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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: RPG



Chapter 4: Capture

Jo glanced back over her shoulder, but could no longer see Billy.  He had already disappeared into the thick undergrowth of the forest.  'Ah well,' she said, shrugging.  He could do whatever he wanted as far as she was concerned, and none of the others were particularly keen to have him around.  They then all went on with their introductions, while Aster briefly examined each in turn.  None were hurt badly - Johanna and Damian were completely unhurt, Kasumi would have a bruise where she had been kicked, nothing worse, and Lucian's nose was indeed not broken, only bleeding.

Five minutes later, they were all stood round discussing what to do next.  Each now knew each other's name, and were being civil with each, at least for the moment.  They all quickly agreed that there would be no point in fighting, and would be best off sailing to the island as soon as possible, either together or separately.  In doing so they had broken the first barrier of distrust - the instinct to eliminate all they came across.

'Those boats are too big to handle alone very easily,' Kasumi said from where she stood near the center of the group.  She was a good judge of character, and didn't think that any of her newest companions was stupid enough to start a fight.  Nevertheless, she still hovered near Damian.

'So we should sail to the next island together,' agreed Damian in his matter-of-fact way.  'It would be easier for all of us.'

'I agree,' said Johanna, 'but it would mean having at least four more rivals in the next round.  If no one minds that, I don't see any harm in working together.  Though I must warn you all, if any of you get in my way I won't hesitate to take you down.'

'I won't cause any trouble,' Aster replied.  'Benefits me to have you guys around, not being much a fighter myself.  And perhaps I can of more use than I guess your last travelling companion was.'  She chuckled and smiled at this, a smile which was returned by Jo, her hostile front broken down.

'Long as I get a shot at that cane guy, I'm satisfied,' Lucian said. He stepped forward, assuming an authoratitive air.  'Seems to me like this exam is geared for teamwork.  It'd be hard for most people to get through that forest and across the sea alone.  And if it's teamwork they want, well, let's give 'em it.'

'A masterful speech!'  The voice had come suddenly from behind them, and was accompanied by clapping.  They all looked to see a short man with a pointed hat and a high collar walking towards them from out of the forest.  'Teamwork is, indeed, the order of the day.  And what a colourful team you've got for yourself!'

Lucian recognised the man as the one who had attacked him on that first day.  'Hey, You're...'  Lucian tried and failed to recall the man's name.

'It's Viv Serkham!' he yelled, annoyed at having been forgotten.

'You know him?'  Johanna asked, readying herself for a possible battle.

'Attacked me on the first day.  I took one swing at him and he ran off.'

'Ah, you do remember!'  Viv was pleased.  'And now you're wondering what I'm doing here.  Well, my teammates and I have been tracking your movements since our first meeting.'

'Teammates?' Damian said in surprise.  Almost simultaneously, the five of them, with the exception of Lucian, felt something cold and hard press against their necks.  As each looked back as far as they could without turning their heads, they saw someone holding a knife to their neck.  Viv took out a pistol and pointed at Lucian, the only one who was still free.

'Everything will be explained in due course,' he said, as his associates each used their spare hand to frisk their respective captives, taking everything of value, their weapons, their tools, their equipment, and dropping them in a small pile on the floor.  None were foolish enough to resist with a blade at their neck, but Kasumi was reduced nearly to tears as her swords were taken from her.  Her fists clenched and she had to stop herself fighting back.

Once the frisking had taken place, the four of them were tied up, their wrists and ankles bound, and forcibly sat down on the sand.  While two of their enemies stood over them, the other two proceeded towards Lucian, ready to perform the same task on him.  He drew his sword, and yelled, 'You're not getting me!'  A cough from Viv reminded him of the pistol he held and after a few moments fighting with hismself, Lucian had to relinquish his weapon.

Soon he sat alongside the others, swearing and cursing their captors under his breath.  Their five assailants stood before them in a row, triumphant.

'Well, what is all this?' demanded Damian.  'You gonna kill us or what?'

'If we were going to do that, we would have already done so,' Viv replied.  'But please, no more questions, I will explain everything.  We are not going to hurt you, at least for now.  We are merely going to... detain you, for a few days.  Until, to be more precise, in about three days.  6.30am on the morning of the First of May.'

'But that will only give us twelve hours to pass the test!' protested Aster.  'And what if all the boats have been taken?!'

'I said no questions, but I will indulge you.  If all the boats are taken at that time, all ten of us will fail.  However, I do not think that will happen.  As you correctly surmised, this test requires teamwork to pass it.  Most people on the island have not realised that.  In fact, as far as we are aware, apart from ourselves and the group that left not long ago, four teams exist.  Assuming each of these take one boat, that will leave one for either our team or your's.'

'Er, we're not exactly a team,' put in Lucian.  'But more to the point, how do you know all this?'

'That would be thanks to me,' piped up another of their captors, a petite young woman with black pigtails and large dark eyes.  'The name's Amy Lester, tracking extraordinaire.'  She took out a small capsule and held it between two fingers.  'This thing contains a faint but distinct perfume.  Upon breaking the capsule, the perfume is released onto a target.  Its potent stuff, the smell will remain on the target for up to a week, though in this forest where there are a million other smells, it should only last about half that.  I've got hundreds of these things, each with a slightly different odour, and I've trained my sense of smell to detect each from up to two miles away.  Most people can't even smell them, but I can pick them out pretty accurately, even among all the other smells round here, for up to about a mile.  I was also careful to break a capsule on as many of the contestants before this exam started as I could.  Think I got about half of them.'

'It's also how we followed you're movements,' Viv interrupted, wagging a finger at Lucian.  'Remember the other day, I put my hand on your shoulder?  I was actually breaking one of the capsules I'd borrowed from Amy on you, thus marking you with a scent by which she could track you.  That was my reason for attacking you in the first place.  I also performed the same task on several other contestants.'

'That's right,' continued Amy, 'and it all meant we could tell the location of those contestants who we'd marked, so we know who has grouped up with others.'

'But what's the point in tying us up and waiting until twelve hours before the exam?' enquired Jo.  'Why not just kill us, take a boat, and pass yourselves?'

'You've these three to thank for that,' Viv said, gesturing to his three other companions.  'Marc Ross here suggested that idea,' he said, indicating a large, chubby man with a pleasant face, 'and Ted Bauerstein (a man with curly brown locks) and Bella Thomson (a tall, red-headed woman) said it suited their plans too.'

'But we won't explain why just yet,' Ted said, nodding at them.  'More fun to let you guess.'  The others nodded in agreement.

Despite more protests from their powerless victims, Viv's team pulled all five of them to their feet.  Marc Ross carefully put all their belongings into a sack which he slung over his back.  Once again they were put at knife-point, and were forced back into the forest.  Viv lead the procession, followed by Bella, Ted and their captives, with Amy and Marc bringing up the rear.

'Where are you taking us?!' demanded Lucian.  'You said you'd explain everything, you haven't explained a damn thing!'

Viv ignored the shouts and continued leading them on through the vegetation...


'They're leaving the beach,' Boyd Volos whispered to one of his cohorts from their vantage point in the trees not far away as they watched the group of ten return to the forest.  'Weird they didn't kill them.  But at least it means ve don't have to fight.'  The teammate he was speaking to gestured to the others behind him to follow, and all five men hurried out from the trees and down to the boats.  They threw their equipment up onto one and climbed aboard.  Quickly each went about their pre-arranged duty for readying the boat.  Five minutes later, they were setting out.  Four boats remained on the beach...


The pecualiar band of examinees had been walking for fifteen minutes.  Now they had apparently reached their target destination, and Ted and Marc walked off into the trees to their left, apparently on some errand.

Lucian, Jo, Damian, Aster and Kasumi were forced forward to the edge of a large hole, about ten foot in depth and big enough to hold at least eight people.  The sides were almost sheer, making climbing up the sides difficult.  At the bottom were layers of dry leaves and grass, which made it look almost comfortable.  However, each realised they were mistaken when they were, one-by-one, untied and forced bodily down into the hole by Bella and Amy.  Amy and Bella returned, a rudimentary fence carried between them.  It consisted off many tree branches criss-crossing each other, tied together with more rope.  This they placed across the hole, completing the cage.

'We spent all our time up 'til now setting this up,' Viv explained.  'When we found this hole the possibilities for fun, and experiment, flooded to us.  It's also in a great tactical position.  No one can get close without one of us seeing, or in Amy's case, smelling.  Plus we can keep an eye on you, make sure none of you try anything.  Not that I think that you could.  We've got everything set out to keep you here, safe, for the next three days.  You'll be given food and shelter, and don't worry about your belongings, we'll return them to you as soon as we've set you free.  We'll also explain everything.  And this time, I really do mean everything.'

Viv waved brightly at them from between the 'bars' before all five of them turned to walk away.  Now Lucian, Jo, Damian, Aster and Kasumi were left to contemplate their disasterous predicament...

(OOC: Sorry about the rather odd plot development.  It's mostly to move the clock to closer to the end of the exam, as well providing one last challenge before they leave the island, which you'll find out about in my next post (which will take place three days after this).  For now, talk or try to escape or whatever.  However, no matter how hard you try, I won't let your characters escape. ^_^)



They hadn’t seen the bandage around her stomach as suspicious. Unfortunately, Aster hadn’t had the foresight to hide anything of use there. If she’d foreseen a situation like this, she could easily have hidden a razorblade under her bandages. It wouldn’t have been much but she hated not having her tools. She had prepared everything on the assumption that if someone stole her equipment they’d also kill her so she wouldn’t have much to do after that.

She had thin wire running through the seam of her sleeves. It was thin enough to cut flesh with enough force put behind it and the closest thing she had right now to a weapon. The bandages around her stomach would probably be able to carry her weight. Between the ones on her stomach and the ones on her arm, their combined length was probably about 13 feet, she had gone for lots of bandage rather than less, more precise bandage on her arm because speed had been of the essence, she hadn’t wanted to smell too strongly of blood when there were man eaters all around.

She had just let them take her backpack, not wanting them to go through it. She wasn’t sure if they would investigate its contents now, while she was unable to see, but at least it was just those five who would know what was in there, she would really prefer keeping quiet about her traps. She didn’t want suspicion.

Clearing off a small gap in the mess of grass and leaves,  the medic pulled the thin wire from her right sleeve, keeping the one in her left sleeve just in her these people could not be trusted. She untied the bandages around her stomach, about nine feet of bandage, leaving the one on her arm be and pulled three sewing needles from the thin sole of her left shoe. Again, she kept the needles in her right shoe there in case these people were not trustworthy. She put her disk in her pocket and motioned to the small pile.

“Man, I never thought something like this would happen, that’s about everything useful I have that they didn’t get.â€
This was ridicolous. First street brawlers, then lucky yet incompetent examinees, and now a set of mad evil-genius-wannabe's. Getting out of this hole would prove an issue, they had taken Jo's guns, most of her knives and Billy's katana. Jo still had a stilletto bound to her leg which the attackers hadn't noticed, and wouldn't have thought anything of her baggy trousers. On the other she had a few small throwing knives. It wasn't the first time she was captured by an enemy, but she had hoped it would've been her last time. Nonetheless she had been prepared.

Aster pushed a small pile forward, asking if anyone could use it. Jo put her hand down and spoke softly, yet loud enough so that everyone in the hole could hear it:

"It'd be too obvious if we tried to escape right away, they'd see it coming. We'd better rest and eat before attempting anything."

But even if they could get out of the hole, they would be up against several threats, armed threats. It'd be best to wait and see how they were organised, who slept when and who brought the food and who was their strongest and weakest link. That was, if this "Viv" would keep his word and arrange food. Jo also hoped that he and his merry "team" wouldn't be killed by other examinees, which would make the situation even more difficult.

She looked around the circle, and spoke a few words to Lucian.

"Who'd you rather kill once we get out, that guy with the cane or this Viv?"

Hopefully this comment would suggest they would come out and they would finish of both of these miserable men. Jo knew that if they kept her in this hole for a much longer time, she'd need someone to remind her of that. Jo wouldn't notice if she slept and luckily she was still tired, but she knew, within little time this small space would drive her mad.

OOC:Jo's claustrophobic as I mentioned in the bio, she is not going to last staying calm for 3 days. Would Viv mind if we'd get out a few times, kill some of his teammates perhaphs? Or would that mean no deal ;)



Johanna was right.  It was best to stay "captive" a while longer to observe the situation and perhaps come up with a plan to escape that didn't involve getting someone killed.  The thing to do now was to see what everyone had to work with.  Damian's pistols were taken, along with his hatchet and bullets.  He did have his Swiss army knife which he had kept in his jacket pocket.  It seemed he had the most food out of all of the captives, so he decided to put the small packages of various foods in the pile.

"That's good for now, I guess." Damian said, "Let me see what I might can use..."  The pile was quickly passed to Damian, who rummaged through it, getting light headed at the sight of the bloody bandages.  He passed the pile to his left where Kasumi sat. 

"Damian, are you okay?"  Kasumi asked, less concerned with the pile rather than Damian. 

"I--I'm fine...I just....hate...blood..."  With that, he passed out.

A few minutes later...

"Damian?  Damian!  He's awake everyone!"  Kasumi said with relief in her voice. 

"You should've told us if you were a hemaphobiac.  Otherwise I wouldn't have...decapitated...Turiko like that a while back."  Damian was most certainly right about Kasumi, her family history did give her a different outlook on killing. 

"It's alright Kasumi...Blood is obviously something you can't avoid in a situation like this."  Damian tried his best to look cool and composed, but with even the slightest amount of blood touching his hand, he would get freaked out. 

'Maybe that's why I use guns...' He thought, 'Because I'm afraid of blood...' 



Alex de Lamont whistled tunelessly as he lay in the bow of the boat, hands behind his head.  His four companions sat further down the boat, Huw Howell operating the wheel, the other three on deck.  All of them eyed Alex warily.

'He could have killed that lot on the beach, I'm sure of it,' Huw thought to himself.  'Certainly the first two.  But he didn't, just knocked them about.  Somehow the fact that he didn't kill them makes him seem even scarier.  Just before he jumped from the boat, it was like he had to kill something, anything.  But he didn't, he restrained himself, and now, even as he sits there, calm as anything, something makes me feel that need to kill hasn't passed.  He's just waiting, biding his time, like the longer he waits the sweeter the kill will be.'

In fact, Huw's guesses were exactly right.  Alex recognised those on the beach as being people whose deaths should be savoured.  He would have more chances to kill them, there was no need to rush it.  These four on the boat with him, on the other hand, were worth nothing.  They radiated fear.  If those five on the beach had come across Alex in the manner these four had, they wouldn't have quietly allowed themselves to be captured.  They would have fought, or perhaps run.  Either way, they would have rebelled against their fate, as they had done on the beach, and Alex had spared them for doing so.  That kind interested him.  Most, he lamented, were like these four - cowardly.

Alex was startled from his deep thoughts by Huw approaching him.  'W-we're appraching the island now,' he stammered.  'Looks like the waters going to get choppy, er, I-I don't know if the four of us alone will be able to manage the ship.'

'Oh, I'm sure you can do it,' Alex replied, ignoring the hint.  He glanced up at Huw, who didn't dare meet his eye.

Minutes later, the waves were upon them.  They buffeted the ship about, making it hard to steer - it took three of them to hold the wheel in place, while the fourth clung to the mast.  Incredible, thought Huw, that the sea was so calm up to this point, and yet around the island, the water was a maelstrom.  It churned about, crashing into the side of the ship, throwing water up onto the deck, making it veer dangerously from side to side.  Still more incredible that Alex still lay in the bow, completely undisturbed.

'We have to steer away from those cliffs!' he yelled to the others beside him over the roar of the sea.  Indeed, in front of them stood cliffs, ten foot in height.  To the left of these, about a hundred yards over, was a small empty dock.  'Make for that!'  Huw yelled, and he and the other two pulled with all their might on the wheel, forcing it to the port side.  The ship turned accordingly, but a powerful wave washed it dangerously close to the cliffs.  'It'll be hard to land, even if we reach there!  We may have to jump ashore from the boat, but I'll get her as close as I can!'

At the other end of the ship, Alex de Lamont stood up.  He could resist the urge to kill no longer.  They were nearly at the island now, and his prisoners were now useless - they weren't strong enough to steer the ship towards the dock.  If he was to get there, he would have to do so alone.  They would die, anyway, on the rocks.  What did it matter if he killed them a few minutes sooner?

He jogged down the centre of the ship, wobbling alone a little as the ship shook.  Great balance was obiously another of his talents.  He reached the mast where 'Oofy' as he had dubbed him still clung.  Alex struck him round the head with his cane, coinciding with a sharp tilt in the boat's angle.  Oofy released the mast in shock and tumbled overboard into the violent seas.  Alex held onto the mast until the boat had righted itself, then proceeded to the back of the ship.  There stood Nobsy, Pigsy and Huw.  They had seen his attack on their comrade but were too frightened to draw the weapons.  Alex had been right about them.

He danced forward and struck Nobsy in the crotch.  As he bent over in pain, Alex raised a foot to his face, the kick sending him staggering backwards overboard.  Pigsy decided to take his chances swimming and threw himself into the sea.  Only Huw was now left, who felt a rising despair, but with it came an equal defiance.  He would most probably die, but he decided he would at least try to take down the despotic Alex with him.  From the small pack of equipment he held at his waist he slipped a length of chain, which he spun around his head.  Alex chuckled as the two circled each other, tossing his cane from one hand to another, until he stood at the back of the boat, the sea behind him.

Huw charged, swinging the chain at his enemy.  Alex lithely ducked under it, and as the poor man passed him, he turned and struck him a blow that sent him tumbling into the sea.  But he was not done yet - he crouched down, drawing his knife behind his back and dropping the cae to the floor.  With his free left hand he offered it to the floundering Huw, who struggled to take it, relieved at being saved.  Alex grasped the man's wrist, and from behind his back revealed the knife.  Into his victim's open palm he carved a deep wound, before throwing the man back into the sea.

Evil deed done, he sheathed his sword and turned to see rocks growing ever-nearer.  With no one to steer the ship the waves had pushed it closer and closer towards them.  They were close now, and Alex didn't mean to try and steer the ship to safer waters.  Instead he ran to the mast, placing his cane between his teeth as he went.  Clambering up it with the agility of a monkey he soon crouched atop it, clinging on with one hand, waiting for the moment when the ship made contact with the rocks.  The mast stood at a similar height to the cliffs, and he meant to make a daring leap from it onto the top of them.

One more powerful wave did it - the ship was sent crashing onto the rocks.  Below Alex the front of the boat crumpled and splintered as it made contact.  The mast lurched forward and when there was a gap of just four foot remaining he dived.  Landing heavily on his front, but unharmed, he found himself safe, lying on the mossy clifftops.

As the remains of his ship and his teammates persihed below him, he rose and walked along the flat field towards the building that stood atop the island's one steep hill.  As he reached the foothills of this he came across several rows of one-man tents laid out, apparently for this test.  Before them stood Lianna James, watching him coldly, her hands folded behind her, shoulders set.  On either side stood two men, her assisstants in receiving the passing candidates.  She glanced at her watch, then back at him.

'Contestant number one passes the first test, Alex de Lamont.  Time: 8.54am, one day, twelve hours, twenty-four minutes after the beginning of the exam.  Congratulations.  Let me show you to your tent where you will be staying while we wait for the others that pass this test.'

'Oh good egg.'

'Impossible that he made it here alone,' Lianna thought as she led him down the row of tents to the one furthest away.  'Killed his teammates I bet, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened.  But he didn't come up by the path from the docks, but from the clifftops.'

'Here's your tent,' she said, motioning to it.  'You're free to do as you please until the beginning of the next test, but don't enter anyone else's tent.  You'll be called at the end of the five days.'

Alex nodded as she walked away.  'A problem child, that one,' she thought.  'But I'm sure he's a deceitful one, in which case he won't get past the next test.'
"Which ever gets in my reach first."

Was Lucian's answer. There was an awkward moment of silence. Damian started looking though the items Aster had pushed forwards, within few moments Jo realised he had passed out. What happened? Damian had said something shortly before he fell, what was it again? Jo couldn't remember, she pushed Kasumi aside looking what was wrong with him, but he just seemed unconcious, his heart was beating and everything. None said a thing, not even Viv or one of his "team mates" seemed to be concerned. After a few minutes Damian came back to his senses, with her voice higher pitched than usual Kasumi announced Damian was awake again. She then turned to Damian himself, saying he should have told the lot of them he was a hemaphobiac.

He was a hemaphobiac? What on Earth had driven him to take this exam in the first place. If he couldn't stand blood, why did he give a shot at becoming a hunter. A hunter! He'd be on the frontlines all the time, he'd see a lot of it frequently if he made it. Not that Damian could make it, if there was another exam that allowed, or even forced fighting and killing, even if he passed this one in the first place, he'd surely fail it. But for now it didn't matter, they had worse problems.

Bella looked down the hole, not knowing of recent events that happened in the hole, she raised her shoulders and threw some food down. The group split it in equal parts and ate it. Jo mentioned she would sleep now and asked Damian to study the patterns of Viv and his "team". She suggested the others to rest also. Without waiting for an answer Jo closed her eyes and within seconds she fell asleep.

Johanna was woken up by Kasumi and Damian having a conversation. Though it had gotten dark, everyone was awake, Jo didn't know whether they had listened to her advice or not and didn't care much either. Damian was silently telling Kasumi what he learned from observing their guards, Jo listened for a few moments and then interrupted Damian.

"OK people, this is the plan." She moved closer to Damian and Kasumi then gestured the others to do the same. Jo almost whispered, nobody wanted their guards to hear this. "According to Damian, Bella and Viv are now guarding the hole. Marc and Ted were supposed to be further away, in a shelter asleep and he does not know about Amy. In the shelter where Ted and Marc are, they kept their belongings, our belongings, food, water, etcetera. Everyone got that?"

The circle of people nodded.

"OK, now for the plan, firstly we distract our guards, how I will dicuss with Damian in a minute. Then, Lucian, you will lift Kasumi, Kasumi, you will take this-" Jo reached into her baggy pants and pulled out the stiletto. "-and cut through the wooden bars. You only get one try so you'd better not mess it up. Then you will go straight for Viv, do not kill him but knock him out, I don't want any unneccesary sounds, got that?" Lucian and Kasumi nodded.

"OK great, when Kasumi gets out of the hole, I want you, Lucian to lift me and get me out, then Aster, then Damian and lastly we will help you out." Lucian didn't seem to be amused by this foresight, but nodded again.

"Then we escape, Lucian, Damian and Kasumi will head west, Aster and I will head east. When you are out of sight you will take different roads. We will meet at the beach at sunrise, any questions?"

"What about our weapons?" asked Damian.

"We will not have the time for getting them back, it's a sacrifice we have to make."

Now moving back to the outer sides of the hole, Jo raised her voice to a louder and less secretive tone.

"Damian, I noticed you are using revolvers too, you even have a collection of them don't you?"

It took Damian some time to realise what Jo was trying to do, he hesistated but then replied; "Y-yes, yes I do."

"Say, this Viv guy-" Jo looked up and as expected Viv was watching; "-was using a fire-arm too, a pistol I think." Jo now turned to Viv. "A primitive handgun you have though, an ordance pistol if I'm not mistaken. You must be interested in seeing some better fire-arms." Viv seemed to have been knocked out of balance by this question, but recovered quickly.

"Well miss, perhaphs I am interested. But I must inform you that you are not getting it back."

"That wasn't my intention, sir." Jo replied without hiding the sarcasm in her voice when saying the word sir. Viv laughed. "Mine are the revolvers with the long barrels." Jo continued and Viv smiled and moved out of sight. A minute later he returned showing one of Jo's guns. Holding it sideways above the hole. "Yes, that's the one. As you can see it has several chambers, allowing it to store multiple bullets." Viv held the gun towards the moonlight, his back was now facing the prisoners.

Jo whispered at Lucian and Kasumi "Now!". With marvelous strength Lucian lifted and almost threw Kasumi upwards, Jo threw her the stilleto and mentioned her revolver was unloaded. In a single movement Kasumi cut through the wooden bars and then jumped out of the hole. Still holding the revolver in it's hand Viv aimed it at Kasumi, but she didn't startle and punched Viv straight in the face knocking him over. Jo was now also out of the hole and threw a knife at Bella, hitting her in the shoulder. Bella screamed!

That wasn't her intention, Jo had aimed at the throat for a quick kill but had rushed her throw. She closed in on Bella quickly and grabbed her throat, before Bella could breathe Jo had Bella in her grip, withing seconds she fainted. Aster and Damian were out of the hole too, she took Damian by the arm, pulled him back towards the hole, bend over the hole and she and Damian reached for Lucian's hands. They pulled him up and Jo yelled: "OK run for it!"

As instructed Kasumi, Lucian and Damian fleed towards the west, Jo took Aster by her arm and pulled her to the east. She didn't let go the girl's arm who had trouble keeping up with the much larger woman until they had ran for six minutes. Then they stopped running and Johanna quickly scanned the enviroment. The others were out of sight, it didn't seem their captors were chasing after Aster and her. Which also was, as expected.

There were three important reasons for that. First off, she and Aster were with two, it was more likely that Viv and his team had went after the other three. The second factor was that Lucian was still marked with the perfume. He wouldn't possibly be capable of escaping. The final was that there were many traps, she trusted everyone had noticed them as most of them were poorly set up and easy to spot. But if they would rush they would surely fall to them or to the better placed ones. The others would probably have less experience with boobytraps and ambushes being trained in fighting rather than survival.

Still, Jo needed Lucian, from what Jo saw, he was the best warrior of the bunch and his sword's pulling effect would catch many opponents off-guard. Whether Kasumi and Damian would escape was a riddle to Jo, but it didn't matter either way. The two of them couldn't handle the ship alone. They wouldn't approach strangers unarmed but rather hide untill they would get a chance.

"Aster, you're a medic aren't you? You must have knowledge of both cures and poisons then, we'll be heading back. We won't escape Viv' game, but I think we can bend the conditions a bit.

Sorry for the immense post and placing Jo in a leading role so much.[/i]



"C'mon!  Let's go!"

Damian had yelled, fleeing from Viv's goons with all his might.  As far as he knew, none of their enemies were chasing them, and that meant that Aster and Jo were in some deep trouble right now.  The situation was made all the worse by the fact that Damian was unarmed aside from his small pocket knife.  It will have to do for now.  Damian thought that thing's would've gone better; that somehow he could've got his revolvers back. He felt like a sitting duck without them, and there wasn't another pair like them in the world.  They were entirely custom built.

"Oh, lovely," Lucian said with an aggravated tone, "What do we do now?  We're unarmed and we're running away. RUNNING AWAY.  From the guy I want to kill--"

"Oh, shut it, Lucian." Kasumi said with unusual aggression in her voice.  "You'll get your chance eventually.  Right now we need to plan our next move.  We obviously can't pilot a yacht by ourselves.  We should go find Aster and Jo before Viv does."

"Right." Damian said. 

"Besides, Jo has most of the firepower and combat experience of us all.  Aster will most certainly come in handy as a medic, too."  Kasumi and Damian agreed to this, but Lucian was reluctant.

"Since when do all of you make all the shots?"  He was acting like a seven year old, annoying both of his comrades.

"Fine then," Damian and Kasumi practically said at once, "You have a better plan?"

OOC: CoFA, take it away!
"Yes, I have a better plan! Do you know how my sword works? How it pulls enemies in? Sure, its massive size and weight helps, but what really does it is the weight's location. It's focused heavily in the back, so when its swung with enough force, it can pull things in slightly towards the weight, just enough to enter my range."

His companions were staring at him, still confused. "That's great, but you don't have your sword." Damian said, and Lucian smiled for the first time in a while.

"You don't quite get it, do you? It doesn't need to be that sword, just something big, where the weight is centered in the back. If I could find a fallen limb, it might just be good enough..." he trailed off. It wouldn't be that easy, though he hadn't said that. It would be almost impossible to find something natural that would have the qualities he needed in a weapon, but if he was armed in any way he could stand and fight, with or without Damian and Kasumi. Viv and his group could still track them, after all, so running was pointless.

"Look." Lucian concluded "We have two options. One, we could run out and then circle around and try to head back for the boats, or two, we could wait for our opponents to get here, ambush them, and beat them to death, with or without weapons. What do you think? I'm all for number two."



Viv screamed in pure rage as he observed the blood running from his broken nose into his out-streched palm.  Looking around he saw none of his former captives, only the unconscious Bella, blood spilling from her arm.  Leaping down from a tree branch above, Amy landed beside him.

'What's going on here?' she demanded.  'Their scents are moving away from here at a fast pace.'

'You marked them all with perfume on the beach, didn't you?' Viv replied.

'Yeah, of course.  The samurai girl and the two guys are going that way, the other two girls are going that way.'

'Right then, while I wake Ted and Marc you bandage Bella's arm.'  Amy nodded and the two hurried to perform their tasks.

Minutes later, the two stood together, joined by Marc and Ted.  'Amy, Marc, we're going after the two men and the samurai woman.  The darkness gives us a great advantage since we've got Amy's tracking skills, but it'll be sunrise in a few hours so we'll go after the larger group while we still have that advantage.  Once we've got them, the other two shouldn't be too difficult to capture in the daytime.  Ted, you stay and guard Bella and their equipment.  If they try to return you can use the traps set up here to defend yourself.'

'I'm sure the samurai girl will try to return here at least,' Ted said.  'I heard that a samurai's swords are like their soul.  She won't leave them behind.'

'Right, good.  If possible, I want the two girls back in that hole by sunrise, and the other three to join them in the next twenty-four hours.'

His teammates nodded in agreement.  'Alright, head out!'  Viv and Marc with Amy leading the way began moving swiftly through the forest towards Lucian, Damian and Kasumi's positions.

'Haha, these guys are better than I expected!' Viv thought with glee, his rage now gone completely.  'I can't believe they actually escaped!  And chasing them's gonna be fun too!  But they'd better not escape, that would ruin all the fun of the game!'

2.02am - Day 4
2 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes since the start of the exam

'They're moving away as fast as they can,' Amy explained to her teammates behind her.  Not surprisingly.  Their speed's lowered cuz it's dark.'  They had only been moving for a few minutes but were steadily catching up to their prey.  However, they were sacrificing stealth for speed - at the rate they were going twigs were being snapped underfoot all the time, and Marc had several times shaken whole branches with his cumbersome progress.  He was already starting to lag behind his companions.

'Hurry up!' yelled Amy at him.

'Shut up, I'm going as fast as I can!'

'Why didn't we bring Ted?' she went on pugnaciously.

'Quiet, Amy, I brought Marc for a reason.  Ted's the only one who can fully use the traps at the camp to his advantage,' Viv defended.

'So what you're saying is Marc sucks at everything?'

'Shut up you!'

'They remind me of someone...' Viv wondered, exasperated.

Their shouting pursuers had alerted Lucian, Damian and Kasumi up ahead.  'They're closing in!' Kasumi shouted.  She stopped running and turned back.

'Kasumi, what are you doing?!'  Damian stopped too and hurried back to her.

'I'm not letting them keep my swords.  We can't escape while that girl's tracking her, so I'm fighting them, then going back for them!'

'Now that's more like it!' yelled Lucian with delight, returning to the others.  'No more of this pussy-footing around!'

Kasumi looked up at a sturdy-looking tree standing beside her.  The branches were of a good weight and thickness.  They would not be able to do massive damage, but could be wielded deftly to defend themselves.  Calming herself, she jumped twice, each time chopping one with the edge of her hand.  She landed, picked up the branches and tossed them to Lucian and Damian.  'Here.'  She performed the same operation again on a slightly lighter-looking branch that better represented her katana.  Now 'armed' they could hopefully make a better fight of it.

She was just in time, too - up ahead they could see the large form of Marc bearing down on them.  Lucian stepped forward to meet him.  The man was moving quickly, and was big, but he was unarmed.  A heavy blow to the head should send him reeling.  When Marc was nearly upon him, Lucian was about to swing, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eye.  Amy, from above, had flicked a tiny pebble which had hit him in the eye, momentarily distracting him.  It gave Marc enough time to tackle him with all his might.  He felt himself being carried backwards in a powerful grip until he landed heavily on his back.  Looming over him he could see the silhouette of his attacker, waiting for him to move.

Viv had engaged Kasumi in combat, his pair of knives twirling in the darkness, trying to confuse her.  He wasn't using his pistol for fear of damaging his 'guinea pigs'.  Damian went to her aid, but was met with a stone striking him on the head.  Looking up he saw Amy crouched in a tree above him.  She threw another at him, aiming for his face now - she had not the concern for their enemies that Viv had.  'Come on, wuss, come fight me!  You can't help your girlfriend while I'm up here pelting ya with rocks!'  She threw one at Kasumi this time, who was too busy with Viv to defend herself from it.  It struck her on the right shoulder.  The slight opening it gave was enough to allow Viv a kick to her stomach that made her double over in shock.

Amy laughed with wild pleasure, taunting Damian.
A battlecry, Lucian's. They had found him. Jo's prediction had been correct, they had went after the bigger group. Now of course they couldn't have brought Bella as it was impossible for her to have recovered already. They might've left someone else at the camp too, but it didn't matter. Jo was armed, less than she would have liked, but she could participate in both ranged and close combat. A high-pitched shriek cut through the forest, Kasumi's.

"Aster, Lucian and Kasumi are still together, chances are Damian is with them also. Once Viv and his merry band have captured them they'll be heading right back. We need to be quick, but also careful. I doubt they've left that unconcious woman alone at the camp, but I'll take care of that. As for your part, I want to know now, can or can't you poison?"

Jo didn't think this part through as much as she had to. Amy would be able to track them and she knew that. She had taken a gamble assuming Aster was capable of poisoning their foes, but what if she couldn't? Or didn't have the material to do so? Kasumi should have at least broken Amy's nose then instead of Viv's. This plan had obvious flaws and Jo realised, she rushed it just to get out of the hellish hole.



Aster didn’t answer for a few seconds, catching her breath. Gymnastics were one thing, running was another. She could do short bursts of speed but her small, frail body was hardly built for stamina and keeping up anything faster than a jog for more than a minute or so was tiring.

“You’re being quite vauge, you know?“ Aster panted, finally getting her breath back. “I can, yes, but that’s in a general sense. Depends on what you want, see? There’s stuff 'round here I can use but I don’t see anything that’s going to be lethal in small doses-â€



She's not my damn girlfriend!, Damian thought angrily.  He could see the entire battle without much difficulty, as his eyes were accustomed to traveling late in the night.  Still, it didn't help much.  Viv, Marc, and Amy had more firepower. 

I'll have to improvise, I guess. 

Damian took a split second to think of a plan.  He wasted no time in flanking around the the tree, hoping that Amy would lose sight of him as he went behind the trunk.  His hoped were confirmed when he heard Amy spouting curses and muttering,

"Where did that little wuss go?  He probably ran away!"

By the time she finished this sentence, Damian was already pulling himself up the tree and making his way behind Amy.  She was still cursing when Damian tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi there."  He said, as Amy got a face full of fist as she turned around.  If the punch itself didn't knock her out cold, then the eight feet fall to the ground sure did. 

A bit crude, sure.  But it worked, didn't it?

Now, it was time to help Kasumi.  She was getting severely hurt by Viv, and he certainly wasn't showing any mercy.  But what to do!?  Viv must have keen eyes to be able to track Kasumi that easily, and surely he saw Damian dispatch Amy not a moment ago. 

Kasumi's POV

I was in a very bad shape to fight at that moment.  Viv was twirling his knives around quickly, and in the dim light of the full moon above the tree canopy, it made his next move even harder to predict. 

I thought he was palying games with me; attempting to make his next move as unpredictable as possible.  But yet...He almost seemed to be using an optical illusion on me.  No...Not an illusion...Hypnotism!  He was trying to put me to sleep!  Then everything came together.  I just had to use my ears and nose to find him.  He surely hadn't bathed in these two days, so he reeked of sweat and blood.  He was also more clumsy than he realized.  I could hear every step he took with no trouble at all.  I am the great-great-great granddaughter of an an assassin; I could do this with my eyes closed.  Ironically, I did.  I immediately went toward the sound of his footsteps and kicked.  I didn't have to worry about a counterattack, as he wasn't going to harm his "subject."  My blow missed, but in his dodging, it left him wide open for an attack with my stick.  I gave a swift blow with my "blade" in my left hand, striking him in the ribs, and then followed up with a fatality.  I was going to break this guy's neck.  I did a dash behind him and began to grab for his head. 

As I went for the kill, his right leg went backwards, kicking me in the gut.  The force of that kick must've been great, as it sent me flying back onto the sand behind me.  I  quickly slipped into unconsciousness...

(OOC: I'll add in Damian's POV in a moment.  I've gotta do something, ATM.)
"It's not what I had in mind, won't matter though. It doesn't have to kill, weaken will do."

Jo looked at Aster, she probably figured Jo had the intention of killing Viv and co. from the start but Jo thought Aster didn't expect being part of it. Didn't matter though, the girl had revealed herself as more than an innocent child, Jo'd question her later, but for now.

"The scalpels may be an option, we will need to get close anyway. Get all the roots you can find. I'll collect some fruits.

Without waiting for an anwer, Jo took off. She assumed that the poison would be injected in the food, they couldn't let their allies get poisoned. They should make them aware of the plan. Jo figured the group wouldn't like the idea of having served as a distraction, but it had been a neccesary evil. Hopefully they'd give enough of a fight to grant the time needed for Aster and herself to excecute their plan. The plan sure had it's problems, but if it'd work, it'd work very well.
Jo looked around, many birds were awake. They were enjoying a late-night meal. "Perfect." Jo whispered, if these birds would eat these, they probably wouldn't be too dangerous. Jo came closer scaring the birds away and plucked one of the fruits. She took a bite, the fruit was sour, bitter even. If this was what those birds ate to survive, they had to be pretty desperate. Jo plucked another few. It wouldn't keep them fit for 2 entire days though, which left Jo wondering if it was such a good idea to poison the food. What if they fed their capitives with their own food? Perhaphs she could mark the pois-

"That's it!" Jo took her knife out of it's hold and carved a message in the fruit. "Do NOT eat food with this sign", Jo carved a little star-formed shape in it. She'd throw this in the hole, hopefully Damian, Lucian or Kasumi would notice it before they were given food. She collected some more and went back to Aster.

"You done here? I hope you are, 'cause we're leaving. I'll explain the plan on the way."



Damian's POV

Times like these aren't good for panicking, but I couldn't think straight.  Everything I did had an obviously bad consequence.  But once I heard Kasumi yell out in pain, I knew what I was going to do.  I was going to rip that bastard Viv Serkham in half.  Without thinking, I dropped down the seven or eight feet to the dirt beneath me and headed towards Viv.  He wasn't paying any attention to me.  He was walking towards Kasumi, hoping to deal a final blow no doubt.  I still had my stick with me, but it wouldn't do much good against two knives.  Stealth was once more he answer.  With a solid throw of my stick, it went flying and hit him hard on the back of the head.  He yelped and dropped his knives to grasp his head.  This was my chance.  I ran towards him with full force and punched him in the gut, followed by a solid elbow to the back.  He fell to the ground, his breath knocked out of him. 

As much as I had liked to kill Viv right then, I decided that I needed to help Kasumi, first.  Lucian would be glad to finish him off later, anyways.

"Come on, Kasumi,"  I said, picking her up, "Let's get you to Aster, wherever she is..."

I began a trot toward where our weapons; and possibly Jo and Aster were.
Lucian instinctively rolled his legs up and kicked out, catching Marc in the lower abdomen. Without hesitation, the swordfighter rolled to his left and flipped to his feet, bringing around his improvised weapon with heavy force in a wide arc... and missed.

"Oh, dammit!" he moaned. After all the training he had put in with his favorite blade, he had become much too used to its ability to pull others into range. Without that power, this duel would be a tad more difficult. Lucian and Marc circled eachother for a brief moment before the shorter one charged forward his his stick held parallel to th ground at his side. As he closed the distance between himself an his foe, Lucian thrust out and caught Marc in the stomach, and then twisted his weapon slightly to lodge it in more. Summoning all his strength, he shoved and managed to push Viv's partner onto his back.

"Well, our positions have been reversed!" Lucian said, not even remotely smiling. As he reclaimed his weapon quickly, he added on "Don't just sit there, get up. We aren't done. This is my first real fight in days, and I'm not going to let it end so quickly."

Then he heard the girl shout out, and looked away just long enough for Marc to pull himself up and charge; Lucian had to drop to his knees and roll to dodge.

"Change of plans. You have to die, now." he said, and his smile returned to his face. As Marc turned to swing again he was met with a heavy hit in the ribs, and then another on his left arm.

"Stay down. I'll be back for you after I kill the others." Lucian chortled as he scanned the dark forest, searching for his allies and Viv. He found them all together, Damian and Kasumi with their backs turned, and Viv pulling himself to his knees with a dagger in throwing position. What to do, what to do... Lucian pondered. If he left Viv alone to attack, he might get Damian or Kasumi off his back, permanently. On the other hand, they could be helpful later down the line, and it never hurt to have connections.

In the end, Lucian decided to hide and see the outcome of Viv's attack. If it hit, he was down a pest; if it missed, he would jump in and hold down Viv, saying he had just arrived on the scene after the dagger was thrown. The man took aim and tossed, but somehow Damian managed to fall to the side just in time to avoid the attack. Now Lucian moved out from his hiding spot and lowered his stick so it pressed just against Viv's back.

"Hold on, now. Before you go throwing anymore daggers,  I think everyone wants to have a word with you."



Aster dug at the roots with a stick, missing her mattock sorely at this point. It would have made this a lot easier. She had found some useful ones, though. As well as the scent-numbing poison there were a few that would cause mild delirium and a lot that would just result in nausea. Nothing dangerous, but anyone who took them certainly wouldn’t be at their best and would lose their edge in a fight. There were a few with antiseptic properties, too, that she took just in case. Antiseptics should be a non-issue if she was going to have access to her toolbag, though.

“All done, yup yup!â€



'You're threatening me with a stick?' Viv said in annoyance and disbelief.  'I thought you guys had more  class.'  They were really starting to annoy him now - he'd been hit in the face, the head, the gut and the back, and he wanted some payback now.  No longer caring much about damaging his test subjects, Viv drew out the pistol that he had been carrying with him but which he had not used up until this pointed, and aimed it over his shoulder to where Lucian stood behind him.  He let off the trigger, causing a bullet to hit his target in the shoulder.  He dropped the stick in pain, and Viv stood to face him.

'Your fool of a partner has gone back towards the camp.  He'll get what's coming to him there.  You, however, are mine to deal with.'

'Where'd that bastard go?!'  The yell came from the pugilistic Amy, who came storming forward from where she had landed on the ground.  She had been caught unawares by Damian's attack (though she would never admit it), but had manage to reduce the majority of the damage by landing on her feet instead of hitting the ground at full force.  There she had remained, tending to her bloody nose.  'I can't smell a thing!' she shouted in fury.  'If this is permanent, Viv, I'm gonna kill you too!'

'Shut up, Amy!' Viv yelled, matching her anger, causing her to quieten somewhat.  'You'll get your revenge, if you want it.  By now Ted will already have him under control.  When the 'game' begins, you can do what you like to him.  For now, see to this guy's wounds.'

Amy reluctantly took out a small pair of pliers with which to remove the bullet and a roll of bandage to stop the bleeding.

'Any false moves, Lucian, and I shoot,' Viv warned, waving the pistol.

Behind them, Marc lay on the floor, groaning in pain...

Back at camp...

Ted had lain Bella in the shelter along with their captives weapons and equipment.  He crouched in a tree above it, a spear in his hands.  The shelter was the thing they would aim for if they returned, so it was what must be guarded.

He scanned the dark forestry as best he could, looking out for signs of human movement.  It was difficult to do during the night, but he knew the surrounding terrain pretty well - this wasn't his team's first attempt at the exam, and although the details of it differed every year, the first test was always held on this island.  That in mind, Viv and the others had spent both their previous attempts building this stronghold in preparation for future exams, and it had always proved useful.

The sound of movement snapped Ted back into the moment.  He saw up ahead Damian, carrying Kasumi, walking back into the clearing and straight towards the shelter.  'That girl will get him killed one day, thought Ted.  He's walking back into the enemy's base, unable to defend her, without any back-up.  Not that I care...

Raising his spear, Ted threw it towards Damian.  In the dark he didn't see it approaching until it was nearly upon him, but he still had just enough time to hop aside and out of its trajectory.  Unfortunately, this was exactly as Ted wanted.  He leapt from his hiding place and grabbed a rope that hung above Damian's head with a rock attached to the bottom of it, keeping it tought.  This rope was looped over a tree branch and the other end was tied to more rope which formed a net, lain flat across the ground and camouflaged by leaves, dirt, and most importantly, the darkness.  This net was what Damian had just jumped on.

Ted's weight pulled the rope downwards, whilst the other end was pulled upwards, closing the net around Damian and Kasumi and lifting them up into the air.  Now on the ground, Ted was free to tie his end of the rope to a tree, leaving the two of them suspended in the netting, unable to move freely or escape.

'Ha, gotcha!' he traunted triumphantly, placing his hands on his waist.  'You lose!  Two down, three to go!'
"OK look, when I told Damian our equipment was a sacrifice we had to make, I lied. This is our first, not our last exam, who knows what awaits us, we cannot go there unprepared. Secondly, Lucian had never been able to escape in the first place, we would've had to abandon him to escape. He has that scent on him allowing that Amy-woman to track him y'know. The idea is to get every single one of them out of here, they'd be in my debt."

Jo paused, looking over her shoulder for Aster, who had dropped behind a little and was trying to keep up without having to run. Jo slowed her pace a little till Aster caught up and then continued;

"Now, when I told Damian, Lucian and Kasumi to flee together, I assumed Viv and his merry band would follow them, being bigger in numbers and that Amy-woman being capable of tracking Lucian quickly. It was a tad risky, they could have decided to go after us because they would be capable of finding Lucian later anyway, but then again if they'd figure the possibility of splitting up, they'd still have two people on the run anyway. My assumption was correct, as you've heard."

Aster nodded.

"Now for the plan. The majority has gone after the others, leaving the unconscious woman and possibly a guard. If there is a guard, we will have to distract this person somehow, then head for the shelter and hope Damian's information was correct. You will poison the food and mark the poisoned food with this sign. But keep it subtle."

Jo showed Aster the fruit with the sign and then read words carved in out loud.

"In the meanwhile, I will throw this one in the hole, where Lucian, Kasumi and Damian should end up. When you are done, I want you to take your and my belongings with you, only ours. There's three reasons for this, the first being obvious, the second reason is that if we are noticed taking our belongings back will not leave them guessing about what our purpose could have been. Lastly Viv will be tricked into thinking we abandoned our "comrades". I hope our "comrades" will understand when they find the fruit though."

The two had been walking at a considerable place and could see the camp now. Jo halted Aster with her arm and whispered "Duck!". There indeed was a guard, looking around, seemed like he had heard something. The man climbed into a tree and looked into the opposite direction of Aster and Jo, who crouched closer. After a few moments, the man threw something and then jumped down. Jo told Aster this was her chance, the girl took a sprint for the shelter and when she entered, Jo approached the man.

From behind the tree he had hid in, Jo spied on the man, holding he stiletto in her hand. He had caught two people in a trap and was laughing; this guy thought he had triumphed. He left his captives in the net and headed back to the shelter, from behind the tree Jo could hear him coming, Jo moved around the tree, to stay out of the man's vision. Then when the man had passed the tree, Jo sneaked up on him, folded her arm around the man's neck, covering his mouth with her left hand and put the weapon on his throat with her right.

"This seems familiar." Jo whispered in the man's ear. "But it feels much more pleasant now our roles have turned." The man didn't even try to struggle, he stood still as if he was paralysed. Not that it mattered, Jo decided, she put her knee in the man's back and took him out the same way as she had done with Bella. After assuring the man was knocked out, she glared at the people caught in the net, they were Damian and Kasumi. It didn't matter now, she would come for them later, but they shouldn't see her now. Jo moved towards the hole silently, threw in the fruit and walked back to the forest's edge. Keeping an eye out on the shelter, hoping Aster would hurry.



Aster quickly checked the makeshift shelter for more guards. It was doubtful they’d left more than one but it was always good to be safe. She opened her backpack, taking a scalpel, a glass bottle, a small press the size of a matchbox and a reusable syringe. Carefully she removed the cover she’d put of the tiny, sharp blade to stop it from cutting through her bag and took the first of the plants, the one that caused nausea. The poison here was in the thick leaves and was the easiest of the poisons to drain from the plant. Still, to maximise the amount of poison that would drain from it the cut she would drain from needed to be as precise as possible. She made three deft slices across one of the leaves, repeating until she had cut five or six of them then rolling them up, placing them into the press and squeezing the poison into the bottle. By the time all the leaves she had gathered were gone the bottle was nearly full.

She worked just as quickly draining the venom from most of the delirium-educing plants, filling the bottle completely. That would be enough for about six syringe’s worth. She then shifted her attentions to the pile of fruits, injecting a third of a syringe into each one she removed and carving a small star into each poisoned one with her scalpel, small enough to ignore if it wasn’t being searched for. With about half the fruit poisoned and her job technically done she giggled, childish act not quite masking the spite, and turned to the unconscious Bella. Two thirds of a syringe left. She plunged the syringe into the woman’s shoulder, where Jo’s knife had hit her earlier and where a pinprick would hardly be noticeable. She then quickly and roughly cut the roots of the scent-numbing plant and what remained of the one which caused delirium into chunks and scattered the chunks of root into the place where they’d last set up a campfire, where they were likely to set one up again. Hopefully they’d burn the roots when they next set up a fire and poison themselves with the smoke, too.

That done, she put the cover back on the scalpel blade and the cap back on her syringe to avoid cutting herself with them and put them back into her backpack. The weight of the bag was very comforting, she was used to it. She gathered the equipment that she recognised as Jo’s.

“Hers are the ones with the long barrels. She said so before.â€



"This exam gets more and more annoying, doesn't it?"  Damian muttered to himself.  He was back to being calm and collected again, but he was seriously ticked off by this "Ted" guy.  He had foreseen another trap, so he got neither angry nor flustered when the net swooped him up off the ground.  Instead, he began to fiddle around nonchalantly in his pockets, getting out his knife and cutting the ropes.  Whilst doing this, he kept close eyes on Ted, making sure that he hadn't noticed Damian's knife. 

"Ungh..." Kasumi was waking up, obviously still in pain by the kick.  She almost screamed at the jolt of pain in her ribs, but she found herself with Damian's hand over her mouth. 

"Shhh..." He said, "I'm getting us out of here.  Ted over there cannot see what I'm doing."

Kasumi gave a nod and Damian removed his hand.  He went back to cutting the ropes while Kasumi remained quiet, probably blaming herself for this whole situation.

Several minutes passed, and Damian never once stopped cutting the ropes.  Then, finally he said silently,

"Alright, I'm done.  Kasumi, we're gonna have to act quickly on this.  When Ted turns around to tend to Bella, you and I are going to push down on this net.  It ought to have enough force in it to break the ropes.  When we land, we are going to have to incapacitate Ted quickly or he'll take us both down.  Then, we get our equipment and go help Lucian."

Damian gave the signal the moment he was sure Ted had turned away.  The two put all their weight onto the bottom of the net and it broke .  The duo hit the ground a bit harder than hoped, but Ted still didn't seem to notice.  Damian walked up behind Ted and put him in a headlock.  Ted did nothing but fall limp in Damian's arms.

"What the--"  Damian dropped Ted in shock.  "He's already out cold!  Who would...Jo and Aster...Come on, Kasumi, lets gear up and go help em'. They're probably already helping out Lucian."

They left, both disappointed.  The one time Damian had wanted a fight, there wasn't one there.

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