Of faulty wiring
Of next door banging against a wall

But still
Do we complain?
The fridge is small
We have no hall
This house is not at all like we'd imagined

But it's home
And that, for now, is good enough, for me

Insignificant Place

What is this spark of light,
That lifts its arms in the dark?
Why does it persist,
When its efforts are in vain?
Why must it tug at my hand,
Like a child wanting bedtime stories?
Surely it must mean nothing;
It’s an insignificant thing anyway.
But why must it persist,
When I will only turn away?

Perhaps it’s those ocean eyes
That evoke far off memories.
Or maybe it’s that grin,
Which never ceases to smile.
It could be the laugh
That rings like church bells,
Or the way it holds out its hand
And beacons me to come.

Its confidence is strong and unwavering,
Something you never see these days.
Its determination is quite admirable,
A trait that I’ve respected.
Its intentions must be good,
If it insists that I not forget.
Perhaps I should listen;
It could be worth the time.

That spark appears yet again;
The youthful face is bright with glee.
With eagerness it whispers,
About old times and experiences.
Something inside awakes;
Blinking its lucid jade eyes once again,
An unexpected smile is painted across my face.
Maybe it isn’t such a bad place after all.



nobody does. if they do, they're wrong; they don't actually like them.

overly flowery poetry is just the way an amateur hides the fact that he fails to evoke any actual feeling or imagery
i <3 wyatt mug smile?


Just throwing it out there >_>

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