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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: RPG

"Are they actually gone?" Lucian panted aloud, not believing his luck. Damian and Kasumi had finally deserted him, and just in time. If he spoke right, he just might be able to weasel his way out of this situation and into a ship before anyone, Viv or the group, could stop him.

"Well, your friends have left you, it seems." Viv taunted. "Don't worry, we'll track them down soon enough."

Lucian siezed this chance to make his move. "I'll help you with that!" he smiled, and then winced as Amy pulled the bullet from his shoulder and bandaged the wound. "I owe that lot a beating, and I know where they're going. Tell you what, you let me go, and I'll kill them myself. I have no loyalty to them.
      "You could use a replacement for a while anyway, I'm sure. That guy over there isn't going to be useful for a long~ time." he gestured to the groaning Marc a few meters away.



Chapter 5: Recapture

'Yeah right.'  Viv laughed mirthlessly.  'We let you go, and you run off to do what you like.  Whether you're loyal to them or not, it makes no difference.  You're staying with us.  What do you take us for, a bunch of complete idiots?'

'Well...' began Lucian.

'Don't answer that question!'

Behind them, Marc had got to his feet.  'And you're wrong about another thing,' he said to Lucian.  'Would take more than that to keep me down.'  However, the way he was clutching at his ribs told a different story.

Amy finished bandaging Lucian's arm, shot him a dirty look and walked back to Viv.  'Right, move, back towards camp,' Viv commanded, waving his pistol.  Marc went behind Lucian and began shoving him onwards, encouraging him to walk.

'Come the First, I'll pay you back for breaking my ribs,' he threatened menacingly in Lucian's ear as they moved off.

'Amy, the trees,' Viv said, and Amy, with the skill of a cat, clambered into the branches and out of sight, moving along above them, scouting ahead.

It was not long before they came across an approaching Damian and Kasumi coming in the opposite direction, weapons in hand, ready to help Lucian.  When they saw Marc, Viv and Lucian, Damian waved his pistols at them.  'Unhand him!' he yelled.  A cackle was heard above him and he looked up to see Amy descending from the trees towards him.  With great pleasure she dealt a strong kick to Damian's face, throwing him backwards onto the ground and knocking the guns from his hands.  Kasumi raised her sword to decapitate the short girl, but a warning shot from Viv halted her movement.

Once again, Kasumi was forced to relinquish her precious daisho.  She and Damian were forced into line with Lucian, there things taken from them, and were marched back to camp, Amy laughing all the way at having repayed her debt.

Their captives safely back in the hole, Viv looked down at them sturnly.  All of his team had sustained injuries, and they had only recovered two of the prisoners.  Nevertheless, he maintained his superior attitude.

'What you lack,' he said in a lecturing manner, 'is preparation, planning, and any kind of team coordination.  We were able to recapture you because our teamwork was leagues ahead of your's; had you stuck around to help Lucian (He indicated Damian), you probably could have over-powered us. That shows a lack of comeraderie. You would have been able to free your friend had Amy not been in the trees. That shows preparation on our part.'  Viv adressed his subordinates for a moment.  'Amy, make sure Bella and Ted are alright.  Marc, start repairing the cage.  Once you've done that, both of you watch them until morning.  They must not escape again.  We'll go after the other two once morning comes and the others are awake.'

Amy and Marc nodded and set about their respective tasks.  'One more thing,' he said to his prisoners.  'It's interesting to note that Lucian tried to sell you two out to save his own skin.  You can all ponder that while you're trapped in that hole for the next couple of days.'

Viv left them alone and went to the shelter, where he found Amy checking on Bella.  'She'll be fine,' she said, 'in an hour or two.  The others' stuff's gone too,' she added.

'That'll make them a lot harder to capture,' Viv replied.  'They're on their guard and equipped.  We out-number them though.'

Viv picked up a piece of fruit that lay with the others and took a bite out of it casually.  Then he took six more pieces, two for each of their prisoners, and returned to the hole.  He tossed them down to them.  'Eat these and get comfortable.'

2.30am -  Day 4
2 days, 8 hours since the start of the exam
Aster had returned Jo most of her belongings. A few knives were missing, so was Billy's katanac but it didn't matter much. They were far away from the camp, once again somewhere in the jungle. Jo had been worried about wild beasts, but Aster was prepared. She didn't only keep medicine and scalpels in her backpack, it turned out to have several traps in it too. Jo had been searching for some more fruit and had managed to find some of the fruit they had left at the camp. Aster warned Jo for something she called a punji stick. She had sure hid the traps well. Throwing Aster a piece of fruit Jo spoke:

"You sure are full of surprises. Poisons, hidden wires and needles and now you come with that backpack full of traps." She paused, looking for Aster's reaction, which seemed positive. "But what I do wonder, why did you want to help us at the beach? And how did you get through the forest so quickly, fit and alone?"



“Man, I’d love to be able to do this just by helping people. But a test like this is a bit, well, biased against the folks who can’t fight. I needed some way to defend myself.â€



8.12am - Day 4
2 Days, 13 hours, 42 minutes since the start of the exam

'Everyone ready to go?'

Viv inspected his band of warriors.  Ted and Bella had recovered, and were both better off than Marc, several of whose ribs were broken, and Amy, whose smell had not yet returned completely.  This latter would make finding Aster and Jo more difficult.  The group had had about four hours of sleep, not the best of conditions to work under, but if they left it any later they risked losing their prey altogether.  Marc, Amy and Viv had secured the cage door of the pit once again - it was now more sturdy than before, and they were sure that their captives could not escape from it.  This meant all five of them could search for the two women together.  All of them were fully equipped with weapons in hand - Ted carried his spear, Marc had a pair of knuckledusters in his pockets, Viv carried his knives and his pistol, and Bella had a short sword.  Only Amy, who always fought bare-handed, carried nothing.

'We're tired, but they probably are too,' Viv said.  'And, we know the land better, and we outnumber them heavily.  Once we find them, it shouldn't be too difficult to capture them.  When we do, use any force necessary - we've wasted too much time and energy being kind to them.'

'We should have cut their fingers off at the beach,' joked Ted.

The others glanced at him reproachfully.  'Don't kill them if possible, and don't underestimate them.  From the equipment they had with them, it seems the girl has the whereabouts to set up several kinds of traps.  With that in mind, we'll move with caution.  Alright, let's go.'


'I can't believe you tried to sell us out!' Damian grumbled for the hundredth time to Lucian.  They sat on opposite sides of the hole, saying nothing, except for the odd outburst from Damian.

'Oh, forget about it,' Kasumi said.  'Viv might have made that up, or Lucian might have been trying to trick him.  There's no way to prove it and if we want to survive their 'game' or whatever, we have to trust one another.'

'No way am I trusting that asshole.'


9.15am - Day 4
2 Days, 14 hours, 45 minutes since the start of the exam

After an hour of scouring the island in the direction Aster and Jo had run, using Amy's now very vague and quite innaccurate tracking skills, Viv's group finally came across their enemies.  They hid in the shrubbery a little way away, whispering plans to one another.

'Watch out for those sticks,' Bella observed, pointing out the punji sticks.  'We have to get past them first.'

'And they might not be the only traps around,' Ted added.  'We have to be careful.'

'Okay, here's the plan,' Viv said.  'Marc, I'll leave the younger one to you and Bella.  I don't think she has much combat experience so she shouldn't be too difficult to capture, I hope.  Amy, you circle round through the trees, and wait for us to attack, then support whoever needs the most help.  Ted and I will take the woman.'

They all nodded, and took their positions.  They waited until Amy was ready, then attacked.

Bella came flying towards Aster, sword before her.  She wasn't swinging it - she didn't wish to hurt her target, but would try to keep her occupied until the slower Marc had navigated the punji sticks so that he could use his large size to restrain her.

Beside them, Viv and Ted had also jumped over the punji sticks, and went to circle Jo to try and surround her.  Viv was already spinning his knives in his characteristic fashion whilst Ted held his spear pointed at Jo, ready to fence her in with threatening jabs if she tried to get past him.
Ambushed, now this wasn't what Jo had expected. Just a few moments ago Jo and Aster had been conversing about what to do with the boats. The two women had a view of the beach if they climbed in a tree, there were three ships left. One would be theirs, neither of the remaining would be for anyone else. The watercrafts would be sabotaged, but before her companion and Jo had decided how to, Viv and his merry band had appaered out of nothing! Jo took a few steps back and scanned her opponents, Viv, armed with knives and the man she had taken out before, equipped a spear and though it was not held in a throwing position, the weapon was pointed at her. Not far away, two others had closed in on Aster.

Jo didn't hold any weapons in her hands yet and decided it became time to arm herself while she still had the space. She took the revolvers out of their holds quickly, the men had were too far away to counter-act. Jo stretched her arms out slowly, but not aimed at her offenders who appaerently were waiting for her to point the guns at them before making a move, perhaps hoping she would back off. With her arms stretched out, Jo smiled, the idiots. Instead she aimed alongsides them, her head turned towards the spear-wielding man, her eyes looking past him. She waited a few moments and then released a shot, a man cursed loudly. Jo had shot one of Aster's attackers in the back, whom now fell to the ground. The man with the spear lept at Jo, but she anticipated this move and circled around the attack sideways. The man now headed straight towards a trap Aster had set, Jo gave him a pushing kick in the back, assuming he would fall into the punji sticks and quickly aimed her two guns at Viv, who hadn't been as impulsive as his team-mate, but stupid nonetheless.

There were four of the merry band in total, Amy was missing. She was their tracker and even without either Jo or Aster being marked with the perfume, Jo wondered if Amy wasn't the best bet Viv and his merry band had on finding her and Aster? Amy couldn't have been left at the camp, that make no sense, they would have left someone else. Had she been killed? It was obvious Viv had endured a beating and the man she had shot was having problems keeping up with his partner, as if he were injured. No, Amy was either dead, incapable of moving, or hidden. If the last was the case, where could she possibly be?

OOC Though you said Aster and Jo were marked, Jo doesn't know this. Also, something I ponder, isn't this the third day already?

EDIT: Oh sorry, didn't read the OOC thread, did now though capture Jo in your next post.



Aster scrambled backward, reaching back into her bag and feeling around with one hand and swinging the axe-side of her mattock wildly to try and discourage Bella. Bella was the one she had injected, the only one who was definitely poisoned. Hopefully that would affect her fighting ability somewhat, because Aster didn’t see another way that she could win. Her hand fell upon her syringe, which she pulled out.

The larger man cursed in anguish and toppled. Aster wasn’t sure what had happened, it didn’t look like he had stepped on one of the sticks, but she wasn’t going to complain. Bella looked back for a second to see what had happened.

Aster was by no means a skilled fighter but Bella was effected by the poison. Using the second of distraction the small girl leapt at her, knocking her to the ground. She was too light to pin Bella effectively but she really didn’t need to.

That was where Amy had went! Jo aimed one gun at Amy, but Aster was held between the barrel and the target. Jo wondered what she could do, if she'd shoot at Amy, she'd likely hit Aster, if she shot Viv, Amy would kill the girl. Perhaps threaten would help, she could kill Viv now and Amy probably realised she wouldn't be likely to avoid Jo's fire, Jo would kill all five if she'd sacrifice Aster. If she could convince them of tha-

Jo's thoughts were interupted, Ted had tackled her from behind! Jo could feel the spear's point held to her back.

OOC: OK, now we can move on.



Chapter 6: Game

Together, Ted and Viv wrested the pistols from Johanna’s hands.  Forcing her to her feet, she and Aster were once again marched back to camp by Amy and Viv, while Ted looked after the wounded Marc and Bella.  Marc was lying face-down on the ground, clenching his fists, groaning at the pain his bullet wound gave him.  Bella had lost consciousness altogether, having finally given into the nausea and headache she had been suffering from all morning.  She had stayed silent so as not to become a burden on the others, but when Aster had been standing over her threatening her with a syringe, she had passed out completely.

‘You two really are something,’ Viv said as they walked.  ‘To turn a five-on-two situation into a three-on-two so quickly is incredible.  I don’t even know what you did to poor Bella.’

Back at the camp, Viv stripped Aster and Jo of their equipment once more and they were forced back into the hole.

‘Jo, Aster!’ Kasumi called as they landed among the others.  ‘Are you alright?’

‘Pretty much,’ Jo replied.  ‘Did you get the message?’

‘Of course! We didn’t eat any of the marked fruit.’

‘Good, all we can do now is wait then.’

1st May
6.30am - Final Day
4 days, 12 hours since the start of the exam
12 hours remaining

‘Wake up, wake up!’  The yell came from Viv.  ‘Rise and shine, you’re nearly free!’  It was indeed the time he had promised to free them.  They were assisted out of the hole, but Viv’s pistol still threatened them.  Jo breathed a huge sigh of relief as she breathed fresh air again.  The last two days had been awful for her, even more so than for the others.

With little explanation, they were led through the forest for about half an hour.  All of Viv’s troupe was there; Bella had recovered after a days rest, and Marc’s thick hide combined with a whole lot of luck meant he could already walk again, though he now had two serious injuries that were hindering his movement.

Eventually they came to a large clearing, about ten meters in width and double that in length.  The grass there was far less overgrown than on the rest of the island, and there were few other shrubs and plants.  There was also the much more obvious observation of that, embedded into the ground and rising straight up in the air some ten feet, were close to a hundred wooden poles.

‘Don’t tell me you do this?’ Aster asked as they all stared up at them.

‘No way,’ Ted replied.  ‘We found them here.  Must have been set up by the guild.’

Each pole had deep grooves etched into their sides, running all the way up, by which one could easily climb to the top.  There they could sit or stand on top of the pole, whose diameter was wide enough to accommodate one person at a time.  With enough daring one could jump the gap of around two meters from the top of one to one of the others surrounding it.

Viv turned to them all and began explaining, finally, the reason for his actions.

‘Y’see, Marc here is a gambler.  He said it might be fun to gamble away all our time on the island save twelve hours.  The gamble would be whether we could still make it in time.  To make it more fun, he also suggested a game against a rival team.  Bella agreed, saying that it would be interesting to see if a group of individually skilled strangers, when forced together in extreme circumstances, could adapt quickly enough to beat us, a team that has worked together for several years.  To that end, we came up with this game when we found this site.  Then we found you, and decided you’d be perfect.’

Ted and Amy lay down the equipment belonging to Jo, Aster, Lucian, Damian and Kasumi carefully on the grass, taking each piece gingerly from its wrappings.  Out of respect, they didn’t man-handle any of it too much, in particular Kasumi’s swords which they didn’t touch at all.  It was odd that they had gone from being rude and violent to being so respectful so quickly, even Amy seemed subdued.

‘We tried not to hurt you too much, and we apologise for the inconvenience we caused you.’  Viv bowed his head humbly, holstering the pistol.  ‘But, to explain the game, which we hope you will agree to play, but which we will not force you to.  If you win, we will direct you to the beach, which is close by here, and not pursue you.  We have checked this morning, and one boat still remains.

If we win, we will aim for the last boat ourselves, though of course, if you are still in any fit shape to beat us there yourselves, you will be free to try.  If you do not agree to play, we will treat you as ordinary enemies and do everything in our power to take the last boat for ourselves.’

Without waiting for a response, Viv went on to detail the rules.  ‘Simply put, it is last man standing.  We will each take our place atop one of the poles.  The aim is to knock all the opposing team’s members to the ground.  If you touch the ground with any part of your body, you are disqualified.  The team who forces all their opponents’ team to the ground first wins.  You may use any weapons or tactics you wish.  Any questions?’

No one answered.  ‘Very well, then I will ask you all – will you agree to this competition?’

(OOC: Sorry for the rather crappy explanation, it was the only reason I could think of to delay the characters getting to the island til the last day.
If there are any questions regarding this game, please say so and I'll edit the last part of my post.  I also would have had this up last night, but my stupid computer messed it up. Stupid laptops! ><)



"Hehe," Damian chuckled at the thought of Viv, Marc, and especially Amy falling to the ground with bullet wounds. 
This'd be cake. 

"Wait a minute." Kasumi whispered to the rest of the party whilst Viv and company went on with their buisiness, "This could be some kind of scheme.  They could be hustling us.  Acting like they are bad at something and then suprising us with amazing skill."

Damian shook his head.  "If he wanted to win to get a yacht, then he would've just taken one and either left us in that hole or killed us."  He paused.  "Besides, we all have a score to settle with one goon or another.  It will no doubt be fun watching them writh in pain at the bottom of a pole."  He said the last part with a would-be evil grin.

Lucian wasted no time in agreeing that he wanted to settle a score with Viv.  But Kasumi stood firm against the game.

"Listen," She said angrily, "I want to get back at them too.  But that's no exuse to take risks.  Look, right now we have the jump on them.  Why don't we just kill them now and be done with it?!"

OOC: Yeah, it's kinda short.  I don't want to have a huge influence on the main flow of the story yet.
Jo was breathing slowly, re-equipped and with severe violent intentions. "I make no secret of it, I intend to put their lights out either way."

The impulse to kill Viv and co. right away was hard to resist, but they had been no fools. The merry band was close to shelter, while the others would have a hard time finding protection from bullets and spears. If they'd make a move right now they would be at a disadvantage and having anyone killed or injured would mean it would be harder to cross the sea. No, everyone had to stay alive.

"An assault is a possibility, however they are prepared and as you can see we're wide open for their ranged attacks, while they can step back and find shelter from ours. If we reposition, we have a chance, I do not wish to make sacrifices that may hurt our chances of passing this exam. We need all of us alive to get the yacht under control to the best of our ability."

Jo looked at Kasumi, who seemed upset. Figured, she probably was clueless about what to do after hearing that logic. Kasumi had caused problems and she knew it. She had put Damian in grave danger and according to one of Damian's stories she had been unable to free him and Lucian when they had been jumped upon by two "goons" earlier. And was beaten by that mysterious man with the cane. Jo assumed this all had hurt her self-esteem a lot.

"Look, if we're going to fight we need to reposition, we cannot do that without being noticed. As much as I am in favour of the alternative, the game is our only option. We just need to wrap it up quickly." Jo hinted the group to come closer, when she picked up where she had left her voice was much more silent than before.

"You may have noticed, most of the fruit is gone, which means Viv and his merry band ate it. Pay close attention, you can hear Amy's breathing on a rapid pace and Marc's been suffering from nausea. They are at disadvantage, it is easy to kill them as individuals and that's what we're going to do. After we've accepted the challenge, this is what we'll set up."

Jo kneeled to the ground and used her finger to draw a few circles on the ground.

"These are the poles, Damian, you're going to stand on the one in the back to serve as our main ranged attacker, plus you'll double as an observer. I will make sure nobody gets close to you so you can focus on both tasks. If there's any dangerous movement made, you will announce it to us, loud and clear." Jo said the last three words a bit louder than the rest of her monologue, if Damian couldn't make clear what he said... Jo had not yet seen him shoot so didn't know how good he was at that, but so far he didn't strike her as too reliable. Even so, he had been doing a good job collecting information. As long as he was heard, he would do fine as an observer.

"I will guard Damian and try to ensure safety of the rest of you. I will double as the secondary ranged attacker and if needed I will close in using this neat blade." Jo pointed at Billy's katana.

"Here, on the front pole, this is Lucian's spot. His first task is making sure their close-range attackers don't get close to the rear. However, when their first man falls he will jump of his pole and ensure that this person won't cause any harm. In short, Lucian, you will kill him."

Jo didn't mention the second reason for giving Lucian this task; Lucian had been eager to kill all along, it was such a huge drive for him. He wasn't a great team player either, but as long as his needs would be fulfilled and he had no choice but co-operate it would turn out fine. Or at least Jo hoped that, she had made several approaches to Lucian but most of them had been blatantly ignored...

"Speaking of that, our priorities lay in getting their ranged attackers off the poles as soon as possible. Priority number one is Viv, number two is Ted. Viv, is mine, Ted, is Damian's. Until one of them touches the ground, Lucian will defend us using the pulling effect from his sword to disbalance those who choose to approach us. Kasumi and Aster, you will stay still on these poles until both Viv and Ted are on the ground unless I say otherwise. When they are however, Kasumi will close in. If they gang up on her, Aster will act like a lure and get one of them in Damian's or my range. If neccesary I will refer to melee combat with this katana."

Hopefully the bunch would act according to plan so they could handle this quickly. Jo'd speak with under four eyes with both Damian and Kasumi before the 'game' would start. There were some things that needed to be said.

OOC: So basically I wanted to get somewhere. I hope I've given everyone a task that pleases them, although Aster's might seem useless, it is invaluable as Kasumi would have to defend from three melee attackers. If neither Jo nor Damian can get a shot in, Aster'd be Kasumi's only chance. As for the thoughts about the characters, it's merely Jo's thoughts based upon what she has seen and heard.
"I'm fine with all of that." Lucian said as soon as Jo finished assigning positions. "You realize, however, that they'll have the same set-up? Viv or who ever is there main ranged will be in the back, but unlike us, their team has multiple distance fighters. If anything, Damian should be concentrating on them. They're the only ones who will be able to get to Damian through our close ranged fighters, and if Damian is knocked off, we'll have just about no way to hit Viv or Amy. And lastly, if anyone gets Viv, it'll be me. Cripple him or whatever, but I want the final shot at him."

He left with a smile and picked up his sword, spinning it in his right hand for a while as the others puzzled out what few holes were left in their strategy. He had a sinking feeling that this game wasn't as fair as Viv's group had made it out to be but that could end up making it more fun. Not caring what the group's final plan was, Lucian took his place on the ground near the front pole.

I can't fail here. They got further, and I have to as well. he told himself and immediately he felt a wave of energy flow into him, any tiredness or pain being replaced by adrenaline.

"Ready when you are!" he shouted to both groups.



Damian gave off an exasperated sigh. "Lets do this..."  He began his decent up one of the poles in the back of their team's side.  At least he could keep his balance well.  Damian had been on mountains much higher than ten feet with paths much narrower than these poles.  And he'd also do well as an observer, having excellent periphal vision.  The only problem was his offensive abilities.  In the event that he was the last member left on their team, he'd clearly have trouble aiming. 

Once both teams were all positioned on their respective poles, Damian surveyed the opposite team's positions.  Lucien had been right.  Viv was positioned in the back with his pistol.  Marc was in the front, being point man, and Amy and Bella were on the left and right sides in the middle. 

Once he'd relayed this information to the rest of the team, he shouted:

"Ready when you are, Viv!"  He did his best to sound imposing, but in his thoughts, he couldn't have been more nervous.



Aster smiled and nodded as Jo went through the plan, glad that she was being given an order. She was a bright girl but truly struggled to think for herself outside of petty acts like the extra poison. She needed orders to do anything other than run away because behind everything she was faking, both the ‘innocent child’ façade and the ‘dangerous trapper hiding behind an innocent child façade’ façade, there wasn’t really anything. Her emotional growth had been stunted so badly by conditioning that she couldn’t react to situations without being told to and any personality that she displayed was little more than a disguise to facilitate carrying out orders. She was, for the most part, mentally incapable of failing to do what she was told.

And she had been told to pass. So she was going to.

It was just that ‘Pass.’ was a lot less specific than she was used to and while she already knew what orders were likely to be for a lot of situations no-one had anticipated the bizarre behaviour of Viv‘s group and so she had no idea how she was meant to react to it. If it weren’t for people like Jo taking charge, she wouldn’t be able to do a thing.

The girl selected her mattock as a weapon. She didn’t intend to use it as such if it could be avoided but it at least made her look a little more intimidating. She left it in her bag until she had nimbly clambered to the top of the pole Jo had told her to use.

“Okie dokie, I’m all ready!â€
Lucian hadn't been paying a lot of attention to any other than his own part, Jo concluded. It didn't matter as soon as Viv had been shot off he'd have something else on his mind.

Jo trusted her own marksmanship more than Damian's, she had positioned herself more to the side so nobody would block her shot at the back row. She had assumed that Viv would be there and she had been right. A gun would be faster than a spear, giving Damian an advantage over Ted. Before climbing on top of her pole Jo walked to each member of her team. She barely looked at Lucian, gave Aster a smile when passing her, and then she stopped at Kasumi's pole.

"Kasumi, there are a few more thing I would like to mention. First off, as soon as Ted, the guy with the spear, is off they can move, be aware of that. Secondly you're our only melee attacker and will be the first target, do not try to take them all out at once, it will be faster if me and Damian get our share too. Thirdly, you outrange all of them, make use of this and make sure none of their attacks will be without a recoil. Even if they don't target you." Jo glanced at the pole and Kasumi's eyes followed.

"Lastly, I want you to focus on what's in front of you. If someone passes by, I will take care of them. Do not try to stop them, focus on what's in front of you."

Jo hoped the hidden message came across. She were not to pay attention to Damian. Without waiting for a reply Jo moved towards her own bar. Before climbing on top of it, she retold Damian what his task was. "You are our ranged attacker. You do not defend, you attack. If you see a dangerous movement, report it to the entire group. Do not do anything different than I told you to do. Got it? Oh and watch out with the recoil of a shot, don't fire repeatedly or you'll fall."

Damian and Kasumi had to be given seperate tasks, otherwise they could be weak links and Jo felt little for solo'ing the offensive department. As long as Kasumi only worried about her own safety, not triggering Damian to come to her aid and mess up the strategy, this should be done with soon.

Jo stood on top of her pole, though she wondered why this would be more of a handicap than standing on one spot on the ground. Jo cleared her voice and spoke to Viv. "If there's anything you wanted to tell us after winning this 'game', do it now. You may not have the chance later. Otherwise, let's get this over with, we're ready."



'No no, nothing to add,' Viv replied.  'So let's begin.'

All ten of them now stood atop a pole, facing the other team, prepared to fight.  The drop to the ground was high enough to shake most people's nerves a bit, but not so high that serious injury couldn't be avoided if you fell from one, provided you recovered in time to land properly.  And in an exam like this one, where only the most remarkable could survive, being able to do that kind of thing would be the minimum requirement for passing.

'You know what to do, guys,' Viv said to his cohorts.  They all nodded, and then the whole group proceeded forward across the forest of poles, each jumping to the one in front of them, moving as one towards their opponents.  They jumped the two-metre gaps with ease, none of them losing their balance as they went - they had been practicing.

When they were nearing Lucian, Viv yelled 'Now!'  Immediately, all four of his subordinates moved.  Ted tossed his spear towards Marc, who stood on the pole in front of him.  At Ted's command, Marc had begun to pivot on his pole, and caught the end of the spear in his two hands, but didn't stop spinning there.  He carried on round, the spear turning with him in time to meet Amy, who had leapt in the air from her pole at the command.  She landed on the spearhead, bending he knees as she did so.  The force of the pivoting Marc's continued swing provided her with more momentum and she leapt from the spear forward, and up, in the direction of Aster's pole.  In the air, she flung from her hands Viv's two knives which he had leant her, directly towards Damian.  As the girl began to descend she manouvred herself so that she was prepared to kick Aster square in the chest as soon as she reached her.

Meanwhile, Bella had jumped diagonally right over two poles so that she was now just one away from Kasumi, her short swords in hand.  She jumped the gap to Kasumi's pole with a roar, one blade swinging towards her target, the other shielding her body. 

Marc had by this point stopped pivoting and was now once more facing the enemy.  He raised the spear above his head, where it was snatched from him by Ted, who had jumped onto his friend's shoulder to receive his weapon.  He used Marc now as a springboard; he too jumped into the air, aiming directly for Lucian.  He too roared as he hurled the spear at Lucian.  Now, three collisions were about to happen in mere seconds.  In each case, only one, perhaps neither, would be left standing.

Behind Ted, Marc doubled up in pain.  The strain put on his already damaged body of propelling two of his teammates into the air was too much, and he fell from his pole.  He just managed to twist his body into time to minimise the damage he took on landing, but he was still out cold, and out of the game.

Viv pointed his pistol at Jo, aimed, and fired.  However, as he pulled the trigger, a sudden wave of dizziness hit him.  His shot went wildly off course as he swayed unsteadily.  It took him a few moments to regain his composure, and wondered what had happened.  A deep feeling of nausea was setting in, and it couldn't have come at a worse time.  It had been his job to remove Johanna quickly and easily; not only was she wielding a gun too and could therefore win the game for them in potentialy mere seconds, but it was clear that she had become the de facto leader of the group, without whom the others would just be a rag-tag group with no sense of coordination.

The rest of the well-rehearsed plan had gone smoothly enough; as planned, knives now flew towards the other marksmen, Damian, and the other three were faced with an oncoming attacker.  If all went right, they would all four be out of the game seconds from now.  But Viv couldn't hit Jo - he fired again, but the dizziness persisted.  'What's happened?  Why am I ill now?  We were about to win!' he thought to himself in utter frustration as his second shot went harmlessly over Jo's head.  'Damnit...' he muttered as he crouched down on his pole to steady himself.  'This wasn't meant to happen...'
"Lucian get off now!" Jo yelled at the frontlines. Then suddenly a bullet traveled past her, Viv had fired. Just a split second later she saw Amy throwing knives and even more attacks. A second bullet missed her. Jo stopped looking around her, it was clear Viv's team wanted to overwhelm them, if she watched all the actions she wouldn't have time to act herself. Jo aimed at Viv and pulled the trigger, then she looked for the first potential target in her sight, being Ted. He was in the front now, recovering from a leap he had made and Jo shot at him also.

"Damian, report!" Jo yelled, but without waiting she looked what happened to Viv and Ted, having readied herself to shoot again before even glancing. Damian'd better...

OOC: I kinda have trouble writing more than this simple little paragraph.



Damian heard Jo's calls, but she should have known that he was busy.  Amy had flung two knives at him, and she was closing in for a finishing kick.  He pulled out his revolver and fired off several shots with no careful aim.  With luck, a bullet caught Amy in the neck. 

No! Damian thought, It wasn't supposed to kill her! He quickly tried to get huis head back in the game, but the guilt immediately swept over him.  He had just killed another human being.  That wasn't why he had joined in on these exams.  He was supposed to protect.  He tried to talk and report to Jo, but he couldn't move his lips.  He knew what he was going to do.


He jumped off of his pole backwards, not caring about the pain that waited for him below.
"Damian, you damn idiot!"

Lucian jumped across to where he had been ordered previously, barely makingthe jump thanks to the added weight of his sword. He landed just in time to block an attack from Ted, who had avoided Jo's bullet and was beginning to recover from his initial wave of naseua.

I'll play defense for now, I suppose. Lucian decided. His range wasn't wide enough to necessarily support an ofensive strategy, and it would benefit the Jo if he didn't advance.

((Sorry for short post))



Amy suddenly twitched. Her body, previously tensed for the kick, relaxed. Aster leapt onto the pole to her left her but the older woman didn’t shift to land on the pole instead of attacking it. She cleared the pole where Aster had been standing on sheer momentum but then slammed against the pole behind it and toppled to the ground like a rag doll.

Still, Aster had a job to do and couldn’t afford to be paying attention to Viv. Bella was headed right for Kasumi. The asian woman skilfully blocked Bella’s attacking sword but the woman kicked against Kasumi’s pole, launching herself backward to safety before Kasumi could counterattack.

Kasumi’s attention was split, though, she  was distracted by Damian. Aster quickly turned, he was falling backward. There was no-one around him, he must have been hit by Viv. In any case he wasn’t just out but he wasn’t making any effort to minimise damage. Maybe he was unconscious. If he hit the ground with his head and neck it wouldn’t be pretty and Kasumi’s concentration was shaken by it.

If her whole attention was on it, Aster was pretty sure Kasumi stood at least an even chance of winning against Bella and she would certainly be more useful than Aster could ever be. If she was going to have to be out to give Kasumi a fighting chance, that was just fine. If they lost she would find a way to pass this exam anyway.

Aster leapt toward Damien’s pole, shifting her body so she was diving to catch up with his fall while tossing her mattock away. Once close enough she grabbed his wrist with one hand and one of the notches on the pole with the other. His own weight turned him in the air, though Aster wasn’t strong enough to carry him she dropped him feet first to the ground. Hopefully he would take less damage that way and Kasumi would be able to concentrate.

Aster hung from the notch, her feet not quite touching the ground, and started to climb back up. She hadn’t touched the ground so she was still in.

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