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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: RPG

Jo summarised quickly, Lucian's roar had made her glance backwards, Damian had jumped off his pole. Aster rushed to the back, Lucian jumped sideways Kasumi remained on her pole. Jo's bullet had hit Viv, Amy was down too and Marc was still laying unconcious on the ground. Right now it was a four on two fight in their advantage.

"Time to put an end to this! Lucian, Kasumi, charge!"

Lucian swung his sword towards Ted, who reacted barely in time and jumped backwards, but the pull of Lucian's sword got him out of balance. Jo shot at the man again, and this time she hit him in the chest. As if it were a miracle Ted was still standing, but not for long. He was left at Lucian's mercy now, Ted was good as finished. Kasumi stood between Jo and Bella, so Jo started advancing. Looking over her shoulder she saw Aster climbing back on one of the rear poles, what she had done, Jo didn't know. But whatever it was, it had made Kasumi focus on the fight again.

Passing Lucian with a grin Jo teased him: "If you want to finish Viv, you're oughtta be quick, don't think he'll be breathing much longer!"



'How...?'  Viv, unconsciously asked out loud as he stumbled unsteadily backwards, and it was a miracle of concentration that he didn't fall straight to the ground.  The pain of the bullet, and the nausea from the poison meant that he was powerless to protect himsel for his freinds.  Looking around he saw Kasumi slicing through Bella's chest, and in front of him Lucian had impaled Ted on his sword.  'How could they beat us?  Were they just stronger than us, or was our teamwork not good enough?'

Viv opened his eyes.  He had lost consciousness for a moment, and as he seemed to realise once more where he was, he caught sight of Lucian approaching him, bridging the gap between their two poles.  Before the man had even landed he had swung his sword, lopping Viv's head clean off.  The unfortunate fool fell backwards and landed, crumpled in a heap on the floor as Lucian took his place atop the pole, looking down, triumphant and satisfied at their victory.  His foe had died without knowing the reason for his demise, simply that his opponents had won the battle before it had even begun.

Lucian, Johanna, Aster and Kasumi wasted no time in descending the poles.  Damian, unhurt, rejoined them, averting his eyes from the bloodied corpses that littered the ground.  The five of them quickly gathered their belongings and headed in the direction of the beach.  They may have stolen some belongings of their foes, but with less than eleven hours to reach the other island, they couldn't afford to waste time returning to their camp.

In less than twenty minutes the group was at the beach, where only one boat remained.  Fifteen minutes later, they set sail.

10.35am, Cielo Island
7 hours, 55 minutes until the end of the exam

Lianna James sat at her desk where she awaited the final examinees to arrive.  Behind her, the twenty-one who had already passed were going about their business; some were resting in their tents, others were chatting or arguing.  Alex de Lamont had not left his tent since arriving, and no one had gone to speak to him.  Lianna was bored - it was the last day of the exam, and she doubted whether anyone else would be arriving.  'They must be pretty talentless if they've taken this long to get here...' she thought.  She just wanted them either to hurry up, or for the next hours to pass by quickly so that she could hand over her duties to the next examiner.

Glancing over at the path that all bar one of the examinees had come by, she saw five figures approaching, much to her surprise, and relief.

When they approached the desk, she put on her stern, official face once again.  'Let's see, candidates four, twenty-four, thirty-three, thirty-six and forty, you have all passed the first exam, with seven hours, fifty-three minutes to spare.  Congratulations.'

Lianna then turned to address the whole crowd.  She said commandingly, in a booming voice that belied her small stature: 'Now that all six boats have reached here, you twenty-six are the candidates who have successfully passed the first exam! Details of the second exam will be given at 11.30, in just under an hour's time! You are free to do as you want until then!'

Lianna nodded at the five of them and turned to return to her desk.  As Lucian, Jo, Aster, Damian and Kasumi looked around, at the castle before them, and at their fellow hunters, all of whom were now examining them, they noticed the abscence of several they had come across during the first test - the man who had followed Lucian across the sea five days ago was not there, nor was Carolie Cosette, the French woman who had befriended and betrayed Aster, not Abraham Cornelius, the old man who had done the same to Kasumi.

Just then, they all saw the figure of Alex de Lamont emerging from his tent and approaching them, a beaming smile on his face.

'Hello hunters all,' he greeted them, as if they were all old friends.  'Glad that you made it, and not by much, you're the last one's here.  I'm afraid I'm a little disappointed, what kept you?  And you have made a new friend I see.'  He bowed graciously to Aster, whom he had not come across on the beach.  'So glad you all came, I would be sorry to miss out on the fun of butchering you all...'
"Thank you for your warm welcome, we had few minor 'difficulties', who wanted to take our boat. Thus things took a bit longer than expected." Jo replied with a forced smile, not mentioning how these 'minor difficulties' could have killed them right off the bat after the man, whom had just greeted them, had set sail. She had taken a step forward and held an arm in front of Aster, potentially bracing her from a sudden outburst from this strange individual. She shouldn't be hurt, Aster had so far been the most trustworthy and useful ally and was likely to stay that way. Her other allies, though more capable fighters than the girl wouldn't prove as useful. Damian and Kasumi had obvious flaws rendering them completely unreliable in confrontations. Lucian, even more combat-capable than the other two, hadn't been much of a team-player for the majority of the time. On the other hand he had done a great supporting job during the game, which also benefitted him. If Jo'd run into him, she might try to find a collective goal.

"I must, friendly, inform you however, that your cane and knives will not do this time, no longer having the element of surprise and all. You would do better worrying about being butchered, y'know." The man had no idea Johanna had two guns and probably assumed she was merely carrying knives and the katana. This would put her at great advantage would their paths crossed again, in fact the surprise factor would benefit her greatly against the majority of her rivals. Johanna had concealed her fire-arms and merely showed the sword and a few knives attached to her belt. Other than Lucian, Kasumi, Aster and Damian, none knew what she was carrying.

"Oh and I didn't catch your name, how should I adress you?"

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