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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: RPG

Billy starts to head towards her but turns away quickly. His eyes flash red again, "You were not mistaken, this river contains salt, perhaps a high degree of blood has been spilled here."

"Yeah...." Billy sighs reaching into his shirt. He fumbles around for a while as if digging thru a packed suitcase before bulling out a metal rod about a foot in length.

"Whats that for." Jo asks impatiently.

With a twisted smirk on his face Billy turns around and walks past her.   Eyes remaining in the ruby red color he stops and turns towards her looking deep into her eyes. "Why do you hide your fear kid?" The question was eerie and irregular catching her off gaurd.

"Wha...what are you talking about chump?" She puts her hand on the gun.

"Hahaha... Jilao cas pertugis." Bill walks to the forest to gather trees for some wood. "Hmph.. quit dawdling, we can get their quicker if we both work." His eyes flash back to blue and he proceeds to build the yacht.



Damian let out a sigh.  This was so stupid to him.  Pulling out both of his loaded revolvers, he wasted no time in aiming at Bansho and Turiko.  He fired off two bullets with a loud bang.  At this point, it wouldn't matter if they attracted attention; it was already an all-out battle.  One of his shots missed, but the other hit Turiko in the arm, making him yell out in pain and drop his sword. 

'This is my chance to finish him off.' Thought Damian.

He fired several more bullets at Turiko until he heard the faint 'dink' of his empty cylinder.

Lucian had already engaged Bansho in sword to sword combat, andd was doing well.

Damian looked at his target once more.  He'd got hit in the right leg twice, his left arm and his right arm once.  Yet he was still running right toward Damian.

"This guy just won't give up, will he?"

Damian swung out his cylinder and began to reload.
"Heheh. I'll kill both of these guys myself. Don't you dare interfere, or I'll add your girlfriend to my body count."

Lucian twirled his sword in his right hand, holding his left out flat in his first adversary's direction.

"You can die first." he said to Bansho, "And your friend will go right after."

Smirking, Lucian tossed off his vest and stretched out the collar of his black and orange shirt, deciding that it would be best to allow the enemy the first move. There were two of them, so no reason to rush things. Then the idiot behind him started to fire.

"Dammit, what did I say!? Don't interfere!"

Too late now, he decided. Might as well just hurry up and kill them like he had said. The distance between himself and Bansho was quickly covered and Lucian swung his counterweapon in a heavy horizontal sweep infront of himself.

"You're dead already." Lucian laughed, "Or you might as well be. It's stupid to pick fights with strangers unless you're some sort of fighting god, like me."



"Hah! Your puny bullets cannot stop me!"  Turiko boasted.  This made Damian laugh out loud.

"We'll see about that, genius...

He finished reloading his revolver and, all in one motion, fired off a salvo of bullets, aiming particularly for Turiko's legs.  The swordsman fell not a moment later, legs bleeding profusely about the ground.

"Aargh!  You little brat!  A real man fights with a blade!"  Damian laughed out loud.

"That may be so, but a smart man fights with brains, not brawn." 

Turiko would bleed out dry; no use in wasting another bullet on him.  Damian went to untie Kasumi.

"Ah, thanks, Damian."  Kasumi said, still a tad confused about what was going on.  "Should we not help that guy?"

Damian looked at Lucian, fighting a winning fight against Bansho.

"Lucian?  No, he can take care of himself.  Just sit back and enjoy the show."
"As soon as he's done with that raft I'm taking that blade from him."

That chump had way too much talk and then there were those red iris', Jo could have sworn his eyes were red for a few seconds and now they were back to blue. Where had she seen that before? Maybe in a split second when he killed the chimeracats and when she met him there had been some strange look his eyes too. Was the katana giving him some kind of confidence boost? At any rate he was not keeping it.

She kept Billy in sight, following him, at a distance, watching him gather the wood, at a distance. When he was done, Jo stepped forward, grabbing Billy's sword-arm and twisted it so that Billy lost grip of his katana. Jo picked the weapon up and demanded the sword's hold from her companion.

"You are acting differently with a weapon in your hands, which I don't trust."

Perhaphs that was her fear; traveling with someone she didn't trust, someone that might want to kill her, someone who she just couldn't put a label on. There was no safe haven to be found, everyone, or rather everything, in this forest had the intention of killing her. Traveling was a risk, staying in one place was a risk, wandering around was a risk. She had to take risks, even though she had tried to ensure her own safety, it was almost impossible. The campfire that scared off most beasts had lured the Jaggy snake, the tree hadn't been much of a safe haven when confronted with the chimeracats either.

Even though Jo hadn't done much to help, Billy had finished the raft rather quickly. Within no time they were drifting on the river, moving at a steady pace towards the beach. Or at least they were moving in the right direction. Jo had given the compass to Billy and instructed him to keep an eye on it as well as the surroundings. The water was clear and you could see the fish swimming in it, to the right and the left the view was blocked by trees, some reaching into the water. Now and then the banks were clear of the flora and these spots were used as drinking and bathing spots by one or two animals. Johanna didn't know why they were so small in number and also wondered why they hadn't seen many fishes in the water. It couldn't be polluted, the river was too clear and Billy and she had drank some of the water, which didn't taste different at all. Was there another, aquatic predator in here? Or had the landbound beasts eaten all of the fish?

After drifting for a few hours, Jo woke and realised she had dozed in. Quickly scanning around, she saw the katana was still in it's hold attached to her belt and Billy was carefully inspecting the water. Looking at the sky, which had turned some kind of orange, she knew she hadn't been awake for at least 4 hours. Johanna was definately relieved Billy hadn't killed her or wandered off on his own with the compass and the weapons. She sat up and asked:

"We have been drifting in the right direction haven't we?"

Billy nodded and Jo sighed with relief.

"IWe should get off the water as soon as it's getting too dark to see where we're going. But until then, you should try sleeping too, we won't be able to get much as soon as we set foot ashore. We'll see if we can reach our goal tonight, or tomorrow."
Billy's eyes flashed red again. Jo became startled reaching to see were the sword was. Thankfully it was still at here side, but, then were did the power come from. "Why do you fear being alone."

"Hmph." She grunts crossing her arms and staring at the river. The question was a stupid one with no base at all, and yet she kept thinking about it as they sailed.

Billy sighs, his eyes returning to the blue shade. "I told you we would'nt harm you. Although I am not so sure you would'nt think twice about doing so to me hen the chance arises." Billy smiles at her gently hoping she laughs at the joke.



Aster had little difficulty keeping up with the Frenchwoman but lagged behind a little deliberately, running to catch up every few steps.

“It was still dark when he woke we up to say he was leaving but I’m pretty sure it was morning.â€
Jo mumbled: "You'd be dead now if I had that intention."

Which was true, Jo could've killed him on their first encounter, had been able to leave him to his fate at the chimeracats and there had been plenty of other occasions where she could simply have shot him from a distance, or even without, because Billy had been unarmed for most of the time.

"Now get some sleep, because when we get off this raft I plan to walk at my own pace and you're not getting your sword back anytime soon."

Hopefully that'd make him remember he needed her more than she needed him. Whatever he, or they, tried to do with her head, Jo'd make sure he knew his current position.



Chapter 3: Teamwork

7.25pm - Day 2
1 day, 55 minutes since the start of the exam

Evening began to fall on the island as Johanna and Billy continued their down-stream path towards the beach.  They were a good way across the island now; Jo had been right in saying that they could reach the beach that night, provided the river they travelled down stayed this peaceful.

Looking back the way they had come Johanna noticed that there was a steady decline from the place they had fought off their feline attackers.  This island's highest point was obviously somewhere behind them.  Despite the beach in front of them being lower down than they were, they could not yet see it because of the tall trees ahead of them.

They then began to notice that the banks of the river had got steeper on either side, and instead of the regular bracken and weeds that had grown there before, masses of thorns prevented them from leaving the raft for the present.  The raft had also picked up speed noticably.  Not yet alarmingly so, but it had definitely got faster.

Not far up ahead, the two travellers noticed a split in the river.  The path to the left took them off-course for the northern beach, but they could see the banks there began to get less thorny and steep; if they travelled that way they would surely soon come to a place where they could land.  The path to the right kept on course for the beach, but the water that way was travelling faster, and the river was narrower; it would be difficult to navigate that way, and impossible to leave the raft, since the thorns there were so thick they even overhung the river.  They would receive a fair amount of cuts and scratches from them if they took that route.

With the raft picking up more speed and already drifting towards the right-hand path, the pair would have to decide quickly which way they wanted to go, and act still quicker to make it happen.

Further North...

'I made it!'  A spiky-haired, teanned figure had burst from the jungle onto the Northern Beach of the island, run exultantly five meters before his legs gave way beneath him and he fell face-first onto the sand.  But Huw Howell didn't care - he had made it to the beach!  And, as he looked up, he noticed that all six boats remained - he was the first one there!  Jumping to his feet he ran towards them, joy filling his heart.  He had built upon the advantage leant him by being the second to leave the beach and had not rested in the last day.  His pace had been slow but steady, and had managed to avoid all other competitors, even, he was relieved to say, that creepy guy who had stolen a lift to the island from him.

Huw had already decided hours ago what to do when he reached the beach.  As a seasoned sailor he had surmised that the boats would be too big for one man, even one as skilled as himself, to handle alone.  Therefore he would wait on the deck of the ship, hidden from sight, watching the beach.  If he saw someone who looked trustworthy approaching, he would ask them to join him.  If he saw someone didstinctly untrustworthy, he would shoot on sight with the harpoon he carried.

He never thought someone else would have the same idea as him...

Tossing his bag and harpoon up onto deck, he pulled himself up after them.

'Welly-welly-welly-welly well,' he heard a voice greeting him.  He recognised that voice.  Alex de Lamont looked over at him, a cheerful look on his face, from where he lay on the stern, hands behind his head, cane by his side, bowler hat tipped nearly over his eyes.  'We meet again, my sailor chum!  And under such fortunate circumstances, I have need of you!'

Huw was speechless.  Alex went on.  'As you will know, I cannot get to the island alone. I am no sailor, and this boat is too big for little old me to sail alone. So, I am here to gather a crew that can get me there! I will be your Captain, and you my navi. What say you to this?'

'Er, um, f-fine.'

'Good, then come and meet the crew. You are not the first here by a long stretch.'  Alex rose and put his arm genially round Huw's, and lead him to the bow of the boat, where three men lay, side-by-side, all tied up and gagged.  There eyes seemed to scream terror at Huw.  'Fellas, meet our saviour. He'll get us all safely to that island. Our friend here is an expert sailor.  What's your name, friend?'

'H-Huw Howell,' he stuttered.

'Huwy, meet Nobsy, Pigsy and Oofy.'  Alex pointed in turn at each of them men with his cane, referring to them by the affectionate nicknames he had given them on their meeting.  'Now, Huwy, get some rest with these three. You look like you haven't slept in days! We leave tomorrow am!'

Elsewhere in the forest

Aster and Carolie had been making good progress through the forest for the past twelve hours; walking four hours at a time, separating each leg with half hour breaks, a whole hour for lunch.  Aster's trapping skills would have come in useful in securing the area they rested in, but she was too whily to even admit she had them.  At any rate, they had not been attacked while resting, so it made little difference.

The odd pair had come across several corpses of their rivals, at which Aster had pretended to be disgusted, while Carloie had remained unmoved.  They had once been attacked by an irate dinoceros (a large tri-horned beast) onto whose territory they had wandered.  Aster had pretended to be defenseless, which meant Carolie had had to come to her aid.  This also gave Aster a chance to see the weapon her companion used; a crossbow with which she had shot this dinoceros in the eye, giving them chance to escape via its blindside.

During the half-day they had been together, Carolie had not mentioned Aster's brother again.  They just kept moving forward to their destination, not wondering why he had not come to finder his sister, or questioning their decision to leave the spot he had left her at.

Now they had stopped inside the mouth of the cave to rest again, although it had only been an hour and a half or so since their last break.

'We are nearly at the beach,' Carolie said.  'We could get there in about two hours.  But, this part of the journey is the most dangerous.  People will be lying in ambush there.  We should be even more wary from here on.  I propose that we rest here for the night, and make our way to the beach in the morning.  If we go there now we will not be able to sail because of the lack of light, and if we slept on the beach we'd be sitting targets.'

The two set themselves up for the night in a matter of minutes and then began to explore the cave.  It stretched back a hundred yards or so, and was very dark down that end.  Carolie pointed out a hole in the roof at the back of the cave.  'This reminds me of a lair belonging to the Nestic Spider that I came across in the south of France.  The Nesctic Spider, as you may know, is man-eating, and can grow up to six feet in height.  It will find a cave and dig a hole in the roof.  During the day, it sits in its hole upside down, looking down into the cave.  During the evening, when some unsuspecting creature has wandered in to rest, it comes out of its hole and proceeds along the top of the cave to the cavemouth.  Across the mouth it will spin a huge web, trapping the person in.  The only way to escape is to do so while the spider is away, through the hole like that one there.

If you do not escape by the time its finished its web, the spider will go back to its hole, drop down through it, and eat you.  If you run, you find yourself trapped in by the web.  You see the Nestic Spider's cunning?  Why, passing this exam would be easy if you only had half the cunning of the Nestic Spider.'  Aster had noticed that while Carolie had been talking, her voice had taken on a new hardness and cruellness that hadn't been there before.  It might have scared many people.

'I noticed a strand of spider web on the mouth of the cave,' Carolie continued casually, slipping a tiny blade out of a small bag.  Calmly she stepped forward and jabbed it into Aster's arm. Almost immediately she felt a numbness spread across her arm, and in a matter of seconds it had spread to one side of her chest.

'It's feeding time for the Nestic Spider,' Carolie taunted cruelly.  'She should be back any moment. You have about two minutes before that venom spreads through your entire body, but you mentioned being a medic, so perhaps you have some antidote? At any rate, I wonder if you can escape. You've piqued my interest, little girl, and I want to see if I'm right about you. Escape this and I will be very impressed.'

The Frenchwoman climbed up the rock and out of the hole at the top.  'Be careful who you trust,' she called down.  'And perhaps I'll see you later on.'

Some twelve hours earlier

‘I’m not his girlfriend,’ Kasumi told Lucian, immediately clearing up that misunderstanding.  Lucian shrugged and looked back at his defeated opponent.  His swing had clean cut Bansho in half and his blood stained the ground.  ‘My name’s Kasumi Kyoko,’ she said, ‘and this is Damian Dreft.’  She indicated her new-found partner.  ‘A swordsman I see, like myself. Don’t think I’m just some damsel in distress who can’t look after herself. I’d like to fight you sometime. But now’s not the time. The smell of that blood might attract wild animals. Let’s move.’

She and Damian started to move, before she looked back over her shoulder.  ‘You coming, Mr. Swordsman?’

From his still position on the ground, the barely conscious Turiko looked over at his late-partner, then moved his head slightly so he could look at their enemy.  ‘Bastards, you’ll regret not killing me outright…’  The man shifted his left hand down to his pocket.  It was slow and painful due to the wound, but he managed it.  He took out a stick of dynamite and a single match.  The ground in front of him was rough, and he summoned enough energy to strike the match on it.  He put it against the wick of the dynamite and laughed weakly as it caught fire.  ‘Die, fools!’ he yelled with the last of his strength, holding the stick above his head triumphantly.

Quick as a flash, Kasumi leapt forward, drawing her katana as she went, slicing off the raised arm in one movement.  She caught the hand in her own and threw it through the trees, dynamite still clasped within.  A minute or so later they heard an explosion, but they were well out of range, and Kasumi had already beheaded Turiko by then.

Sheathing her sword, she looked at Lucian.  ‘Now you owe us,’ she said.  ‘So will you help us out now?’



Aster had feigned horror until she felt the jab in her arm. Whether or not the Frenchwoman had seen through her lie, there was no need to keep it up any longer. The horrified expression slowly moved into a calm, friendly grin.

Of course she didn’t have an antidote. There was no human way to prepare for every poison that could be used while being outside of a medical facility. She knew enough of plant life to treat the symptoms while the poison ran its course but there were no plants in here and it was possible that the numbness was not the only symptom.

“It was pleasant travelling with you, Miss Cosette.â€



'I was right,' Damian thought as the trio left the bloody battlefield, 'Kasumi has absolutely no trouble killing a human being.'  He made a mental note of this before speaking:

"Hang on, guys, let's look at about where we stand before we go into more unknown territory."  Damian pulled out his map and traced a finger on the dotted line representing where he'd traveled.

"We're about eight-and-a-half miles into the forest, leaving a mile and a half to go.  We could push on tonight, risking getting jumped by more examinees, or we could set up camp and make it to the beach around seven o' clock tomorrow."

Lucian naturally wanted to go on, saying that he could take on any of these "weak" people, and Damian wanted to camp it out and go on tomorrow.  Kasumi, on the other hand, had the most thoughtful solution.

"Why don't we sleep and walk in two hour intervals?" She said calmly.  "That way, we won't get too tired and we won't get killed in our sleep."

They all agreed on this.  Even Lucian seemed to think it was a good plan, if not directly admitting it.  They began on, stopping every once and a while to catch their breath.  Soon enough, the light of morning was seen through the thick line of brush.  They had made it to the beach.

"Damian! Lucian!" Kasumi exclaimed in sheer delight, "We've made it!"  Unexpectedly, she was the first to run out onto the warm sand, and, even more so, collapse in exhaustion.

Damian soon did the exact same thing, done with the cursed forest behind him.  Lucian just stood over them, shaking his head, no doubt thinking they were both complete  idiots.

"I wonder if anyone else is here..."  Damian practically whispered.

No one immediately was in sight, so the three headed towards a yacht and packed their supplies on board.
"Aaaaaaaaaghhh..." Billy yells leaning the boat to the left. But to no avail, the current is to strong and drags them towards the right path.

"What do I do?"Billy quickly looks around then back at Jo. "Hold on", he says raising his right foot in the air.

"Wha, why?", but with out further explanation Billy slams his foot down and lean all his weight in launching Jo of the boat and into the left paths water. With her safe, well safer, Billy leaps out of the sinking boat and to the position where Jo landed. He lands just short in a pile of thorns which poke and tear at him as he wiggles free. A few minutes afterword they wash up onto the bank drenched in river water.

Jo stares at Billy. "What?" Billy asks innocently.

"You know." Jo says inpatiently awaiting her answer.
"What do I know? I can't read minds." Billy says watching Jo become angry.
"Then how is it you know what I am thinking?" She stands up, checking the barrel of her gun for blockage. "And what is it with those red eyes?"

"(Sigh), Ok...I guess I can trust you." Billy bends over and picks up the compass and sword which washed ashore before they did.
"Hands off that Goddamn blade!"

Johanna puts her foot on the weapon and pushes Billy aside. Jo puts the katana back in it's hold, takes the compass from Billy's hand and then kicks him, causing Billy to fall. For a few seconds she looks around, no form of life to be seen, then started reflecting the situation; Billy had thrown her in the water, the water! Jo's anger started to build up even further, without warning that chump had launched her off the raft. He had then reached to the katana and the compass himself without intention to give them to her even, or maybe he did, but that didn't matter. Jo's guns were useless now, they would only serve to threaten. But since the amount of contestants she met equalled to only Billy and had seen too many fierce beasts to think pointing a gun at them would have any effect.

Jo picked up Billy with her free hand and pushed him against a tree holding her hand on his throat. She felt her entire body was shaking and shivering, from the cold and her anger. She hissed, trying to keep her volume down, a short serie of curses and then grabbed a knife from her belt. She moved it towards Billy's throat. His eyes had gotten small and his body weak. He had slept little and was having trouble breathing in this position. Johanna thought so see fear in his eyes and that felt good. Finally he realised how powerless he was, finally he gave up his happy-go-luck-act.

"Listen up chump, this is your final warning. You understand?"

Billy said nothing. Jo tightened her grip and moved her head closer to his, she looked right into Billy's eyes and he could probably feel her breathing now. Billy nodded quickly. Jo now threw Billy on the floor with the comment he'd better not make any mistakes from now on. Jo had almost completely lost her patience with her companion, as soon as he had fulfilled his purpose of getting her to the other side of the sea, she'd dump him.

"Now get up and start walking..." Jo looked at the compass; "...in that direction." Pointing at the Northwest. "Faster!"

Before sunrise, Jo had reached the beach, all 6 boats were still here. She walked into the direction of one of the ships, pushing Billy forwards. Forcing him aboard one. She whispered in his ear.

"If there's anyone aboard, you're going to serve as my human shield chump. Which wouldn't have been neccesary if I could have used my guns."



6.37am - Day 3
1 day, 12 hours, 7 minutes since the start of the exam

Alex de Lamont sat perched on top of the mast of the ship he had commandeered for the purpose of his voyage, while his 'crew' were busy preparing to set sail below.  The four of them had spent the night tied and gagged and had only been released a few minutes ago.  Terrified by their new leader, they did exactly as they were ordered and none daried to defy him, or to try and flee.

As always Alex was relaxed and cheerful.  He had taken a telescope from one of the others and was looking through it into the trees by the edge of the forest at the top of the beach.  He had observed Lucian, Damian and Kasumi reach the beach the evening before, but had decided to leave them for the moment - a nice treat first thing next morning, he had decided.  The trio had taken to the trees to sleep, opting not to try and sail that night, and it was here they still were.  Damian and Lucian were just waking, and being greeted by Kasumi, who had been on guard duty.  All three felt refreshed by their sleep, and were fully prepared to reach the island today.

Back on his perch, Alex folded the telescope, obviously satisfied by his prey's movement.  Scanning the line of treeswith his naked eye, he noticed two figures approaching, one a fat boy, the other a tall woman.  Two more chances at fun.

Alex pushed himself from the mast and landed lightly on the deck of the ship.  'How soon can we sail, chum?' he asked Huw Howell as he passed by.

'A matter of four or five minutes, Alex, um, sir.  Just need to let out the sails and pull in the anchor,' the sailor replied.

'Hmm, I don't think I need that long,' Alex thought out loud.  'Make it two.  If I'm not on board by then, set sail without me.'  Huw nodded and prayed this would be the case, and although he didn't know what was going on in his 'Captain's' mind, he could guess what he was going to do.  He was, however, soon to be proved wrong.

'If there's anyone aboard, you're going to serve as my human shield chump. Which wouldn't have been neccesary if I could have used my guns.'  These words were whispered by the woman to her cohort as they clambered aboard the ship, which, unfortunately for them, contained Alex de Lamont, who was now stood straight up, cane in hand, before them, a genial smile on his face.  The two stared at him in shock before he spoke.

'Sorry folks, this 'ere ships been earned already by your's truly, you'll have to find another.'  Alex threw his bowler hat aside.  Before it had hit the ground he had leapt forward, swinging his fist in Johanna's direction.  True to her word she dragged Billy in front of her to receive the blow.  Such was its power that he went sailing overboard, landing on his back in the sand.  The landing wasn't heavy, but the shock, coming on top of his lack of sleep for the past two days, knocked him out completely.

Alex stepped back and span his cane in his left hand, then tossed it to his right again.  'Interesting...' he muttered, as Johanna raised a short knife, perpared to fight.  He dived again, thrusting his left hand at Jo's throat.  She was also suffering from lack of sleep and her block was slower than it would have otherwise been.  Alex had her by the neck, and now he was jumping from the back of the boat towards the sand.  Johanna was suddenly terrified - if this man chose to slam her, full power, into the sand below, he could kill her.  When they landed, however, she felt nothing besides a firm 'thud'.  Looking up into the face of the man as he crouched over her, her neck still in his hand, she saw the same genial grin on his face, and noticed the strange and terrifying coldness that his eyes wore.

A moment later, Alex had left her.  He was running up the beach to where Kasumi, Lucian and Damian were now emerging from the trees.  The noticed him and prepared to defend themselves, Damian drawing his pistol and Kasumi and Lucian their swords.  This beach was much shorter than its counterpart on the southern shore, and it only took Alex a matter of seconds before he was among them, knife drawn from its sheath, swinging it in a graceful arc towards Lucian.  He duly blocked it with his much larger blade, and the two began to battle.  Kasumi joined in, while Damian raised his pistol, prepared to fire when he could get a clear shot in.

It was testament to the sword skills of Lucian and Kasumi that having only seen each other wield their respective blades once, they were both able to co-ordinate their attacks so well without getting in one another's way.  Nevertheless, it was clear they were out-classed.  Alex was successfully defending himself from their attacks with only his six-inch knife and his cane, which he spun round in his opposite hand.  The way he moved was like a well-rehearsed dance from some eccentric circus opera.  He jumped, spun and weaved his way between their attacks, not giving them a chance to hit once.  At one point he threw his cane in the air, and leapt onto one hand in order to avoid a swing from Kasumi's sword, before landing on his feet in time to block one from Lucian's, a mighty swing that would have cut a man in two, with only his short knife, finishing off by catching the cane once more.

Not only this, but he was also constantly moving in accordance with his opponents', so that wherever the three of them were, one of the two swordsman always stood between Alex and Damian, so that the latter was unable to fire without a high chance of hitting his comrades.  Johanna still lay on the sand, staring in awe at their movements.  Just as the boat behind her started to push off, Alex noticed it too, though he never took his eyes off his ememies once.

Bringing the clash to an abrupt finish, he pushed aside a strike of Lucian's with his knife, bringing the cane round to strike him in the face.  Simultaneous to his attack on the man, he had blocked Kasumi's blade with his own with his back still to her.  He span round and delivered a pushing kick to her chest.  A second after Lucian had had hit the ground three foot from where he had stood moments before, Kasumi was thrown back into Damian, knocking both of them on their backs.

Alex sped down the beach, sheathing his knife as he went, and leapt onto the departing boat.  He turned and tossed the belongings of Johanna and Billy onto the beach beside the woman.  'Toodles, all of ya!' he called cheerfully as he leant on the boat's railing, waving to them all as if they had all been good friends.

As his boat departed, the five were left to gather their thoughts in response to this latest extraordinary happening.  As each of them did so, Aster Cicada reached the edge of the forest nearest them.  She had been walking since she had woken up, when she had found the pain in her arm completely gone, which struck her as decidedly odd.  Now she found the sight of five people, all lying on the beach, with weapons and footprints around them indicative of a fight.  She also saw the five remaining boats, and the sixth just leaving.  They, too, had noticed her.

Now the six of them were each left to decide what they were going to do: six of them, five boats, one beach, on an island where trusting someone was as dangerous as fighting them.

(OOC: Sorry if I've messed anyone's plans, but I felt it was time for everyone to meet up.  Do whatever you want now, but do NOT get on a boat until I've updated again.  I ain't done with you yet.

Also, apologies for the massive post.)



Aster was a little concerned that the pain in her arm had passed so quickly but was grateful for it, she had been dreading the moment when the poison wore off because with it being numb she had made the cut far deeper than she had meant to without realizing. She wasn’t sure if the cut had healed yet, she didn’t want to remove her bandage more than was really necessary in such an unsanitary environment, but she could move her arm freely again and that was all she could realistically hope for.

The first of the boats was only just going and it looked like there’d been a fight so it was likely that the people on the beach had already seen everyone who was on the boat. That effectively ruined her first plan, which had been to be Emily again and get on a boat under the pretence that she thought her brother had already left on one of the boats. If there had been a fight then even if they did believe her then she would be in trouble, if she claimed to be related to whoever had just, more than likely, taken a boat from them then they would likely kill her.

She could afford to not be Emily for now, having to fake complete dependence on her non-existent brother was starting to get tiresome anyway. She had other stories spun.

Her disk was still bandaged to her stomach and the blood staining her left side from when she had bled the poison out added to the effect, meaning she could pretend more easily that she genuinely had a cut behind the bandages. She could easily pretend to be already disqualified if she needed to.

She ran onto the beach. For a second she considered just leaping into a boat and setting it going as fast as she could but she was no seaman, she wouldn’t be able to get it going fast enough that they wouldn’t be able to catch up with a bigger crew and the very likely possibility of more experience between them than she had. She couldn’t afford to make enemies here. Instead she stopped at the group as they began to recover.

“Oh- oh no! Are you all okay? I’m a medic, I-I can help you if you’re hurt!â€
"Damn!" Lucian screamed as he clutched at his nose. He noted with disgust the blood that covered his jaw now and hurried to wipe it away. The cane's hit had probably broken his nose, he realized, but he might have been lucky enough to get away with something less serious. Either way he would kill the man the next time they met, that was a given.

He swore again, a much worse word this time, and pulled himself up, still holding a hand over his face. His sword was lying in the sand next to him, within reach of his left foot. Lucian kicked out and pulled it in close with this leg and bent to to pick it up, still swearing softly.

Now he began to search around himself, taking a careful look at the others. A girl, a guy, another girl... none of them were worth anything, he decided. The newest arrival was apparently willing to help those that had been wounded, but Lucian had seen her cast an occasional look back to the boats and guessed that she was cursing her bad timing. He smiled inwardly, knowing if she had managed to come earlier she might have been able to sail away. That, or she would have run straight into that man., he thought.

"Alright, alright." Lucian said, sheathing his sword. "No one cares if I just go? Grab a boat, sail away?"

He took a hesitant look across the crowd, whose faces had become strangly hostile at his statement. "Okay, okay. I don't need a five on one fight right now."

He sighed and felt his face again, realizing with delight that the wound hadn't been so bad at all. In fact, the blood was beginning to ease up. Still, his assailant would have to die. Had he mentioned his name? Lucian couldn't remember, which would make tracking him down difficult, but it wouldn't matter. Eventually they would meet again. Things like this had a way of working out.
Jo was now sitting, she had looked up at a muscular man who had just been downed by the man that had thrown her overboard. He spoke loudly, he seemed angered about his loss.

"We are at the beach and have five boats in our reach. We have no reason to fight at all."

Jo stood up. She realised she was taller than the swordsman, she kept some distance from him making it harder to notice the difference. The last thing she wanted was him to feel she was trying to intimidate him.

"I do not want you to leave just yet. I assume you want to hunt down that bastard with the knife and cane, if so, we share that intention."

Jo paused before continueing, while quickly looking at the others. This man had traveled with a japanese woman and a western man with tanned skin. They seemed to be an odd pairing, the three of them. They didn't seem likely to have met before the exam. Yet they had teamed up, thus Jo decided it was a reasonably safe gamble to try to join them.

"We can follow the boat's trail if we're quick, perhaps if we're in luck we can have a revanche at sea. As you may have noticed our attacker relies heavily on his lower body to avoid and block attacks. The sea can be used to our advantage to get him out of balance."

Jo glared at the man, she hoped he would have taken her words seriously and was overthinking them now. She turned around towards the rest of the group. The tanned man had helped the japanese woman up and Billy seemed to regaining conciousness. Ignoring the girl that had approached them, she spoke to the rest.

"Billy here knows his ways around boats. I am sure that he would be helpful to all of you. My name is Johanna, I am not interested in fighting if all of us can pass this exam without. I suggest we join forces, if only temporarily to return our attacker the favour."

Johanna was hoping these people would let her in. She could use some more competent companions than Billy. Then the girl caught her attention. Jo smiled weakly at her, she apaered to be worried and wanted to help. But it was strange for a lone girl acting completely innocent to have made it through the forest on her own. Johanna looked in the distance to see if she had any companions of her own, but couldn't spot any. Then she spoke to the girl.

"I am fine, but you may want to have a look at this chump." Jo pointed at Billy. She didn't know who this girl was and if she really was a medic, she could probably help Billy, if she pretended and poisoned him instead, Jo could care less.
Billy was annoyed, he let his enemies make fun of him and push him around. Before anyone else noticed him, Billy was already up and working on joining 3 of the boats together. With a few batches of seaweed washed ashore in junction with a couple branches he was finished. The medic-like girl made her way over to Billy noticing him cringe in pain and grab his chest every minute or so. Billy turned to see that she had a somewhat concerened look on her face.

"I'm fine..." He says trying to put on a tough act. "I think he threw my pacemaker for a loop when he hit me... although this is'nt the first time he has." Billy sighs. "Anyway... I need more wood before we can sail off. Well, not if somebody is planning a mass murder here."

Billy looks at the group then back to the girl. He smiles at her, but in his mind he thought there was nobody there looking for team work.  With that Billy grabbed his sword off the sandand headed off into the edge of the forest alone to look for wood.
"I'll be back in a bit. Try not to worry about me to much Jo." He yells back sarcastically to the crowd of fighters still deliberating on the beach.
He ties the sword around his body and starts to look for suitable branches he can use, ignoring the pain and discomfort.

(((I assume that the sword was hit out of Jo's hand scince it was'nt mentioned.)))



It wasn’t his clutching his chest in pain that Aster was concerned about, it was the fact that he appeared to be suffering from delirium. Apparently he  thought it was a good idea to ignore everyone else completely, put seaweed on the boats and then walk away from the beach.

What on earth did he do that for?

If his aim had been to confuse her then he had certainly succeeded.

“Aside from some bruising the only problem is that he seems to be incapable of coherent thought.â€
Jo shook hand; "Well met Aster.". She had been Billy's saving grace as her left hand was already on one of her throwing knives. She smiled and turnedaround, looking at the other participants, waiting for a reply.

OOC: Hint, hint!

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