Okay, so the revised party list is....
Perihelion: Conjurer (lawful neutral human), battlefield control/summons
etheon: Rogue (chaotic evil halfling), skillmonkey/sneaky dude
Wyatt: Barbarian (orc, alignment tbd), raw damage
MegaFlare: Paladin (lawful good human/dragonborn if Sophie says it's okay), tank
Glitchfinder: Sorcerer (chaotic neutral human), buffs and debuffs
I'm not including Justin or LegacyX because I haven't seen them in a while and they haven't finished their shit, so I assume they're not playing. We're shaping up to have a nicely balanced party with a wide range of alignments, which should be interesting as far as party interaction goes. However, since Devvy's gone

( ilu bro maybe next time), we don't have a healer anymore. This is potentially problematic. Theoretically we could just give Mega a wand of cure light wounds and make him the healbitch (he's the only one who can use it presently), but having a paladin as the party's primary healer is a bad idea. I could also theoretically take the Arcane Disciple feat to add the healing domain to my spell list, but I don't especially want to do that since I already can't fit in all the feats I want. It's also way outside my character concept and will crimp my utility at preventing damage in the first place.
Uh, if anyone else joins, play a cleric or a druid, please, preferably a cleric. Cleric is actually a really badass class and one of the more powerful in the core books. You have twice as much HP as a wizard AND have medium BAB advancement (this means you are not abysmal at hitting things) AND can wear armor without spellcasting penalties AND have two good saves AND have full caster progression with automatic access to a large, versatile spell list.
D&D clerics are less
and more
You know you want to!