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Pixel Art WIPs/Small Things Thread



The lines on the blade are very jagged, I would do a quick edit to show you mean if I could. Since I can't, I'll point you to this page because it explains what causes the jaggedness and how to fix it.

Also when you get to work in the colors, I would recommend making the blade very high-contrast to show the glinting of metal, and the handle less so.
Very cute, Action Man! The form is great, but I'd recommend unifying your palettes more. Look at saturation levels (the pants are very saturated, but it's hard to tell because it's so dark) and have all of your shadows tend towards the same hue.

I seem to be working on this again. I've been stymied for ages for want of tiles to go with the HUD and sprites, but I decided to pick at it today. Not sure if I'm going in the right direction. Opinions?

I think the HUD might actually be too distracting now that I have a few tiles done, but oh well. I'm not likely to do anything with this; I just want to finish it. Man, now that I look at it, that palette swap on the big pipe wasn't really adequate. Something that dull should not have such high reflectivity. I might just toss this back on the WiP file and finish one of the other things I have lying around instead.



ugh. i'm so rusty, it's been forever since i've pixeled!!

i guess i'm happy with the basic shape, but good lord that walking animation is terrible



still awful just awful

note: the arms are still like noodles because i have a lot of problems with arms for some reason, so i just drew some quick ones to get a feel for how they'd animate

this is supposed to be a bubbly, energetic type of walk but it doesn't really come across :/



someone post some WIPs and/or Small Things before this becomes the Moxie Posts Dumb Stuff thread!! :mad:

before i clean this up i want to get the basic shapes right and gosh this hat looks terrible!! it's supposed to look like this:


any suggestions for how to make it work?
gosh i am going to post a terrible example of your sprite please dont beat me up

its not at all perfect in even the slightest maybe but its more of what you should try to aim from this oh so terrible suggestion:


you added a rim and a poof hat. I think you want it to be lower and around the skull area. Like I said mine is terrible but oh well x:

I gave it a try as well. Really not sure how to explain it other than... well, I tried to make it look like the picture.



hey, thanks y'all! i've worked on it a 'lil more

ignore the amputees, that's where i was starting the walking anim on another layer
First bit is something I did last night, then tonight I tried to make it more dynamic and less static/NPC like:

Can't decide on the right arm/hand place, and also if that left leg looks okay or not. Lines are pretty much still wip and haven't cleaned those up (especially the tail)
I like this concept. I think the arm's are in a good position (maybe straighten the right arm out if you want her to look like she's attacking). But the left leg can be changed a few different ways that would suit the right. Here's what I did just as an example. (hope that's ok!)

Ah the leg is 100% better, thanks for taking the time to do an edit Norton :) I'll be definitely looking closely at that.

I'm going to be animating this, so the arms are going to be moving back and forth, possibly from far to close with the torso. The legs being right is really going to help me make her looked balanced as she sways back and forth.
moxie":39z9uokf said:
hey, thanks y'all! i've worked on it a 'lil more

ignore the amputees, that's where i was starting the walking anim on another layer

I really like your sprites style Moxie! looks great. ;)

A face template I made on a whim. I did my best to make it look realistic, anatomy-wise. I've been thinking maybe I should make the highlights on his cheeks bigger, but I'm not sure about it.
:P I ended up with a massive image size when I'd looped the single frame six times, I thought about going smaller and tried a few styles, many times. I settled in the end with doing an edit for show as I had mainly body parts all over. A 'tales of' style seemed to be the most flexible and detailed with size.

Character Reference: http://www.pso-world.com/images/classes/fomarl.jpg
I did do one of the alternative heads though :P
For the most part its actually pretty good the only minor criticism i can really give is that the hands seem a little large

also when you post pixel art make sure to use the



looking good y'all!

i'm really not good with pixel portraits so i'll leave the specifics to someone else, but one thing i can tell you - the way you've shaded the cheeks and jaw area, with the dark outline and darkish shades on the inside part, makes it look pretty jagged. even though you're going for a straight ahead lightsource, it looks odd pillowshaded and mirrored like that. maybe try for a different light source, like to the top left?

looks neat but yeah, those hands are huge! i'm not familiar with tales games, is that a stylistic holdover?

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