2009-12-06 18:45:52.625 [PLAY] Semkhet rolls Cure light wounds: (1d8+1) : [8 + 1] = 9
2009-12-06 18:49:29.968 [PLAY] Raige: wh
2009-12-06 18:49:36.875 [PLAY] God?: raige
2009-12-06 18:49:37.359 [PLAY] Dror: you're up
2009-12-06 18:49:38.890 [PLAY] God?: attack
2009-12-06 18:49:46.656 [PLAY] Semkhet: hello??????????
2009-12-06 18:49:46.937 [PLAY] Raige rolls attack: (d20+6) : [11 + 6] = 17
2009-12-06 18:49:47.687 [PLAY] God?: we really should just use this
2009-12-06 18:49:54.906 [PLAY] God?: who are you attacking
2009-12-06 18:50:00.421 [PLAY] Raige: erm
2009-12-06 18:50:05.500 [PLAY] God?: raith or a hench
2009-12-06 18:50:10.625 [PLAY] God?: raith was who attacked you
2009-12-06 18:50:12.546 [PLAY] Raige: raith
2009-12-06 18:50:15.921 [PLAY] God?: okay
2009-12-06 18:50:20.328 [PLAY] God?: you hit roll damage
2009-12-06 18:50:29.265 [PLAY] Raige rolls hit: (d12+6) : [8 + 6] = 14
2009-12-06 18:51:15.421 [PLAY] Harthina: oh
2009-12-06 18:51:17.328 [PLAY] Harthina: Oh, there you are.
2009-12-06 18:51:18.031 [PLAY] Harthina: o.0
2009-12-06 18:51:23.578 [PLAY] Harthina: asdasd
2009-12-06 18:51:24.656 [PLAY] Harthina: Okay.
2009-12-06 18:51:26.203 [PLAY] God?: holy shit
2009-12-06 18:51:26.703 [PLAY] Raige: o.o
2009-12-06 18:51:33.531 [PLAY] Harthina: We were wondering where you went in IRC.
2009-12-06 18:51:38.562 [PLAY] Raige: ohh
2009-12-06 18:51:38.671 [PLAY] Dror: why are we in here?
2009-12-06 18:51:46.718 [PLAY] Raige: i thought we
2009-12-06 18:51:48.234 [PLAY] Raige: bah
2009-12-06 18:51:48.562 [PLAY] Dror: because raige can't pay attention tot wo windows?
2009-12-06 18:51:52.750 [PLAY] God?: Raige was vexed by Raith's cowardly blow
2009-12-06 18:51:53.437 [PLAY] Semkhet: because people can't pay attention to 2 windows at once apparently
2009-12-06 18:51:54.765 [PLAY] Dror: *to two
2009-12-06 18:51:57.500 [PLAY] Raige: im setting up an irc here!!!!!!
2009-12-06 18:52:01.421 [PLAY] God?: and so took his great sword
2009-12-06 18:52:24.015 [PLAY] Harthina: Also, Raige, your sheet is wrong. You didn't list your BAB.
2009-12-06 18:52:24.062 [PLAY] God?: and ran it straight through raith's soft throat
2009-12-06 18:52:30.765 [PLAY] Raige: BAB?
2009-12-06 18:52:31.656 [PLAY] God?: leaving him choking
2009-12-06 18:52:34.265 [PLAY] Harthina: Base attack bonus.
2009-12-06 18:52:36.296 [PLAY] Harthina: It's +1.
2009-12-06 18:52:38.562 [PLAY] God?: on the ground
2009-12-06 18:52:38.812 [PLAY] Raige: oh
2009-12-06 18:52:47.000 [PLAY] God?: raith will die soon
2009-12-06 18:53:20.687 [PLAY] Raige rolls attack: (d20+6) : [3 + 6] = 9
2009-12-06 18:53:20.968 [PLAY] Raige rolls attack: (d20+6) : [16 + 6] = 22
2009-12-06 18:53:24.625 [PLAY] Raige: whoops
2009-12-06 18:53:25.890 [PLAY] God?: ptear leaves smoke
2009-12-06 18:53:31.968 [PLAY] God?: no one to cleave buddy
2009-12-06 18:53:35.875 [PLAY] God?: okay dror
2009-12-06 18:53:50.859 [PLAY] Dror: fror casts ray of enfeeblement on peter
2009-12-06 18:54:04.406 [PLAY] Dror: *dror
2009-12-06 18:54:35.437 [PLAY] God?: roll concentration check
2009-12-06 18:54:40.312 [PLAY] God?: you are under duress
2009-12-06 18:55:40.250 [PLAY] Dror rolls Concentration: (d20+7) : [14 + 7] = 21
2009-12-06 18:55:49.359 [PLAY] God?: pass
2009-12-06 18:55:56.406 [PLAY] God? rolls gob will: (d20-1) : [10 - 1] = 9
2009-12-06 18:56:06.734 [PLAY] God?: oops
2009-12-06 18:56:11.968 [PLAY] God?: thought it was same
2009-12-06 18:56:15.843 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [14] = 14
2009-12-06 18:56:20.296 [PLAY] God?: still fail
2009-12-06 18:56:32.937 [PLAY] God?: what's the attribute damage
2009-12-06 18:56:54.640 [PLAY] Dror: Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5)
2009-12-06 18:57:38.328 [PLAY] God? rolls ray: (d6+1) : [3 + 1] = 4
2009-12-06 18:58:02.328 [PLAY] God?: okay harthina
2009-12-06 18:58:22.453 [PLAY] Harthina: I cast Color Spray.
2009-12-06 18:58:25.937 [PLAY] Harthina: Will save, DC 16.
2009-12-06 18:58:32.453 [PLAY] God?: which way
2009-12-06 18:58:35.937 [PLAY] God?: make the cone
2009-12-06 18:58:59.703 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [13] = 13
2009-12-06 18:59:02.671 [PLAY] God?: fail
2009-12-06 18:59:06.484 [PLAY] God?: consequences
2009-12-06 18:59:07.093 [PLAY] Harthina rolls 2d4: (2d4) : [1 + 4] = 5
2009-12-06 18:59:18.093 [PLAY] Harthina: Unconscious, blinded, and stunned for five rounds.
2009-12-06 18:59:45.234 [PLAY] Harthina: I then use my move action to strategically remove myself.
2009-12-06 18:59:48.687 [PLAY] God?: a thousand points of delicious light flows from harthina's sleeves
2009-12-06 19:00:03.734 [PLAY] God?: they knock richard dickley on his ass
2009-12-06 19:00:11.171 [PLAY] God?: air has never tasted so good
2009-12-06 19:00:30.140 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [3] = 3
2009-12-06 19:00:34.812 [PLAY] God?: morale failed
2009-12-06 19:00:38.750 [PLAY] God?: peter runs
2009-12-06 19:01:02.953 [PLAY] God?: attack of opportunity for semkhet
2009-12-06 19:01:13.109 [PLAY] Semkhet rolls attack (crossbow): (d20+2) : [15 + 2] = 17
2009-12-06 19:01:30.468 [PLAY] God?: hit
2009-12-06 19:01:32.625 [PLAY] God?: damage
2009-12-06 19:01:35.328 [PLAY] Semkhet rolls damage (ranged): (1d8) : [2] = 2
2009-12-06 19:01:49.156 [PLAY] Semkhet: :I
2009-12-06 19:01:56.671 [PLAY] God?: your shot rang true enough to hit the poor bastard in the foot
2009-12-06 19:01:59.875 [PLAY] God?: he hops
2009-12-06 19:02:06.093 [PLAY] God?: but continues his flight
2009-12-06 19:02:30.312 [PLAY] God?: running straight toward a rather odd looking halfling
2009-12-06 19:02:37.093 [PLAY] God?: almost about to collide
2009-12-06 19:02:45.125 [PLAY] God?: any action you wish to take ed
2009-12-06 19:02:50.328 [PLAY] Harthina: He's afk.
2009-12-06 19:02:58.375 [PLAY] God?: ugh
2009-12-06 19:03:13.734 [PLAY] Harthina: Oh, I was wrong.
2009-12-06 19:03:42.484 [PLAY] Ed: Can I try sidestepping and tripping him?
2009-12-06 19:03:44.562 [PLAY] Ed: I mean, I can.
2009-12-06 19:03:46.828 [PLAY] God?: sure
2009-12-06 19:03:47.109 [PLAY] Ed: I do so too.
2009-12-06 19:03:52.078 [PLAY] Ed: What do I need to roll?
2009-12-06 19:03:52.531 [PLAY] God?: dexterity check
2009-12-06 19:04:05.687 [PLAY] Ed: I've got 17 dex
2009-12-06 19:04:06.609 [PLAY] God?: roll d20 plus dexterity modifier
2009-12-06 19:04:20.156 [PLAY] Ed: how do I roll in gametable
2009-12-06 19:04:22.343 [PLAY] Ed: :x
2009-12-06 19:04:24.703 [PLAY] Harthina: Type /roll
2009-12-06 19:04:27.296 [PLAY] God?: create a macro
2009-12-06 19:04:29.859 [PLAY] Ed rolls 1d20+3: (1d20+3) : [3 + 3] = 6
2009-12-06 19:04:31.796 [PLAY] God?: or type roll
2009-12-06 19:04:34.281 [PLAY] Ed: :x
2009-12-06 19:04:34.859 [PLAY] Ed: haha
2009-12-06 19:05:03.625 [PLAY] God?: Ed is bulled over by the man one and a half times his size
2009-12-06 19:05:19.046 [PLAY] God?: but he in the process falls on his face as well
2009-12-06 19:05:26.531 [PLAY] Raige taunts ed
2009-12-06 19:05:46.562 [PLAY] God?: semhket
2009-12-06 19:05:52.250 [PLAY] Semkhet chortles politely
2009-12-06 19:06:33.609 [PLAY] Semkhet , deciding the battle's in our favor, pulls out her crossbow and fires
2009-12-06 19:06:43.921 [PLAY] Semkhet rolls attack (crossbow): (d20+2) : [12 + 2] = 14
2009-12-06 19:06:50.578 [PLAY] God?: miss
2009-12-06 19:06:54.890 [PLAY] Semkhet: :I
2009-12-06 19:07:10.718 [PLAY] God?: raige
2009-12-06 19:07:34.281 [PLAY] God?: go for it big guy
2009-12-06 19:07:55.984 [PLAY] Raige rages
2009-12-06 19:08:02.437 [PLAY] Raige rolls attack: (d20+6) : [8 + 6] = 14
2009-12-06 19:08:08.375 [PLAY] Raige: (ptear)
2009-12-06 19:08:11.093 [PLAY] God?: Raige runs over
2009-12-06 19:08:35.062 [PLAY] God?: and swings wildly and is met by ptear's sword
2009-12-06 19:08:46.109 [PLAY] God?: dror
2009-12-06 19:08:56.718 [PLAY] God?: oh wait
2009-12-06 19:08:59.437 [PLAY] God?: hench
2009-12-06 19:09:03.500 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [1] = 1
2009-12-06 19:09:08.140 [PLAY] God?: wow
2009-12-06 19:09:12.656 [PLAY] Semkhet: :x
2009-12-06 19:09:43.484 [PLAY] God?: raige's lumbering presence causes an involuntary release of urine in his target and turns to flee
2009-12-06 19:09:53.484 [PLAY] Semkhet: :x
2009-12-06 19:09:59.281 [PLAY] God?: raige you get an attack of opportunity
2009-12-06 19:10:06.828 [PLAY] Raige: rick dick
2009-12-06 19:10:13.250 [PLAY] Raige: wait
2009-12-06 19:10:14.609 [PLAY] Raige: nvm
2009-12-06 19:10:17.765 [PLAY] Raige rolls attack: (d20+6) : [16 + 6] = 22
2009-12-06 19:10:27.109 [PLAY] God?: roll damage
2009-12-06 19:10:31.781 [PLAY] Raige rolls hit: (d12+6) : [9 + 6] = 15
2009-12-06 19:10:37.390 [PLAY] Semkhet:

2009-12-06 19:11:19.921 [PLAY] God?: Raige's prowess was too much for ptear who kindly sat before bewidered at Raige's masterful stroke.
2009-12-06 19:11:46.890 [PLAY] God?: okay
2009-12-06 19:11:49.609 [PLAY] God?: dror
2009-12-06 19:11:53.593 [PLAY] Dror steps north so that peter is in view, aims, and fires his crossbow at peter
2009-12-06 19:12:11.000 [PLAY] God?: roll
2009-12-06 19:12:12.906 [PLAY] Dror rolls Attack (crossbow): (d20+3) : [17 + 3] = 20
2009-12-06 19:12:32.109 [PLAY] God?: hit
2009-12-06 19:12:36.265 [PLAY] Dror rolls Damage (crossbow): (d8) : [1] = 1
2009-12-06 19:12:39.953 [PLAY] Semkhet: :x
2009-12-06 19:12:59.218 [PLAY] God?: harthina
2009-12-06 19:12:59.781 [PLAY] Raige rages with laughter
2009-12-06 19:13:18.250 [PLAY] Semkhet sighs

2009-12-06 19:13:19.796 [PLAY] Harthina: ooop
2009-12-06 19:13:39.625 [PLAY] Harthina: I move over and also shoot at Peter.
2009-12-06 19:13:52.437 [PLAY] Harthina rolls d20+1: (d20+1) : [16 + 1] = 17
2009-12-06 19:13:58.968 [PLAY] God?: hit
2009-12-06 19:14:03.140 [PLAY] Harthina rolls d8: (d8) : [3] = 3
2009-12-06 19:14:06.687 [PLAY] God?: dead
2009-12-06 19:14:14.609 [PLAY] Semkhet: harthina is magic and can move through wall
2009-12-06 19:14:15.296 [PLAY] Semkhet: s
2009-12-06 19:14:25.687 [PLAY] Harthina: Oh, I didn't see that there.
2009-12-06 19:14:30.125 [PLAY] Harthina: No, I'm just, er...little...
2009-12-06 19:14:33.468 [PLAY] Harthina: Although that is actually true...
2009-12-06 19:14:52.750 [PLAY] Semkhet plays the final fantasy win theme
2009-12-06 19:14:59.250 [PLAY] Harthina: We still have one mook left.
2009-12-06 19:15:03.718 [PLAY] Harthina: I coup de grace him.
2009-12-06 19:15:04.656 [PLAY] Semkhet stops playing it
2009-12-06 19:15:09.890 [PLAY] God?: all is left is richard
2009-12-06 19:15:29.640 [PLAY] God?: who is totally digging this air right now
2009-12-06 19:15:43.828 [PLAY] Harthina: Okay, so, that's a wrap.
2009-12-06 19:15:49.234 [PLAY] Ed gets up?
2009-12-06 19:15:54.062 [PLAY] God?: yes
2009-12-06 19:15:59.062 [PLAY] Semkhet plays the final fantasy win theme
2009-12-06 19:16:15.218 [PLAY] God?: split four hundred five ways
2009-12-06 19:16:19.656 [PLAY] God?: that's the experience
2009-12-06 19:16:30.890 [PLAY] Ed: Tell me when you guys are done.
2009-12-06 19:16:32.968 [PLAY] Semkhet: 80
2009-12-06 19:17:06.781 [PLAY] God?: you may search them in the aftermath if you wish
2009-12-06 19:17:19.250 [PLAY] Dror: I search the idiowho tried to shaft me
2009-12-06 19:17:25.781 [PLAY] Dror: *idiot who
2009-12-06 19:17:35.750 [PLAY] Semkhet searches richard
2009-12-06 19:17:39.265 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [8] = 8
2009-12-06 19:17:51.015 [PLAY] God?: well he has a purse of eight silver pieces
2009-12-06 19:17:54.640 [PLAY] Semkhet: :D
2009-12-06 19:18:01.015 [PLAY] God?: and his standard equipment
2009-12-06 19:18:09.421 [PLAY] Dror searches peter
2009-12-06 19:18:21.890 [PLAY] Harthina: I search anyone left.
2009-12-06 19:18:33.203 [PLAY] God?: okay divying up
2009-12-06 19:18:34.250 [PLAY] Semkhet: (ptear)
2009-12-06 19:18:39.250 [PLAY] God?: you have four long swords
2009-12-06 19:18:41.734 [PLAY] God?: common
2009-12-06 19:18:55.468 [PLAY] God?: in ok condition
2009-12-06 19:19:00.343 [PLAY] Harthina: I say we give them to Raige with the aim of selling them in the near future.
2009-12-06 19:19:15.437 [PLAY] God?: studded leather armor
2009-12-06 19:19:32.718 [PLAY] God?: raith has an interesting ring
2009-12-06 19:19:43.000 [PLAY] God?: their purses combine for
2009-12-06 19:19:45.953 [PLAY] God? rolls 1d8+2: (1d8+2) : [3 + 2] = 5
2009-12-06 19:19:48.515 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [20] = 20
2009-12-06 19:19:49.531 [PLAY] God? rolls d20: (d20) : [7] = 7
2009-12-06 19:20:03.750 [PLAY] God?: five gold and 27 silver
2009-12-06 19:20:20.453 [PLAY] God?: not including the other purse that harthina found
2009-12-06 19:20:44.468 [PLAY] God?: their is also dror's bounty notice
2009-12-06 19:21:14.609 [PLAY] God?: that confirms exactly what raith was talking about
2009-12-06 19:21:32.593 [PLAY] God?: the cowled wizards aren't interested in Dror being alive
2009-12-06 19:21:35.593 [PLAY] God?: only intact
2009-12-06 19:24:30.312 [PLAY] Harthina: Hey, Dror, cast Detect Magic and see if it's magical.
2009-12-06 19:24:32.609 [PLAY] Harthina: I didn't prepare it.
2009-12-06 19:25:04.421 [PLAY] Dror casts detect magic
2009-12-06 19:26:16.890 [PLAY] God?: it is magical
2009-12-06 19:26:31.640 [PLAY] Dror: (for all three rounds)
2009-12-06 19:26:38.921 [PLAY] God?: hmm
2009-12-06 19:26:39.234 [PLAY] Semkhet falls asleep, standing up
2009-12-06 19:27:00.984 [PLAY] God?: the ring glows with the detect magic spell
2009-12-06 19:27:04.765 [PLAY] God?: the item is magical
2009-12-06 19:27:07.609 [PLAY] Harthina: Well, let's get it identified at some point, then.
2009-12-06 19:27:21.250 [PLAY] God?: quite
2009-12-06 19:27:21.781 [PLAY] Dror: but the spell also tells me the strength of the aura
2009-12-06 19:27:34.937 [PLAY] God?: it is rather common
2009-12-06 19:27:35.421 [PLAY] Dror: on the second round
2009-12-06 19:27:38.468 [PLAY] God?: in strength
2009-12-06 19:27:41.187 [PLAY] Dror: and the school of magic, on the third
2009-12-06 19:27:42.578 [PLAY] Harthina: Actually.
2009-12-06 19:27:50.703 [PLAY] Harthina: Dror, make a spellcraft check to--yeah.
2009-12-06 19:27:56.265 [PLAY] God?: run of the mill
2009-12-06 19:28:02.390 [PLAY] God?: i'll let it go this time
2009-12-06 19:28:02.812 [PLAY] Dror: with a DC 15 + spell level) check
2009-12-06 19:28:07.437 [PLAY] God?: let's get on with it
2009-12-06 19:28:39.562 [PLAY] God?: clouds rumble god is god bored?
2009-12-06 19:28:51.484 [PLAY] Semkhet: god is god bored
2009-12-06 19:28:59.796 [PLAY] Dror also reads the wanted notice
2009-12-06 19:29:14.234 [PLAY] Dror picks up the ring and pockets it