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Pixel Art WIPs/Small Things Thread

It's better now ^^, but the lineart needs work..

Edits on the Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town's base...

Good? * The base is the last frame


Awesome Bro

So I decided to sprite a house, just to see if I could do it using 16x16 tiles (Although it makes no difference REALLY, well it does and it doesn't, lol), and I think I've succeeded, however, when it was first done, I had 7 colours on the roof, 5 for the face of the house, and 3 for the windows, so that makes 15 colours, correct ? I started heavily modifying it, and have now gotten it down to just 6 colours, and I'm very happy with it, C&C Please;

I'm not too happy with the shadow that the roof casts on the face of the house though, that's the best I could get it though, even dithering it didn't look too good...

Edit - I've changed the window colours to be darker, since the doorway gives the impression no lights are on, meh.

Better or worse ?
wow i like that a lot! very oldschool.
one way you could get depth very easily on your roof is to make one side (typically, the right side) a shade darker than the left side, to indicate that the light is coming more from the left than perfectly overhead.


Awesome Bro

:eek:: Did Ven just say she likes something I made ? OH HAPPY DAYS ! WINSTON, BRING THE CHAMPAGNE !


But yeah, I think I'll be doing that, since I'ma be using it ingame anyway, I was trying out pixelling with as little colour pallette as possible, lol.

Is my pallette okay would you say ? Cause I've gone through three variations to get that, lol.

Also, how do people spell it, palette or pallette ? I've always had double L, but google seems to think it's spelt as palette, which just look odd to me :crazy:
Hmm... I'm not sure... good question. I've always spelled it palette. =\ Dictionary.com though shows the word palette, but at the same time, for the eighth definition it says:

<i>"8. Also, pallette. Armor. a small plate defending the front of the armpit when the arm is lifted; gusset.</i>

Bleh... =\


I'm beginning to think that the correct form is "palette" and that "pallette" is the above definition.

According to the free dictionary.com anyway.




I did some searching on pixelation(awesome pixel art forum) most pixel artists spell it 'palette' (search results for palette: 58pages, pallette: 12 pages.
Anyway, spell it the way you want, if someone critizes you for that he is a dickhead.
Anyway, trying to use no templates at all:

sideview or platformer version:

as a sideview RPG sprite this would be interesting...
Also, don't worry the size these sprites will be doubled in-game.
It is a palette and has been for many years, it was always used by painters.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... alette.jpg
^^An artists palette.

Twirly this is my heavily edited crapped up version of yours. Its not supposed to look that good as it was just quick few minutes thing. It's basically to show you better anatomy, the right amount of contrast, and shading, at least I hope it does. And by no surprise you chose upper left for your shading, it doesn't always need to be upper left, I know your more comfortable with that. But to grow your abilities you need to try other stuff.




the cat. smaller one is the size ingame. the line ones are just there. also the one on the far left looks kind of like gameboy mewtwo

mostly uh I'd like input on his windbreaker and the palettes and his hand position such. the gun is a black block because it's just a placeholder atm. he's supposed to be holding the butt and trigger with his left hand (paw?) while cradling the barrel with his right. I probably didn't get that across very well.

the windbreaker just looks sort of garbage to me. it's like my shading is just all over the place.

oh also I'd like suggestions with what to do with the eyes. they don't look crazy good closed like that, and the little dot eyes on the far right don't fit either.

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